Strategic Plan 2018-2022 - Bleckley County Schools

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2018-2022 STRATEGIC PLAN Vision, Mission, & Beliefs

Vision/Motto/Brand Expect Excellence Mission Inspiring and Empowering Students for Lifelong Success

Beliefs We believe the main responsibility of our district is to insure a relevant, rigorous, and innovative education for all students. We believe schools exist for students to become lifelong learners. We believe students learn best in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment conducive to learning. We believe students must learn a positive work ethic and be motivated to become competent, contributing members of society. We believe students should take responsibility for and ownership of their learning. We believe learning is directly related to the quality of leadership, instructional, and support personnel. We believe a challenging and aligned curriculum taught by highly qualified, effective teachers helps insure success in our schools. We believe our schools should focus on student-centered learning that respects diversity and individual abilities. We believe the future of our society is shaped by our educational process. We believe students, families, teachers, and community members should form a partnership to insure the education of every individual.

2018-2022 STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic Statements Domain I: Leadership Capacity: Purpose/Continuous Improvement Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will maintain and communicate at all levels of the organization a purpose and direction for continuous improvement that commits to expectations of excellence for learning, as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching, learning, and measurable results.

Domain II: Leadership Capacity: Governance and Leadership Strategic Statement: The governing authority and leadership will adhere to policies that support system effectiveness and successful, positive student performance.

Domain III: Teaching and Learning Capacity: Teaching & Learning Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will utilize its curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices to guide and insure teacher effectiveness and student learning across all grades and courses.

Domain IV: Teaching and Learning: Using Data to Inform Instruction Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will implement a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and system effectiveness and will utilize the results to guide continuous improvement.

Domain V: Resource Capacity: Human Resource Allocation Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will allocate adequate resources necessary to attract, grow, and retain teachers, track and mentor student progress, and will provide the best collaborative learning environment possible for all stakeholders.

Domain VI: Resource Capacity: Technology Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will provide and integrate technological and informational resources into all aspects of educational processes to improve and support professional practice, student achievement, and organizational effectiveness.

Domain VII: Resource Capacity: Other Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will allocate and manage resources in alignment with current and long-term needs and priorities to improve student achievement and organizational effectiveness.


Domain I: Leadership Capacity: Purpose/Continuous Improvement Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will maintain and communicate at all levels of the organization a purpose and direction for continuous improvement that commits to expectations of excellence for learning, as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching, learning, and measurable results. GOAL 1: Increase student achievement.

 Review/revise mission, vision, and beliefs, as well as major system priori&es. (District Leadership Team and School Board: annually)  Review and revise school improvement plans and district improvement plan. (District and School Administrators: annually)  Implement an instruc&onal framework to define and iden&fy researchbased, effec&ve teaching strategies and professional prac&ces for teachers across the district. (Asst. Superintendent & School Administrators: ongoing)  Conduct an annual analysis of student achievement in accordance with the Strategic Waiver Systems contract with the Georgia Department of Educa&on and Governor’s Office of Student Achievement to iden&fy areas for improvement at each school. (School Administrators and Staff: annually)  Engage in a comprehensive process for the review and adop&on of instruc&onal resources in areas of iden&fied needs. (Assistant Superintendent and School Staff: annually)

GOAL 2: Design diverse educa1onal programs to meet the individual academic needs of students.

 Support current programs while exploring possibili&es to expand STE(A)M and CTAE offerings. (School Administrators: annually)  Facilitate and support school-based grant ini&a&ves aligned with school and district improvement plans in order to expand and increase diverse and innova&ve learning opportuni&es for all students. (District and School Administra&on: ongoing)  Con&nue to offer dual enrollment and alterna&ve instruc&onal opportuni&es to meet all students’ needs. (District and School Administra&on: ongoing)

GOAL 3: Promote effec1ve communica1on and rela1onships with stakeholders.

 Increase use of technology to share informa&on in a variety of methods with stakeholders and community. (District Administrators & School Staff: ongoing)  Develop a district communica&on plan. (District Administra&on & Board: Spring 2018)  Solicit feedback from all stakeholder groups to inform improvement plans. (District and School Administra&on: ongoing)  Provide quarterly opportuni&es for stakeholder involvement at each school, with at least one district-wide mee&ng conducted off-site. (District Administrators and Principals: quarterly)


Domain II: Leadership Capacity: Governance and Leadership Strategic Statement: The governing authority and leadership will adhere to policies that support system effectiveness and successful, positive student performance. GOAL 1: Improve organiza1onal effec1veness through the implementa1on of comprehensive staff evalua1ve processes and the u1liza1on of the findings to improve staff performance.

 Establish a formal, wri=en evalua&on for all system employees. (Supervisors: annually)  Use evalua&on results to provide addi&onal training as necessary. (Supervisors: ongoing)

GOAL 2: Iden1fy poten1al leaders and prepare current leaders for con1nued leadership effec1veness.

 Provide internal and/or external training for leaders. (District and School Administrators, HGRESA, Professional Organiza&ons: ongoing)  Establish process for iden&fying poten&al leaders. (Superintendent and Administrators: by May 2018)  Maintain database of poten&al leaders to insure leadership con&nuity. (Superintendent and Administrators: ongoing)

GOAL 3: Increase governance collabora1on and communica1on through adop1on and adherence to policies that promote system effec1veness.

 Review exis&ng policies regularly. (Superintendent and Board: annually)  Consider establishing new policies as a result of administra&ve recommenda&on and/or legisla&ve ini&a&ves. (Superintendent and Board: ongoing)  Increase the number of governing authority work sessions to quarterly to review and update Strategic Plan/Goals and discuss major ini&a&ves. (Superintendent and Board: quarterly)  Involve District Leadership Team in at least one work session per year to discuss successes, challenges, and needs. (Superintendent, District Leadership Team, and Board: at least once annually)


Domain III: Teaching and Learning Capacity: Teaching & Learning Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will utilize its curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices to guide and insure teacher effectiveness and student learning across all grades and courses. GOAL 1: Create and promote a culture of learning that helps students develop a9tudes, beliefs, and skills needed for success.

 Provide professional development opportuni&es that focus on the use of instruc&onal strategies to foster crea&vity, cri&cal thinking, and problemsolving. (Assistant Superintendent and Administrators: ongoing)  Provide opportuni&es for students to learn effec&ve communica&on skills in a variety of formats, including oral, wri=en, and digital. (School Administrators and Teachers: ongoing)  Implement strategies that focus on student literacy across all content areas. (School Administrators and Teachers: ongoing)

GOAL 2: Insure each learner has numerous opportuni1es to develop strong and mutually respec:ul rela1onships with the system’s adults and the learner’s peers.

 Develop and implement a formalized structure to insure each learner has an opportunity to build a rela&onship with at least one adult. (School Administrators and Teachers: Fall 2018, ongoing therea@er)  Iden&fy and provide supplemental instruc&on and support services for atrisk students. (School Administrators and Teachers: ongoing)  U&lize exis&ng support services and partners to assist students with transi&ons and personal challenges. (School Administrators and Teachers: ongoing)

GOAL 3: Implement a standards based curriculum focused on high expecta1ons and best prac1ces that prepare learners for their next level through personalized learning.

 Support STE(A)M and Fine Arts classes to analyze possibili&es for expansion. (School Administrators, Counselors, and Teachers: Spring 2019)  Explore addi&onal high school CTAE Career Pathways and/or accelerated academic tracks. (District, High and Middle School Administrators: Fall 2018 and ongoing therea@er)  Expand college and career days to introduce students to more diverse educa&onal opportuni&es. (School Administrators & Counselors: ongoing)  Develop individualized career and educa&onal plans for all students in grades 6-12. (School Administrators & Counselors: Spring 2018)  Explore establishing a partnership with Central Georgia Technical College to increase students’ area employment opportuni&es and skill sets. (District and High School Administrators and Board: January 2018)  Explore the crea&on of a local College and Career Academy in partnership with CGTC. (District and High School Administrators and Board: January 2019)


Domain IV: Teaching and Learning: Using Data to Inform Instruction Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will implement a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and system effectiveness and utilize the results to guide continuous improvement. GOAL 1: Monitor and adjust instruc1on to meet individual learners’ needs and the district’s learning expecta1ons.

 Con&nue to analyze data to monitor and adjust instruc&on to meet individual learners’ needs. (Teachers: ongoing)  Con&nue ver&cal alignment mee&ngs to monitor and adjust instruc&on for individual learners. (School Administrators and Teachers: ongoing)

GOAL 2: Develop and maintain a comprehensive data system for monitoring student progress (PK-12) in making decisions to improve educa1onal prac1ce and student achievement.

 U&lize assessment data to iden&fy areas of instruc&on that require emphasis in order to raise achievement and increase CCRPI scores. (School Administrators and Teachers: ongoing)  Implement common instruc&onal strategies that are differen&ated based on the needs of students as iden&fied from forma&ve and summa&ve assessment data. (School Administrators, Teachers, and Data Teams: Fall 2018 and ongoing therea@er)  Regularly review assessment data to inform instruc&on and to make plans for remedia&on, re-teaching, and enrichment. (School Administrators, Teachers, and Data Teams: ongoing)  Provide professional development for teachers and leaders on data interpreta&on. (District Administra&on, School Administra&on, Teachers, and Data Teams: ongoing)

 GOAL 3: Implement processes to iden1fy and address the specialized needs of learners.

 Bring uniformity to the RTI process across the system. (Director of Student Support: Spring 2018)  Where feasible, hire academic coaches to support processes that iden&fy and address specialized learning needs. (Superintendent and Board: Fall 2018 and ongoing therea@er)


Domain V: Resource Capacity: Human Resource Allocation Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will appropriately distribute ample resources to provide necessary support to attract, grow, and retain teachers, mentor students and track student progress, and provide the best collaborative learning environment possible for all stakeholders. GOAL 1: All staff will par1cipate in jobembedded and job-specific professional learning based on needs iden1fied through surveys and student achievement data.

 Provide ample opportuni&es for staff to par&cipate in job-embedded, jobspecific professional learning. (District and School Administrators: ongoing)  The district and schools will u&lize student achievement results and survey data to iden&fy needs for professional learning opportuni&es. (District and School Administrators: ongoing)

GOAL 2: The district will provide induc1on, mentoring, and coaching programs to insure all staff have the knowledge and skills to improve student performance and organiza1onal effec1veness.

 Con&nue to u&lize Georgia’s Teacher Keys Effec&veness System (TKES) and Leader Keys Effec&veness System (LKES) including growth measure components as applicable and required by the state. (School Administrators: ongoing)  Con&nue support for induc&on phase teachers through mentoring and training. (Assistant Superintendent: ongoing)

GOAL 3: The district will aAract, grow, and retain qualified personnel in order to meet the district purpose and direc1on.

 Con&nue to adver&se posi&ons in a variety of methods to recruit diverse, qualified staff. (District staff: ongoing)  Implement effec&ve Professional Learning Communi&es (PLCs) in all schools. (School Administrators: ongoing)  The district will provide a compe&&ve benefits package for all employees. (Benefits Commi=ee, Superintendent, Finance Director, and Board: ongoing)

GOAL 4: The district will establish funding priori1es to meet human resource needs.

 The district will priori&ze funding to insure adequate instruc&onal resources. (Superintendent, Finance Director, and Board: ongoing)  The district will u&lize the Resource Alloca&on Methodology Plan (RAMP) to inform funding priori&es. (Superintendent, Federal Programs Director, Finance Director, and Board: ongoing)


Domain VI: Resource Capacity: Technology Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will provide and integrate technological and informational resources into all aspects of educational processes to improve and support professional practices, student achievement, and organizational effectiveness. GOAL 1: Insure ample access to technology for teachers, students, and support staff.

 Maintain and update network infrastructure, processing capability, and storage capacity. (Technology Director: annually)  Enhance the security protocol by implemen&ng and maintaining a mobile device management component. (Technology Director: Spring 2018)  Increase student access to wireless devices by implemen&ng a 1:1 plan. (Technology Director and Superintendent: Fall 2019)  Develop and implement a Technology Plan for maintenance and replacement of all devices. (Technology Director: Fall 2018)

GOAL 2: U1lize technology to increase school and district communica1on, produc1vity, and efficiency.

 Provide professional training based on technology needs iden&fied through surveys or through student achievement data. (School Administrators: annually)  Provide FERPA and security training to all employees. (Technology Staff and School Administrators: annually)  U&lize an evalua&on component that reviews the degree of instruc&onal technology used in all classrooms. (School Administrators: Fall 2019)  Evaluate and update methods of communica&on with parents, students, and stakeholders. (District and School Administra&on: annually)


Domain VII: Resource Capacity: Other Strategic Statement: Bleckley County Schools will allocate and manage resources in alignment with current and long-term needs and priorities to improve student achievement and organizational effectiveness. GOAL 1: The district will implement and demonstrate formal planning processes for long-range strategic resource management of budgets, facili1es, and other organiza1onal needs in support of the district’s purpose and direc1on, to include a safe and invi1ng environment for parents, students, and staff.

 Maintain, refurbish, and replace route buses in accordance with a prescribed plan. (Director of Opera&ons, Transporta&on Director, and Shop Foreman: annually)  Provide a comprehensive bus rider safety program for all students in grades PK-12. (Transporta&on Director, Bus Drivers, School Administra&on, and Teachers: ongoing)  Insure a safe and secure environment for teaching and learning. (District and School Administrators and All Staff Members: ongoing)  Evaluate facili&es to assess the status of instruc&onal space, common service areas, mechanical plaEorms, and athle&c facili&es to iden&fy emerging needs, and revise Local Facili&es Plan as needed. (Superintendent and Director of Opera&ons: annually)  Review and update policies and procedures to align business prac&ces, including IRS regula&ons and GAAP financial repor&ng, to district goals and strategies. (Superintendent and Finance Director: ongoing)


APPENDICES A. Learning & Operational Targets B. Georgia Vision Project Goals Embedded within Strategic Plan C. Proposed Timeline for Construction of New BCPS, School and Athletic Renovations

Appendix A – Learning & Opera onal Targets

Learning Targets Milestones Assessments (% of students passing) BCES 3rd Grade ELA: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 rd 3 Grade Math: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 th 4 Grade ELA: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 th 4 Grade Math: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 5th Grade ELA: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 th 5 Grade Math: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 th 5 Grade Science: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 5th Grade SS: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4

Actual Actual Actual Target Target Target Target Target FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 46 12

38 11

42 12

45 13

50 14

55 15

60 16

65 17

46 6

38 10

49 10

52 11

57 12

62 13

67 14

72 15

49 11

47 13

48 14

51 15

56 16

61 17

66 18

71 19

48 10

51 8

49 16

52 13

57 15

62 16

67 17

72 18

51 12

59 8

48 7

51 15

56 16

61 17

66 18

71 19

43 10

39 9

42 9

45 17

50 18

55 19

60 20

65 21

45 4

51 8

59 14

62 15

67 16

72 17

77 18

82 19

44 14

56 19

50 23

53 23

58 24

63 25

68 26

73 27

Appendix A – Learning & Opera onal Targets

BCMS 6th Grade ELA: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 th 6 Grade Math: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 th 7 Grade ELA: Passing (L3 & L4) Level 4 th 7 Grade Math: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 8th Grade ELA: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 th 8 Grade Math: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 th 8 Grade Science: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 8th Grade SS: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4

Actual Actual Actual Target Target Target Target Target FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 48 9

53 6

51 9

53 11

55 12

57 13

59 14

61 15

40 13

51 10

62 17

64 18

66 19

68 20

70 21

72 22

41 5

47 10

43 9

45 10

47 11

49 12

51 13

52 14

45 11

53 22

47 18

49 19

51 20

53 21

55 22

57 23

46 9

51 7

54 14

56 15

58 16

60 17

62 18

64 19

59 42

66 23

62 32

64 33

66 34

68 35

70 36

72 37

45 5

41 6

48 15

49 16

50 17

51 18

52 19

53 20

37 8

40 8

51 12

52 13

53 14

54 15

55 16

56 17

Appendix A – Learning & Opera onal Targets

BCHS 9th Grade Lit: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 American Lit: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 Algebra 1: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 Geometry: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 Biology: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 Physical Science: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 US History: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4 Economics: Passing (L3 &4) Level 4

Actual Actual Actual Target Target Target Target Target FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 54 11

52 6

58 7

60 11

62 12

64 13

66 14

68 15

46 12

47 11

60 15

62 16

64 17

66 18

68 19

70 20

43 12

49 17

46 10

48 12

49.75 13.75

51.25 15.5

52.5 16.75

53.5 18.25

44 12

44 12

59 20

60 21.5

62 22.75

64 23.75

66 24.5

68 25

47 10

54 11

50 13

52 14

53 14

55 15

56 16

57 17

38 2

45 5

50 8

52 8

54 9

56 9

58 10

61 10

34 8

46 7

47 5

49 6

51 7

53 8

55 9

57 10

35 4

48 12

67 13

69 14

72 15

75 16

78 17

81 18

Appendix A – Learning & Opera onal Targets

Other Operational Targets CCRPI

Actual FY15

Actual FY16

Actual FY17

Target FY18

Target FY19

Target FY20

Target FY21

BCPS: Overall Score NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Progress Points NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BCES: Overall Score 85.7 85.8 87.2 88.5 89.0 89.5 90.0 Progress Points 35.1 35.4 35.5 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 BCMS: Overall Score 81.8 80.6 87.9 88.5 89.0 89.5 90.0 Progress Points 34.0 34.1 38.4 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 BCHS Overall Score 88.1 88.5 89.6 90.0 90.5 91.0 91.5 Progress Points 40.0 37.6 36.8 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 BCSA Overall Score NA 39.5 21.9 50.0 55.0 60.0 62.5 Achievement Pts NA 16.3 10.7 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 District Overall Score 84.6 83.7 86.5 88.8 89.3 89.8 90.3 School Climate Star Rating (0-5): BCPS 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 BCES 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 BCMS 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 BCHS 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 BCSA 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 Graduation Rate: BCHS 4-Yr Cohort 89.4 97.3 98.0 98.4 98.8 99.2 99.6 BCSA 4-Yr Cohort NA 67.9 45.8 70.0 73.0 75.0 77.0 District 4-Yr 89.4 92.6 91.0 93.0 94.0 94.5 95.0 Attendance (FY15-FY7: absent