Straw Men. Martin J. Smith. 321 pages. 2001. 9780515129502 ... - Bitly

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Straw men don't get Lyme disease: response to Wood and Lafferty, wood and Lafferty [1](hereafter WL) attempt a synthesis
Straw Men. Martin J. Smith. 321 pages. 2001. 9780515129502. Jove Books, 2001 The use of straw men in the economic evaluation of rail transport projects, as Don H. Pickrell (1989) has shown, economic evaluations of federally funded rail systems have consistently underestimated capital and operating costs, often by large amounts, while overestimating future ridership and benefits. Halcrow Fox and Associates (1989) reached. Of corporate persons and straw men: A reply to Herbert, Green, and Larragoite, we appreciate this opportunity to respond to Herbert, Green, and Larragoite's critique (in this volume) of our challenge to Gottfredson and Hirschi's (1990) neoclassical theory of crime (Reed and Yeager, 1996). Theoretical positions are by nature provisional and contentious. Icons, straw men and precision: Reflections on demographic theories of fertility decline, despite the passage of half a century since 'demographic transition theory first appeared in English-language demographic literature, many would agree that relatively little progress has been made toward refinement and testing of leading theoretical ideas, or towards. Children's influence on family dynamics: The neglected side of family relationships, perspective on This Key Parenting Skill Deborah M. Capaldi Straw Men, Untested Assumptions, and Bi-directional Models: A Response to Capaldi and Brody Margaret Kerr and HÃ¥kan Stattin How Do Children Affect Parents' Marriage and Other Family Relationships. Jousting with straw men: comment on Westen, Novotny, and Thompson-Brenner (2004, empirically supported treatments (ESTs) do not cure every patient, and the randomized trial is not a flawless methodology. Upon these often-noted and widely accepted points, D. Westen, CM Novotny, and H. Thompson-Brenner (2004a) built a critique of ESTs. Compatibility between cultural studies and conceptual change in science education: there is more to acknowledge than to fight straw men, in this response, we attempt to clarify our position on conceptual change, state our position on mental models being a viable construct to represent learning, indicate important issues from the social cultural perspective that can inform our work on conceptual change and lastly. Crusading against straw men: an alternative view of alternative archaeologies: response to Holtorf (2005, judith: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan? Loretta: I want to have babies. Reg: You want to have babies?! Loretta: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them. Reg: But... you can't have babies. Loretta: Don't you oppress me. Reg: I'm not oppressing. The straw men of the qualitative-quantitative divide and their influence on mixed methods research, mixed method research design is one of the fastest growing areas in research methodology today. Its aims and benefits appear rather simple: take the best of qualitative (QL) and quantitative (QN) methods and combine them. However, many debates on mixed method. Straw men and false dichotomies: Overcoming philosophical confusion in chemical education, constructivism has been widely considered the most influential perspective in science education research for some decades, and has been the basis of widespread pedagogic advice in many educational contexts. Yet it has been claimed in this Journal that. Historicism, chronology and straw men: situating Hawkes''Ladder of Inference, hOPF, M. 1991. South and southwest Europe. in Van Zeist el ol. led): 241-78. C. BROMBACHER & M. DICK. 1991. Palasoatlmo- botanical work on Swiss Neolithic and Bronze Age lake dwellings over the past ten years. in JM Runfrow [cri.), New light on eurl,v farming: recent d~velopments. Straw men, weak men, and hollow men, one encounters the straw man virtually anywhere there is an argument. This is especially so in the heated exchanges about politics and religion on Cable TV talk shows, talk radio, internet discussion forums, and newspaper op-ed pages. Most students know the straw man as a type. Metacrap: Putting the torch to seven straw-men of the meta-utopia, metadata is data about data--information like keywords, page-length, title, word-count, abstract, location, SKU, ISBN, and so on. Explicit, human-generated metadata has enjoyed recent trendiness, especially in the world of XML. A typical scenario goes like this: a number. The straw men of primary health care, the following paper discusses the progress made in providing primary health care (PHC) to the developing world in the 10 years following the joint WHO/UNICEF International Conference on Primary Health Care held at Alma Ata, USSR, in 1978. UNICEF. Straw men don't get Lyme disease: response to Wood and Lafferty, wood and Lafferty [1](hereafter WL) attempt a synthesis of two views of the ecological factors underlying variable Lyme disease (LD) risk. LD emerged during the 1970s following the post-agricultural reforestation of the northeastern USA, which provided the habitat required. Straw men and fairy tales: Evaluating reactions to a natural history of rape, in this paper we respond to two frequent criticisms of our book, A Natural History of Rape (Thornhill & Palmer, 2000). The first criticism portrays the book as little more than a justâ so story that human rape is an adaptation. We demonstrate that this portrayal is not accurate. Battered women, straw men and expert testimony: A comment on State v. Kelly, often the reaction of the battered wife is delayed and occurs at an uncommonly serene moment. At other times--as in the case analyzed here--the prior beatings are offered to explain the wife's perception of the husband's seemingly innocuous (or certainly nonlife. Red herrings, dead horses, straw men, and blind alleys: Escaping the stuttering conundrum, regret is expressed for the energies being dissipated by colleagues addressing outmoded hypothetical constructs pertaining to the onset, development, and maintenance of stuttering. Following a review of the development of the author's thinking regarding fluency disorders. Tilting at straw men, january 2002 Journal of Democracy was, in principle, directed at donors in general, all the examples and citations referred exclusively to the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Carothers's critique would be trenchant, even devastating, if it accurately portrayed. The informational content of quarterly earnings: An extension and some further evidence, 1. See David Green, Jr., and Joel Segall, The Predictive Power of FirstQuarter Earnings Reports, Journal of Business 40 (January 1967): 44-55; Brickbats and Straw Men: A Reply to Brown and Niederhoffer, ibid. 41 (Oc- tober 1968): 498502; Return of Strawman, ibid. Strongmen and straw men: Authoritarian regimes and the initiation of international conflict, how do domestic institutions affect autocratic leaders' decisions to initiate military conflicts? Contrary to the conventional wisdom, I argue that institutions in some kinds of dictatorships allow regime insiders to hold leaders accountable for their foreign policy decisions. by CT Palmer, R Thornhill