Streaming Anomaly Detection Using Randomized Matrix Sketching [PDF]

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streaming data could be infinite, so offline algorithms that attempt to store the entire stream for analysis will not ... and therefore dramatically reduce the complexity of further analysis. ... very large data sets that arise in streaming applications.
Streaming Anomaly Detection Using Randomized Matrix Sketching Hao Huang General Electric Global Research [email protected]

Shiva Kasiviswanathan General Electric Global Research [email protected]

Abstract Data is continuously being generated from sources such as machines, network traffic, application logs, etc. Timely and accurate detection of anomalies in massive data streams have important applications such as in preventing machine failures, intrusion detection, and dynamic load balancing. In this paper, we introduce a novel anomaly detection algorithm, which can detect anomalies in a streaming fashion by making only one pass over the data while utilizing limited storage. The algorithm uses ideas from matrix sketching and randomized lowrank matrix approximations to maintain, in a streaming model, a set of few orthogonal vectors that form a good approximate basis for the data. Using this constructed orthogonal basis, anomalies in new incoming data are detected based on a simple reconstruction error test. We theoretically prove that our algorithm compares favorably with an offline approach based on global singular value decomposition updates. The experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach over other popular fast anomaly detection methods.



Detecting anomalies in huge volumes of data has many important real-life applications in areas such as machine health monitoring, intrusion detection systems, financial fraud detection, and medical diagnosis [8, 1]. However, it is also a challenging problem because in many modern applications the data arrives in a streaming fashion. The streaming data could be infinite, so offline algorithms that attempt to store the entire stream for analysis will not scale. Also in these situations, there is usually a lack of a complete (labeled) training set as new anomalous and non-anomalous patterns arise over time (this is sometimes referred to as concept drift). A common requirement in many mission-critical applications is to detect anomalies in near real-time, as new data values are encountered. Although a lot of recent research has been focused on streaming anomaly detection [8, 1], there is still lack of theoretically sound and practically effective algorithms that operate efficiently in a streaming model by making just one pass over the data. In practice, however, because of inherent correlations in the data, it is possible to reduce a large sized numerical stream into just a handful of hidden bases that can compactly describe the key patterns [31], and therefore dramatically reduce the complexity of further analysis. This general idea has been referred to as the subspace method in the literature [22, 20, 19, 11]. We exploit this observation in our proposed algorithms by maintaining a set of few orthogonal vectors that conceptually constitute up-to-date normal patterns. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to anomaly detection in an unsupervised setting based on ideas from matrix sketching.1 We use matrix sketching to maintain (over time) a low-rank matrix with orthogonal columns that can linearly represent well all the identified non-anomalous datapoints. We utilize this for anomaly detection as follows: let U be a low-rank matrix representing all non-anomalous datapoints till time t − 1, for a new datapoint y arriving at time t, if there does not exist a good representation of y using U , then y does not lie close to the space of non-anomalous datapoints, and y could be an anomaly. At the end of timestep t, the low-rank matrix is updated to capture all the non-anomalous points introduced at t. For efficient sketching, we adapt a recent deterministic sketching algorithm called Frequent Directions (proposed by Liberty [26]) and combine it with ideas from the theory of randomized low-rank matrix approximations. The 1

Informally, a sketch of a matrix Z is another matrix Z 0 that is of smaller size than Z, but still approximates it well.


Frequent Directions algorithm operates in a streaming model and constructs a sketch matrix using a (surprisingly) simple idea of “shrinking” a few orthogonal vectors. Our Contributions. We propose a novel streaming anomaly detection algorithm for the unsupervised setting. Our theoretical analysis generalizes the analysis of Frequent Directions by [26, 12, 13] and combines it with recent results in matrix perturbation theory [9] to prove that our streaming algorithm has a similar performance to that of a global algorithm based on costly singular value decomposition updates. Our proposed algorithm has the following salient features: (1) It can identify anomalies in near-real time, ensuring that the detection keeps up with the rate of data collection. (2) It is pass-efficient, in that only one pass is required for each datapoint. (3) It is space-efficient and require only a small amount of bookkeeping space. (4) It easily adapts to unseen normal patterns and provide timely updated identification of anomalies. Our experimental results corroborate the performance and scalability of our approach on datasets drawn from diverse domains such as biomedical, network security, and broadcast news.


Related Work

Anomaly detection is a well-studied topic and we refer the reader to the excellent surveys by Chandola et al. [8] and Aggarwal et al. [1] for an introduction. We only mention a few relevant results here. Many anomaly detection approaches have been suggested based on approximating the sample density. This includes distance-based methods [4] and manifold based methods [18]. However, these methods don’t work well on large datasets since they require either computing all pair-wise distances or the complete affinity matrix, both of which are time and space consuming. Recently, inlier-based outlier detection methods were proposed in [17]. However, their training and computational complexity requirements render them unsuitable for real-time streaming applications. Some more efficient techniques such as IForest [27] and Mass [32] are based on attribute-wise analysis. But they tend to fail when the distribution for anomalous points becomes less discriminative, e.g., if the anomalous and non-anomalous points share similar attribute range/distribution [18]. Subspace methods are popular for distributed anomaly detection [22, 20, 25, 19, 11, 10]. But the previously proposed methods here, either make decisions using a sliding time window [20] or utilize a random subspace embedding to project each point to a lower dimension space [11]. However, our proposed algorithm at time t makes decisions utilizing a sketch of the entire data history till t, and also it operates in the original feature space thereby avoiding the instability issues that arise from random subspace embedding. In a streaming setup the training set is usually never perfect, and the detection model needs to be updated as new data comes in. The ideal scenario is to detect the arrival of a new normal pattern, and then improve the model suitably. Some methods achieve this by relying on probabilistic modeling of the data distributions and monitoring the likelihood for new-coming observations; see the survey by Markou and Singh [29]. But they usually rely on accessing the whole of the past historical data at each timestep. Hence, these methods cannot efficiently deal with very large data sets that arise in streaming applications. Kernel-based online anomaly detection algorithm proposed by Ahmed et al. [2] uses a dictionary learnt over normal data to detect anomalies. The dictionary atoms are updated using a simple heuristic rule, but [2] provide no theoretical guarantees on the performance of the algorithm.




Notation. We denote [n] = 1 : n. Vectors are always in column-wise fashion and are denoted by boldface letters. For a vector v, v> denotesPits transpose and kvk denotes its Euclidean norm. For a matrix Z ∈ Rm×n = {zi,j }, its 2 , and its spectral norm kZk = sup {kZvk : kvk = 1}. We use rank(Z) to denote Frobenius norm kZk2F = ij zij the rank of Z. We use Z  0 to denote that if Z is a positive semidefinite matrix, and if Z − Y  0, then we write Z  Y . For a vector (z1 , . . . , zm ) ∈ Rm , diag(z1 , . . . , zm ) ∈ Rm×m denotes a diagonal matrix with z1 , . . . , zm as its diagonal entries. Given a matrix Z, we abuse notation and use y ∈ Z to represent that y is a column in Z. Let Im denote an identity matrix of dimension m × m. Given a set of matrices, Z1 , . . . , Zt , we use the notation Z[t] to denote the matrix obtained by horizontally concatenating Z1 , . . . , Zt , i.e., Z[t] = [Z1 | . . . |Zt ]. We use S VD(Z) to denote the singular value decomposition of Z, i.e., S VD(Z) = U ΣV > . Here U is an m × m orthogonal matrix, Σ is an m × n diagonal matrix, and V is an n × n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal entries of Σ are known as the singular values of Z. We follow the common convention to list the singular values in nonincreasing order. For a symmetric matrix S ∈ Rm×m , we use E IG(S) to denote its eigenvalue decomposition, i.e., U ΛU > = E IG(S). Here U is an m × m orthogonal matrix and Λ is an m × m diagonal matrix whose (real) entries are λ1 , . . . , λm are known as the eigenvalues of S (again listed in non-increasing order). m×n is Z = k Pk The best>rank-k approximation (in both the spectral and Frobenius norm) to a matrix Z ∈ R σ u v , where σ ≥ σ ≥ · · · ≥ σ are the top-k singular values of Z, with associated left and right singular i i 1 2 k i i=1 vectors ui ∈ Rm and vi ∈ Rn , respectively. We use S VDk (Z) to denote the the singular value decomposition of Zk , i.e., Zk = S VDk (Z) = Uk Σk Vk> . Here Σk = diag(σ1 , . . . , σk ) ∈ Rk×k , Uk = [u1 , . . . , uk ] ∈ Rm×k , and Vk = [v1 , . . . , vk ] ∈ Rn×k . The following celebrated theorem bounds the approximation error. Theorem 1. [14] Let Z ∈ Rm×n with n > m, and let σ1 ≥ · · · ≥ σm be the singular values of Z. Let Uk Σk Vk> = S VDk (Z). Then min rank(X)≤k

min rank(X)≤k

kZ − Xk2 = kZ − Uk Σk Vk> k2 = σk+1 , v u X u m > 2 . kZ − XkF = kZ − Uk Σk Vk kF = t σk+1 j=k+1

Definition 1. Define the k-condition number of a matrix Z ∈ Rm×n with n > m as κk (Z) = σ1 /σk ≥ 1 where σ1 ≥ · · · ≥ σm are the singular values of Z. The following claim is quite standard. Claim 2. Let Z ∈ Rm×n , and let Zk be a rank-k approximation of Z according to Theorem 1. For any vector x ∈ Rm , κk (Z)kZk> xk ≥ kZ > xk. Proof. Follows from the fact that kZ > xk ≤ σ1 (Z)kxk ≤ σ1 (Z)

kZk> xk = κk (Z)kZk> xk, σk (Z)

where the last inequality comes from: kZk> xk ≥ σk (Zk )kxk = σk (Z)kxk.


Streaming Anomaly Detection

In this section, we propose an anomaly detection scheme for streaming data based on matrix sketching, and also provide theoretical guarantees for its efficacy. We start by describing the problem of streaming anomaly detection. 3

Streaming Anomaly Detection Task. We assume that the data arrives in streams. Let {Yt ∈ Rm×nt , t = 1, 2, . . . } denote a sequence of streaming data matrices, where Yt represents the datapoints introduced at timestep t. Here m is the size of the feature space, and nt is the number of datapoints arriving at time t. We typically assume that there are more datapoints than number of features (nt > m).2 We normalize Yt such that each column (point) in Yt has a unit L2 -norm. Under this setup, the goal of streaming anomaly detection is to identify “anomalous datapoints” in Yt at every timestep t. Our Anomaly Detection Framework. Our idea is based on maintaining, at every timestep t, a low-rank matrix with orthogonal columns that can reconstruct “well” all the prior (till time t − 1) non-anomalous datapoints that the algorithm has identified. At time t, a new point yi ∈ Yt is marked as anomaly if it can not be well (linearly) reconstructed using these basis vectors (intuitively, if yi does not lie “close” to the space of non-anomalous points). Similar ideas based on using the projection of the data onto a residual subspace as means for detecting anomalies are quite popular and are also known to empirically work well [22, 20, 19, 10, 25].3 More formally, let Y[t−1]good be the set of all non-anomalous datapoints that the algorithm has identified till time t − 1 (i.e., Y[t−1]good is Y[t−1] restricted to non-anomalous datapoints).4 Consider the rank-k approximation of Y[t−1]good for an appropriately chosen parameter k.5 > Y[t−1]good = S VDk (Y[t−1]good ) = Ut−1k Σt−1k Vt−1 . k k

First observation is that Ut−1k is a “good” rank-k matrix to linearly represent all the points in Y[t−1]good .6 This > : follows from the observation that by setting X = Σt−1k Vt−1 k min kY[t−1]good − Ut−1k Xk2F ≤ kY[t−1]good − Y[t−1]good k2F . k


The bound on kY[t−1]good − Y[t−1]good k2F follows from Theorem 1. In many practical scenarios, most of the mass k from Y[t]good would be in its top-k singular values, resulting in kY[t−1]good − Y[t−1]good k2F being small. k We can now use Ut−1k to detect anomalies in Yt by following a simple approach. Since Ut−1k is a good basis to linearly reconstruct all the observed non-anomalous points in Y[t−1] , we can use it to test whether a point yi ∈ Yt is “close” to space of non-anomalous points or not. This can be easily achieved by solving the following simple least-squares problem: min kyi − Ut−1k xk. x


As the columns of Ut−1k are orthogonal to each other, this least-squares problem has a simple closed-form solution > U > y = U > y . The objective value of (1) at x∗ is used as the anomaly score to decide if x∗ = (Ut−1 )−1 Ut−1 t−1k i k t−1k k i yi is anomalous or not, with larger objective values denoting anomalies. In other words, the anomaly score for yi is > )y k. Note that this anomaly score is exactly the length of the orthogonal projection of y onto k(Im − Ut−1k Ut−1 i i k the orthogonal complement Ut−1k . In Algorithm A NOM D ETECT, we present a simple prototype procedure for anomaly detection based on maintaining the left singular vectors (corresponding to the top-k singular values) of the streaming data. Since we have normalized all input points (yi ’s) to have unit L2 -length, the objective values in (1) for all points are in the same scale. The Algorithm A NOM D ETECT alternates between an anomaly detection and singular vector updating step. In the anomaly detection step, we use the past singular vectors to detect anomalies among the new incoming points by 2

The algorithm and the analysis can be easily reworked if this assumption does not hold. These prior works typically use residual of the principal component representation. 4 At time t = 1, a training set consisting of only non-anomalous data is used to bootstrap the process. As we discuss in Section 5, this training set could be very small. 5 We defer the discussion on setting of k to later. Readers could think of k as a small number, much smaller than m or nt . 6 It is possible to use other (non-SVD) matrix factorization approaches to construct a basis matrix that can linearly represent Y[t−1]good , however, using a low-rank SVD is attractive becomes it naturally comes with guarantees of Theorem 1. 3


Algorithm 1: A NOM D ETECT (prototype algorithm for detecting anomalies at time t) Input: Yt ∈ Rm×nt (new observance), Ut−1k ∈ Rm×k (low-rank matrix with orthogonal columns), and ζ ∈ R (threshold parameter). Anomaly score construction step: Ytgood ← [ ] , Ytbad ← [ ] for each point (column) yi ∈ Yt do Solve the following least-squares problem: > y ) x∗i = argminx kyi − Ut−1k xk (=⇒ x∗i ← Ut−1 k i > Define anomaly score: ai ← k(Im − Ut−1k Ut−1k )yi k if ai ≤ ζ then Ytgood ← [Ytgood |yi ] else Ytbad ← [Ytbad |yi ] (yi is marked as anomaly) end if end for Updating the singular vectors: Generate Utk ∈ Rm×k , a matrix with orthogonal columns which is (or approximates) the left singular vectors corresponding to top-k singular values of Y[t]good (could use either Algorithms 2, 3, or 4 here) Return: Ytgood , Ytbad , and Utk

thresholding on the objective value of the least-squares problem (1). It is important to note that the thresholding also highly depends on the setting of ζ, which we will analyze in Section 5. We note here that our above framework is reminiscent to that used in dictionary learning where the goal is to estimate a collection of basis vectors over which a given data collection can be accurately reconstructed [28, 21]. In that context, Ut−1k is referred to as the dictionary matrix. The main challenge comes in updating the singular vectors. To start off, we first present an inefficient (but simple) approach based on global SVD updates, and later show how ideas from matrix sketching and randomized low-rank matrix approximations could be used to speedup the updating without any significant loss in quality.


Global Algorithm

The simplest way of updating the singular vectors (without any errors) is to simply (re)generate them from the globally collected sample set Y[t]good . A more mature approach for incrementally and correctly generating the singular vectors of a matrix (with addition of new columns) [5] is outlined in Algorithm G LOBAL U PDATE. Algorithm 2: G LOBAL U PDATE (global update of the singular vectors at time t) ˆt−1 , Σ ˆ t−1 , and Yt Input: U ∈ Rm×nt good ˆ t−1 |U ˆ > Yt ] F ← [Σ t−1


UF ΣF VF> ← S VD(F ) ˆt ← U ˆt−1 UF U ˆ Σt ← ΣF ˆt ← [u1 , . . . uk ] (where U ˆt = [u1 , . . . , um ]) U k ˆ ˆ ˆ Return: Ut , Σt , and Utk We mention here that there is one additional line of work, referred to as Incremental Principal Component Analysis [16, 23, 7, 3], that attempts to maintain a low-rank approximation of a matrix Z (using SVD and a small 5

amount of bookkeeping) as rows/columns of Z arrive in a stream. The low-rank approximation is updated after addition each new set of rows/columns. However, as noted before in [12], these approaches can have arbitrarily bad matrix approximation error on adversarial data. In Section 5, we also present experimental evidence demonstrating that, for anomaly detection, our approach outperforms a recent P incremental PCA technique proposed by [3]. At timestep t, Algorithm G LOBAL U PDATE takes O(m2 tj=1 njgood ) time, where njgood denotes the number of P columns in the matrix Yjgood (thus tj=1 njgood is the number of columns in Y[t]good ). It is obvious that a significant disadvantage of Algorithm G LOBAL U PDATE is that both its computational and memory requirement increases with time. We overcome this problem by using an efficient matrix sketching approach outlined next. Importantly, we show that while gaining in computational efficiency, the sketching approach still produces anomaly scores which are similar to that of the Algorithm G LOBAL U PDATE.


Sketching Algorithm

In his recent paper Liberty [26] showed that by adapting the Misra and Gries [30] approach for approximating frequency counts in a stream, one could obtain additive error bounds for matrix sketching. More formally, in the setting of [26], the input is a matrix Z ∈ Rp×d . In each step, one row of Z is processed by the algorithm (called Frequent Directions in [26]) in a streaming fashion, and the algorithm iteratively updates a matrix Q ∈ Rq×d (q  p) such that for any unit vector x ∈ Rd , kZxk2 − kQxk2 ≤ 2kZk2F /q. Recently Ghashami and Philips [12] reanalyzed the Frequent Directions algorithm to show that it provides relative error bounds for low-rank matrix approximation. Instead of Q, their algorithm return Qk (a rank-k approximation of Q) and their main result shows that kZk2F − kQk k2F ≤ q/(q − k) · kZ − Zk k2F . Our approach for updating the singular vectors (outlined in Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE) is based on extending the Frequent Directions algorithm of [26] to a more general setting. In contrast to [26, 12], where one new row (or column) is added at every timestep t, we add nt  1 new columns. With this generality, for computational efficiency, at each timestep, we perform a low-rank SVD, instead of the full SVD as in [26, 12, 13]. This could be accomplished by computing either the actual low-rank SVD or approximating it using a computationally faster randomized approach. We focus on the later here because computational efficiency is paramount in a streaming setting, and as our experimental results suggest, for anomaly detection, the performance of the randomized approach is almost identical to performing an exact low-rank SVD (see the experimental results in Section 5).7 Randomized low-rank matrix approximation has been a subject of lot of recent research with approaches based on sparsification, column selection, dimensionality reduction, etc., been devised for solving many matrix problems (see [15] and references therein). Here we use a simple technique suggested by [15] that is based on combining a randomized pre-processing step (multiplying by a random matrix and QR decomposition) along with a simple post-processing step (eigenvalue decomposition of a small matrix). At timestep t, Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE takes O(`Tmult + (m + nt )`2 ) time, where Tmult denotes the cost of a matrix-vector multiplication with the input matrix Mt . The matrix-vector multiplication is a well-studied topic with numerous known efficient sequential/parallel algorithms. Between iterations the algorithm only needs to store the Et matrices (the up-to-date randomized matrix sketch) which take O(m`) storage. We discuss the setting of ` in the next section.


Analysis of Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE

˘t (output of Algorithm R AND SIn this section, we show that the anomaly detection results obtained by using U k KETCH U PDATE ) in Algorithm A NOM D ETECT is similar to using the (true) singular vectors based on a global update (output of Algorithm G LOBAL U PDATE). 7 For completeness, in Appendix A, we present Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE for singular value updation based on the exact low-rank SVD and its analysis.


Algorithm 3: R AND S KETCH U PDATE (randomized streaming update of the singular vectors at time t) Input: Ytgood ∈ Rm×nt , and Et−1 ∈ Rm×` the randomized matrix sketch computed at time t − 1 Mt ← [Et−1 |Ytgood ] r ← 100` Generate an m × r random Gaussian matrix Ω Y ← Mt Mt> Ω QR ← Q R(Y ) (QR factorization for Y ) > > ˘ 2t A> ˘ 2t = diag(˘ (with Σ σt21 , . . . , σ ˘t2r )) At Σ t ← E IG (Q Mt Mt Q) ˘t ← QAt (QQ> Mt Mt> QQ> approximates Mt Mt> ) U ˘tr = [u1 , . . . , ur ] and ` ≤ r) ˘t ← [u1 , . . . , u` ] (where U U ` q q  q ˘ (trunc) ← diag Σ ˘2 , 0 σ ˘2 − σ ˘2 , σ ˘2 − σ ˘2 , . . . , σ ˘2 − σ t`







˘ (trunc) ˘t Σ U ` t`

Et ← ˘t Return: Et and U k

Our proof generalizes the analysis of Frequent Directions by [12], and then carefully combines it with known matrix perturbation results. Our first aim will be to bound the Frobenius norm of the difference between Y[t]good Y[t]>good k


and Etk Et>k , for which we will use the following result from [15] that bounds the error due to the randomized SVD. Theorem 3. (Restated from Corollary 10.9 of [15]) Consider Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE at timestep t. Let ˘t k ≤ ˘t Σ ˘ 2t U diag(¯ σt1 , . . .P ,σ ¯tm ) be the eigenvalues of Mt Mt> , then with probability at least 1 − 6e−99` , kMt Mt> − U √ m 2 1/2 38¯ σt`+1 + 2( i=`+1 σ ¯ti ) / `. We will need a few additional notations: ˘ (trunc) (rank-k approximation of Et ), ˘t Σ 1. Etk = U tk k P 2 ˘t = t σ 2. ∆ j=1 ˘j` , 1/2 √ P m 3. υj = 38¯ σj`+1 + 2 ¯j2i / ` (error bound from Theorem 3, at timestep j), i=`+1 σ 4. κ = σ1 (Y[t]good )/σk (Y[t]good ), where σ1 (Y[t]good ) ≥ · · · ≥ σm (Y[t]good ) are the singular values of Y[t]good , 5. Nt = QQ> Mt , ˘t Σ ˘ t (by construction in Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE, Nt N > = Pt P > ). ˘t = U 6. Pt = QAt Σ t t As columns of Q are orthogonal to each other, QQ> is a projection matrix, and therefore by standard properties of projection matrices and noting that (QQ> )> = QQ> , kMt k2F ≥ kQQ> Mt k2F = kNt k2F = kPt k2F .


Similarly for all unit vectors x ∈ Rm , kMt> xk2 ≥ k(QQ> Mt )> xk2 = kNt> xk2 = kPt> xk2 .


For ease of presentation, in the following, we are going to assume, that t · 6e−99`  1.8 Note that e−99` is a very √ tiny number (as we set ` ≈ m). ˘ t. Lemma 4. At timestep t, Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE maintains that: kY[t]good k2F − kEt k2F ≥ `∆ 8

If t gets extremely large such that this inequality is violated, then one could use a slightly larger r in Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE.


Proof. At timestep t, kMt k2F = kEt−1 k2F + kYtgood k2F . We also have kPt k2F ≥ kEt k2F + `˘ σt2` . Since, kMt k2F ≥ 2 2 2 2 2 kPt kF (from (2)), we have kMt kF ≥ kEt kF + `˘ σt` . Solving for kYtgood kF from these inequalities and summing over all j ≤ t, we get, kY[t]good k2F =

t X

kYjgood k2F ≥


t X

˘ t. (kEj k2F − kEj−1 k2F + `˘ σj2` ) ≥ kEt k2F + `∆


The last line follows as E0 is all zeros matrix.

The following lemma shows that for any direction x, Y[t]good and Et are with high probability not too far apart. Define t X Υt = υj . (4) j=1

Lemma 5. For any unit vector x ∈ Rm , at any timestep t, 0 ≤ kY[t]>good xk2 − kEt> xk2 , and with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , ˘ t + Υt . kY[t]>good xk2 − kEt> xk2 ≤ ∆ > xk2 + kY > xk2 = kM > xk2 . Since kP > xk2 ≥ Proof. To show |Y[t]>good xk2 − kEt> xk2 > 0, observe that kEt−1 tgood t t

kEt> xk2 (by construction) and kMt> xk2 ≥ kPt> xk2 (from (3)), we have, kY[t]>good xk2 =

t X

kYj> xk2 ≥ good


t X

> (kEj> xk2 − kEj−1 xk2 ) ≥ kEt> xk2 .


Here we used that E0 is an all zeros matrix. Now let us concentrate on showing ˘ t. kY[t]>good xk2 − kEt> xk2 ≤ Υt + ∆ ˘t . σ Let ui be the ith column in U ˘t2i − σ ˘t2` is the ith singular value of Et . Let Rp = rank(Pt ). kPt> xk2


Rp X

σ ˘t2i hui , xi2

i=1 Rp




Rp X

(˘ σt2i + σ ˘t2` − σ ˘t2` )hui , xi2


(˘ σt2i

σ ˘t2` )hui , xi2


σ ˘t2` hui , xi2


i=1 ` X

Rp X

(˘ σt2i

σ ˘t2` )hui , xi2



σ ˘t2`

Rp X

hui , xi2 ≤ kEt> xk2 + σ ˘t2` .


PRp For the first inequality we used that for i > `, σ ˘t2i ≤ σ ˘t2` . For the second inequality, we use that i=1 hui , xi2 ≤ 2 kxk = 1 (as x is a unit vector). Since for all unit vectors x ∈ Rm , kMt> xk2 − kPt> xk2 ≤ kMt Mt> − Pt Pt> k, we get with probability at least 1 − 6e−99` , kMt> xk2 ≤ kPt> xk2 + kMt Mt> − Pt Pt> k = kPt> xk2 + υt . > xk2 + kY > xk2 , we get with probability at least 1 − 6e−99` , Since kMt> xk2 = kEt−1 tgood > kEt−1 xk2 + kYt> xk2 ≤ υt + kEt> xk2 + σ ˘t2` . good


> xk2 from both sides and summing over j ≤ t with a union bound for probabilities, we get that Subtracting kEt−1 with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` ,

kY[t]>good xk2


t X

xk2 kYj> good


t X > ˘ t + Υt . (kEj> xk2 − kEj−1 xk2 + σ ˘j2` + υj ) = kEt> xk2 + ∆ j=1

Again we used that E0 is an all zeros matrix.

Since for all unit vectors x ∈ Rm , kY[t]>good xk2 − kEt> xk2 ≥ 0 =⇒ Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Et Et> . From Claim 2, for all unit vectors x ∈ Rm , κkY[t]>good xk ≥ kY[t]>good xk. Therefore, k

κ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Et Et>  Etk Et>k . k


Lemma 6. Let Y[t]good be the best rank-k approximation to Y[t]good . Then with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , k ˘ t ≤ (kY[t] ∆ − Y[t]good k2F + kΥt )/(` − k). good k

˘ t . Let Ry = rank(Y[t] ) and v1 , . . . , vRy be the left singular Proof. From Lemma 4, kY[t]good k2F − kEt k2F ≥ `∆ good vectors of Y[t]good corresponding to the non-zero singular values of Y[t]good , we have with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , ˘ t ≤ kY[t] k2 − kEt k2 `∆ F good F =

k X

kY[t]>good vi k2




k X

Ry X

kY[t]>good vi k2 − kEt k2F


kY[t]>good vi k2 + kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F − kEt k2F k

i=1 k X

kY[t]>good vi k2 + kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F −

k X



kEt> vi k2


= kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F +

k X


˘ t ). (kY[t]>good vi k2 − kEt> vi k2 ) ≤ kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F + k(Υt + ∆ k


P ˘ t in First inequality uses that ki=1 kEt> vi k2 ≤ kEt k2F , and the last inequality is based on Lemma 5. Solving for ∆ the above inequality gives the claimed result.  Using Lemma 6, we can relate kY[t]good k2F to kEtk |k2F . k

Lemma 7. At any timestep t, 0 ≤ kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F , and with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , k

kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F ≤ kΥt + k(kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F + kΥt )/(` − k). k



Proof. As in Lemma 6, let v1 , . . . , vk be the left singular vectors of Y[t]good corresponding to its top-k singular values. Let u1 , . . . , uk be the left singular vectors of Et corresponding to its top-k singular values. We have kY[t]good k2F k


k X

kY[t]>good vi k2


k X

kY[t]>good ui k2

k X


kEt> ui k2 = kEtk k2F .


This proves that 0 ≤ kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F . The upper bound can be established by noticing that with probability k at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , kEtk k2F ≥

k X

k X

kEt>k vi k2 ≥

˘ t ) = kY[t] ˘ t, k2F − kΥt − k ∆ (kY[t]>good vi k2 − Υt − ∆ good k



˘ t from Lemma 6 gives the result. where the second inequality follows from Lemma 5. Now substituting for ∆

Using this above lemma and the fact that κ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Etk Et>k , we can prove the following proposition. k


Proposition 8. At timestep t, Etk generated by Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE satisfies, kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k kF ≤ κ2 kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F . k



Proof. For a positive semidefinite matrix, the trace is greater than or equal to the Frobenius norm. Since, we have established that κ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k is a positive semidefinite matrix. k


kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k kF k


≤ tr(κ Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k ) k   2 = κ tr Y[t]good Y[t]>good − tr(Etk Et>k ) = κ2 kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F . 2




The first inequality follows from the trace-Frobenius inequality of positive semidefinite matrices. We need couple of more definitions. Define Φa as, Φa =

κ2 kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F k

kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F




Note that Φa ≥ 1 as kY[t]good k2F ≥ kEtk k2F (from Lemma 7). In fact, for small k’s (as in our setting), typically κ k (the ratio between the largest and kth largest singular value of Y[t]good ) is bounded, yielding Φa = O(1). Define Φb as, Φb =

kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Et Et> k kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k k k




Claim 9. Φb ≤ 1 + 2/(κ2 − kEt k2 /kY[t]good k2 ). Proof. A simple manipulation show that the numerator of Φb , kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good −Et Et> k ≤ κ2 kY[t]good Y[t]>good −Y[t]good Y[t]>good k+kEt Et> −Etk Et>k k+kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good −Etk Et>k k. k





Note that using Theorem 1, 2 , kY[t]good Y[t]>good − Y[t]good Y[t]>good k = σk+1 k


where σk+1 is the (k + 1)st singular value of Y[t]good . Similarly by using Theorem 1, kEt Et> − Etk Et>k k is equal to the square of the (k + 1)st singular value of Et . Since we have already established Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Et Et>  0, this 2 . implies that kEt Et> − Etk Et>k k ≤ σk+1 Let kY[t]good k = σ1 . Substituting these observations into Φb , we get,

Φb ≤ 1 +

2 (κ2 + 1)σk+1

kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k k k



2 (κ2 + 1)σk+1 . κ2 σ12 − kEt k2

The last inequality follows as by Weyl’s inequality [14] the largest eigenvalue of kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k k is k


greater than equal to κ2 kY[t]good k2 − kEtk k2 . We also used that kY[t]good k2 = kY[t]good k2 and kEt k2 = kEtk k2 . k k Since, κ ≤ σ1 /σk+1 , bound on Φb can be re-expressed as, σ2

(κ2 + 1) κ12 2 Φb ≤ 1 + 2 2 ≤1+ 2 . 2 κ σ1 − kEt k κ − kEt k2 /σ12 Here we used that (κ2 + 1)/κ2 ≤ 2 as κ ≥ 1.

Note that kEt k2 ≤ kY[t]good k2 (as Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Et Et> ) . Typically κ is also bounded away from 1, yielding Φb = O(1). ˘t (from Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE) with the We now use the theory of matrix perturbation to relate U k (true) left singular vectors corresponding to top-k singular values of Y[t]good . There is lot of prior work in matrix perturbation theory that relates the eigenvalues, singular values, eigenspaces, and singular subspaces, etc., of the matrix Z + Z 0 to the corresponding quantity in Z, under various conditions on the matrices Z and Z 0 . Here we use a recent result from Chen et al. [9] that studies behavior of the eigenvector matrix of a Hermitian (symmetric) matrix under a small perturbation. Theorem 10. (Restated from Theorem 2.1 [9]) Let A ∈ Rm×m be a symmetric matrix with distinct eigenvalues with E IG(A) = U ΛU > where Λ = diag(λ1 , . . . , λm ). Let Aper = A + Φ be a symmetric matrix. Let L = L(Λ) = mini6=j |λi − λj | > 0, β = kΦkF /L, and α√= 2kAk/L, with β satisfying: β ≤ 1/(1 + 4α). Then > such that kU − U 2β/(1 + 4α2 )1/4 . E IG(Aper ) = Uper Λper Uper per kF ≤ ˆt − U ˘t kF . We do so by constructing matrices: We now can apply Proposition 8 and Theorem 10 to bound kU k k 2 > > A = κ Y[t]good Y[t]good and Aper = Et Et . Let ` be such that: √ √ mΦb Φa k(kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F + kΥt ) mΦb Φa kΥt L k + ≤ . (7) 2 L (` − k)L L + 4κ kY[t]good k2 An important point to note in the above equation (7) is that both terms in the left-hand side are monotonically decreasing functions in ` (for the first term, Υt decreases with `). Claim 11. Let λi be the ith eigenvalue of Y[t]good Y[t]>good and L = mini6=j |λi − λj | > 0. If ` satisfies (7) for Υt , Φa , Φb defined in (4), (5), (6) respectively, then with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , q  √  q 2 kY 2 4 L2 + 16κ4 kY 4 . ˆt − U ˘t kF ≤ 2L L + 8κ k k kU [t] [t] k k good good


Proof. Set A = κ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good and Aper = Et Et> . Now α = 2kAk/L. Concentrating on β, with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , √ mΦb kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Etk Et>k kF kA − Aper kF k k ≤ β= L L √ mΦb (κ2 kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F ) k ≤ L √ mΦb Φa (kY[t]good k2F − kEtk k2F ) k = L√ √ mΦb Φa k(kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F + kΥt ) mΦb Φa kΥt k ≤ + . L (` − k)L The last inequality follows from Lemma 7. To apply Theorem 10, we need to satisfy the condition of β ≤ 1/(1+4α). √ This translates to setting ` to satisfy (assuming k < m and the Lemma 7 holds), √ √ mΦb Φa k(kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F + kΥt ) mΦb Φa kΥt L k + ≤ . L (` − k)L L + 4κ2 kY[t]good k2 The eigendecomposition of Y[t]good Y[t]>good is: ˆt Σ ˆ tU ˆt> . Y[t]good Y[t]>good = U Similarly the eigendecomposition of Et Et> is: ˘t |ør+1 , . . . , øm ] × diag(˘ ˘t |ør+1 , . . . , øm ]> , Et Et> = [U σt21 − σ ˘t2` , . . . , σ ˘t2`−1 − σ ˘t2` , 0, . . . , 0) × [U ˘t |ør+1 , . . . , øm ] is an m × m orthogonal matrix. Note that U ˘t is an m × r matrix. The actual choice of where [U ør+1 , . . . , øm will not matter for our result. Substituting the values of β ≤ 1/(1 + 4α) and α, we have by the bound of Theorem 10, √ 2L ˆ t − [U ˘t |ør+1 , . . . , øm ]kF ≤ q q . kU L + 8κ2 kY[t]good k2 4 L2 + 16κ4 kY[t]good k4 ˆt − U ˘t kF ≤ kU ˆt − [U ˘t |ør+1 , . . . , øm ]kF (as U ˆt − U ˘t is a submatrix of U ˆ t − [U ˘t |ør+1 , . . . , øm ]) Noting that kU k k k k completes the proof.  Neither the numerical constants nor the precise form of the bound on ` in (7) are optimal because of the slackness in Theorem 10. The bound on ` in (7) could be simplified a bit for some interesting cases, e.g., when k is small and 1 < κ ≤ O(1) then Γa = O(1) and Γb = O(1). Remark: The assumption of L > 0 is something that is commonly satisfied in practice, especially if m is reasonably smaller than the number of datapoints in Y[t]good . The bound on ` from (7) should be treated as an existential result, √ as setting ` using it is tricky. Practically, we noticed that setting ` ≈ m suffices to get good results. Another important point to remember is that the Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE can be used with any value of `, the above bound on ` is only to ensure that its performance is similar to using global singular value decomposition updates in Algorithm A NOM D ETECT (Theorem 13). ˆt or U ˘t in Algorithm A NOM D ETECT. We can now compare the anomaly scores generated by using either U k k ˆt xk and let x∗ = argmin ky − U ˘t xk. Then, Claim 12. Let x∗g = argminx ky − U s x k k ˆt x∗g k − ky − U ˘t x∗s k ≤ kU ˆt − U ˘ t kF . ky − U k k k k 12


# Datapoints


% of Anomalies

Cod-RNA Protein-homology User-activity RCV1AD

488,565 145,751 129,328 100,274

8 74 83 1000

33.33% 0.89% 10.69% 18.12%

Table 1: Statistics of the experimental datasets. Proof. For any fixed y ∈ Rm and x ∈ Rk , ˘t kF kxk. ˆt − U ˘t kkxk ≤ kU ˆt − U ˘t xk ≤ kU ˆt x − U ˘t xk ≤ kU ˆt xk − ky − U ky − U k k k k k k k k


As the above inequality holds for every x, ˘t x∗ k ≤ ˆt x∗ k − ky − U ky − U k s k g



xj ∈{x∗g ,x∗s }

˘t kF kxj k. ˆt − U ˘t xj k ≤ kU ˆt xj k − ky − U ky − U k k k k

ˆ > y (similarly, x∗ = U ˘ > y). The last inequality follows from (8). From solution to least-squares problem, x∗g = U tk s tk ∗ > ∗ ˆ Since the input vectors are normalized, we get, kxg k = kUtk yk ≤ kyk = 1 (similarly, kxs k ≤ 1). This implies kxj k ≤ 1. Using this bound on kxj k in (9) completes the proof.  The theorem follows from Claims 11 and 12. Theorem 13. Let Y1good , . . . , Ytgood be a sequence of matrices with Y[t]good = [Y1good | . . . |Ytgood ]. Let Y[t]good = k ˆt Σ ˆ t Vˆ > be the best rank-k approximation to Y[t] . Let λi be the ith eigenvalue of Y[t] Y > U and L = k k tk good good [t]good ˘t (generated by the Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE), mini6=j |λi − λj | > 0. Then for any unit vector y ∈ Rm , U k under condition on ` from (7), with probability at least 1 − t · 6e−99` , satisfies: q q √ ˆt xk − min ky − U ˘t xk ≤ 2L/( L + 8κ2 kY[t] k2 4 L2 + 16κ4 kY[t] k4 ). min ky − U k k good good x∈Rk


The above bound on the difference in anomaly scores is an increasing function in L. Informally, the above theorem suggests that under some reasonable assumptions and settings of parameters, the anomaly scores in Algorithm A NOM D ETECT obtained by using either Algorithms G LOBAL U PDATE or R AND S KETCH U PDATE for singular value updation are “close”. But as discussed before, Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE is far more efficient both in space and time.


Experimental Analysis

In this section, we experimentally test our proposed approach in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. From now on, we refer to Algorithm A NOM D ETECT with singular vectors updated using Algorithms G LOBAL U PDATE, R AND SKETCH U PDATE , and S KETCH U PDATE (presented in Appendix A) as G LOBAL , R ANDAD E MS, and AD E MS, respectively. Datasets. We use datasets drawn from a diverse set of domains to demonstrate the wide applicability of our anomaly detection approach (see Table 1). Cod-RNA dataset consists of sequenced genomes, and the task here is to detect novel non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) [33], which are labeled as anomalies. Protein-homology dataset is from the protein homology prediction task of the KDD Cup 2004 [6], and the task here is to predict which proteins in the database are homologous to a native (query) sequence. Non-homologous sequences are labeled as anomalies. 13

1 0.9 0.8











MASS IForest

0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1


IncPack MASS


0.4 FP










Global RandADeMS



1SVM-RBF 0.2



uLSIF 0.5
















0.4 0.1



(a) Cod-RNA


0.4 FP



0.1 0


(b) Cod-RNA




0.02 FP




0.4 0


(c) Protein-homology



0.015 FP




(d) Protein-homology

1 0.9






0.9 0.8








0.3 FP


(e) User-activity



0.86 0





0.2 FP










(f) User-activity




0 0

0.7 ADeMS

IForest 0.3









Global 0.9

uLSIF 0.2

0 0







0.6 0.94














0.5 FP







0.55 0


(g) RCV1AD








(h) RCV1AD

Figure 1: ROC curves for compared approaches on various datasets. The User-activity dataset is from an application of monitoring employee network activity log for an enterprise. The goal here is to identify malicious employee actions (anomalies) that result in loss of intellectual property for the enterprise. RCV1 dataset consists of a corpus of newswire stories (documents), grouped into 103 categories [24]. In our evaluation, from these 103 categories, we used documents belonging to the 30 largest categories and documents belonging to the smallest 5 categories (labeled as anomalies). For features, we use a vocabulary of 1000 terms selected based on frequency. We refer to this modified RCV1 dataset as RCV1AD. Baselines. There are plenty of approaches for anomaly detection (see also the discussion in Section 2). We compare against six popular algorithms for anomaly detection. These algorithms were chosen taking into account their scalability on large datasets. 1SVM-linear and 1SVM-RBF are one-class support vector machine classifiers with linear/radial-basis as kernel function. The output probability value of belonging to the anomalous class is treated as the anomaly score. We also compare against IForest [27], Mass [32], and Unconstrained Least-Squares Importance Fitting (uLSIF) [17] algorithms, which are all described in Section 2. As another streaming competitor, we implemented the incrementalPCA-based anomaly detection [3] to update the singular vectors in Algorithm A NOM D ETECT. We call the resulting algorithm IncPack. Parameter Settings. Except for IForest and Mass, all other competitors, including our proposed approach R AN DAD E MS, require a training set to bootstrap the process, and the training samples are required to be free of anomalies. We set the size of the training set as 2000, and we draw these training samples randomly from the set of non-anomalous datapoints. Note that the training set size is much smaller compared to the actual dataset size. We also observed that our results are stable to variations in the training set (see Section 5.1). After training, for R ANDAD E MS, the number of data points given as input at each timestep is set to 5000, and k = m/5. The same parameter setting is also used for the AD E MS and IncPack streaming experiments. √ As mentioned in Section 4.3, we set ` = m. All other algorithms (1SVM-linear, 1SVM-RBF, IForest, Mass, and uLSIF) are considered to receive all the samples at once. The relevant parameters of these algorithms were tuned to obtain the best possible result. For evaluation, we do not use the threshold parameter ζ (as described in Algorithm A NOM D ETECT), instead we assume that the percentage of anomalies among all samples is known a priori (say, this is p%). At each timestep of the streaming process, we collect the anomaly scores of all the processed samples, and mark those datapoints as anomalies which occupy the top p% of these scores. All the experiments were run on a machine with Intel Xeon 2.67GHz processor and 124GB memory.


RandADeMS ADeMS IncPack Global MASS IForest uLSIF 1SVM-linear 1SVM-RBF

Time (seconds)



100 104




Dataset Size(n)

Figure 2: Scalability of various algorithms with increasing number of datapoints. The datasets for this test were created by down- and up-sampling the Cod-RNA dataset. 0.9


0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 30 20





0.2 FP



Figure 3: Stability of R ANDAD E MS under concept drift and different training set initializations. Comparison between Different Algorithms. We use the standard evaluation metrics of True Positive rate (TP) and False Positive rate (FP). Figure 1 plots the ROC curve of the selected anomaly detection algorithms. To generate these curves, we use seven different threshold (ζ) numbers (selected based on the number of anomalies in each of the datasets). Each point represents the average (TP and FP) of a 30-fold cross-validation result, each time the training set is randomly selected from the normal samples and the order of samples is also randomly shuffled. It is evident that R ANDAD E MS outperforms the other algorithms on all the datasets (except for the experiments on User-activity dataset, Figure 1(e), which shows a partial overlap between R ANDAD E MS, 1SVM-RBF, and uLSIF). Note that the performance of R ANDAD E MS is good, both when the fraction of anomalies is very high (such as in the Cod-RNA dataset, Figure 1(a)) or very small (such as in the Protein-homology dataset, Figure 1(c)). Due to the updates to the singular vectors, R ANDAD E MS can successfully deal with the concept shift problem in the normal data, i.e., new patterns of normal data appearing over time (more details in Section 5.1). R ANDAD E MS has extremely similar performance to G LOBAL (Figures 1(b), 1(d), 1(f), and 1(h)). It confirms our theoretical analysis that the Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE gives a desired approximation to Algorithm G LOBAL U PDATE. Also these results suggest that using a randomized low-rank SVD (R ANDAD E MS) instead of the exact low-rank SVD (AD E MS) has little effect on the anomaly detection performance. Figure 2 shows the scalability comparison (training + testing time) between the compared approaches. Among all the streaming competitors, R ANDAD E MS is 30% faster than AD E MS, and about 20 times faster than IncPack. Compared with other competitors, R ANDAD E MS is also even faster than the efficient IForest and Mass algorithms, and more than 20 times faster than the other methods. In particular, R ANDAD E MS and AD E MS, run in matter of couple of minutes, even when the dataset size increases to over 1 million.


Stability under Concept Drift and Training Set Initializations

We compare the performance of R ANDAD E MS in the order of timestamps in RCV1AD, with 30 different training sets randomly drawn from the set of non-anomalous datapoints. Each training set has 2000 samples. The ROC results of all the 30 test are plotted in Figure 3. For the test the size of each stream batch is set to be 1200, so that it corresponds to newswire stories arriving every 4 to 5 days on average. Therefore, as time goes on different 15

topics arrive/fade in our experiment (concept drift). The points used for curves in Figure 3 are within 5% of the corresponding points in the (averaged) curve plotted in Figure 1(h). This demonstrates the stability of R ANDAD E MS under concept drift and different training set initializations.



We proposed a novel randomized sketching-based approach to efficiently and effectively detect anomalies in large data streams. The resulting algorithm consumes limited memory and requires just one pass over the data. Our theoretical results show this algorithm performs comparably with a global (batch) approach while being significantly faster. Empirical evaluation on a variety of datasets illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Acknowledgments We thank Abhishek Srivatsav and James Jobin for helpful initial discussions.

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Algorithm 4: S KETCH U PDATE (streaming update of the singular vectors at time t) Input: Ytgood ∈ Rm×nt and Bt−1 ∈ Rm×` Dt ← [Bt−1 |Ytgood ] ˜ = diag(˜ ˜ V˜ > ← S VD` (Dt ) (with Σ ˜t Σ ˜t` )) σt1 , . . . , σ U ` t` t` q t` q  q (trunc) 2 2 2 2 2 ˜ ← diag Σ −σ ˜2 , 0 σ ˜ −σ ˜ , σ ˜ −σ ˜ ,..., σ ˜ t`







˜ (trunc) ˜t Σ U ` t`

Bt ← ˜t Return: Bt and U k


Deterministic Matrix Sketching

As mentioned in Section 4.2, at each timestep t, instead of using a randomized low-rank matrix approximation, we could also compute an actual low-rank SVD. The resulting deterministic approach for singular value updation is presented in Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE. At timestep t, Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE takes O(mnt `) time (assuming ` ≤ nt ) by using power-iteration or rank-revealing QR decomposition for SVD of Dt [14]. Note that this running time is bigger than that of Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE, which at timestep t takes O(`Tmult + (m + nt )`2 ) time. Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE has a memory overhead of O(m`).


Analysis of Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE

The analysis is similar to that of Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE. Our first aim will be to bound the Frobenius norm of the difference between Y[t]good Y[t]>good and Btk Bt>k . We start off by defining some additional notation: k


˜t Σ ˜ (trunc) (rank-k approximation of Bt ), Btk = U tk k P ˜j2` , ∆t = tj=1 σ ˜t Σ ˜ t V˜t> = S VD(Dt ), U κ = κk (Y[t]good ). Lemma 14 (Modified from Ghashami et al. [12]). At timestep t, Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE maintains that kY[t]good k2F − kBt k2F ≥ `∆t . Proof. At timestep t, kDt k2F = kBt−1 k2F + kYtgood k2F and kDt k2F ≥ kBt k2F + `˜ σt2` . Solving for kYtgood k2F and summing over all j ≤ t, we get kY[t]good k2F


t X

kYjgood k2F


t X

kBj k2F − kBj−1 k2F + `˜ σj2` = kBt k2F − kB0 k2F + `∆t .


By setting B0 as all zeros matrix, we get the result.

The following lemma shows that for any direction x, Y[t]good and Bt are not too far apart. Lemma 15 (Modified from Ghashami et al. [12]). For any unit vector x ∈ Rm , at any timestep t, 0 ≤ kY[t]>good xk2 − kBt> xk2 ≤ ∆t . > xk2 + kY > xk2 = kD > xk2 ≥ kB > xk2 . We have Proof. To show |Y[t]>good xk2 − kBt> xk2 > 0, observe that kBt−1 tgood t t

kY[t]>good xk2


t X j=1

kYj> xk2 good

t X

> xk2 = kBt> xk2 ≥ 0. kBj> xk2 − kBj−1



Here we used that B0 is an all zeros matrix. Now let us concentrate on showing kY[t]>good xk2 − kBt> xk2 ≤ ∆t . ˜t . σ Let ui be the ith column in U ˜t2i − σ ˜t2` is the ith singular value of Bt . Let rd = rank(Dt ). kDt> xk2 =

rd X

σ ˜t2i hui , xi2 =


rd X

(˜ σt2i + σ ˜t2` − σ ˜t2` )hui , xi2


rd rd X X 2 2 2 = (˜ σti − σ ˜t` )hui , xi + σ ˜t2` hui , xi2

i=1 ` X


(˜ σt2i − σ ˜t2` )hui , xi2 + σ ˜t2`


rd X

hui , xi2 ≤ kBt> xk2 + σ ˜t2` .


Pd For the first inequality we used that for i > `, σ ˜t2i ≤ σ ˜t2` . For the second inequality, we use that ri=1 hui , xi2 ≤ > xk2 + kY > xk2 . Using this along with the above kxk2 = 1 (as x is a unit vector). Since kDt> xk2 = kBt−1 tgood > 2 > 2 2 established inequality, |Dt xk − kBt xk ≤ σ ˜t` , gives > kBt−1 xk2 + kYt> xk2 ≤ kBt> xk2 + σ ˜t2` . good > xk2 from both sides and summing over j ≤ t, Subtracting kBt−1

kY[t]>good xk2


t X

kYj> xk2 good


t X

> (kBj> xk2 − kBj−1 xk2 + σ ˜j2` ) = kBt> xk2 + ∆t .


Again we used that B0 is an all zeros matrix.

Since for all unit vectors x ∈ Rm , kY[t]>good xk2 − kBt> xk2 ≥ 0 =⇒ Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Bt Bt> . From Claim 2, we have for all vectors x ∈ Rm , κkY[t]>good xk ≥ kY[t]>good xk. Therefore, k

κ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Bt Bt>  Btk Bt>k . k


The following crucial lemma lower bounds the Frobenius norm between Y[t]good and Y[t]good (an upper bound for k the same follows from Theorem 1). Lemma 16 (Modified from Ghashami et al. [12]). Let Y[t]good be a rank-k approximation to Y[t]good (as in Theok rem 1). Then, ∆t ≤ kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F /(` − k). k

Proof. From Lemma 14, kY[t]good k2F − kBt k2F ≥ `∆t . Let r = rank(Y[t]good ) and v1 , . . . , vr be the left singular


vectors of Y[t]good corresponding to the non-zero singular values of Y[t]good , we have `∆t ≤ kY[t]good k2F − kBt k2F =

k X i=1


k X

r X

kY[t]>good vi k2 +

kY[t]>good vi k2 − kBt k2F


kY[t]>good vi k2 + kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F − kBt k2F k

i=1 k X

kY[t]>good vi k2

+ kY[t]good −

Y[t]good k2F k


k X

kBt> vi k2


= kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F +

k X


(kY[t]>good vi k2 − kBt> vi k2 ) ≤ kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F + k∆t . k


P First inequality uses that ki=1 kBt> vi k2 ≤ kBt k2F , and the last inequality is based on Lemma 15. Solving for ∆t in the above inequality gives the claimed result.  Now using Lemma 16, we can relate kY[t]good k2F to kBtk |k2F . k

Lemma 17 (Modified from Ghashami et al. [12]). 0 ≤ kY[t]good k2F − kBtk k2F ≤ k

k · kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F . k `−k

Proof. As in Lemma 16, let v1 , . . . , vk be the left singular vectors of Y[t]good corresponding to its top-k singular values. Let u1 , . . . , uk be the left singular vectors of Bt corresponding to its top-k singular values. We have kY[t]good k2F k


k X

kY[t]>good vi k2


k X

kY[t]>good ui k2


k X

kBt> ui k2 = kBtk k2F .


The second inequality (kY[t]>good ui k2 ≥ kBt> ui k2 ) follows from Lemma 15. This proves that 0 ≤ kY[t]good k2F − k

kBtk k2F . The upper bound can be established as follows. kBtk k2F

k X

kBt>k vi k2

k X ≥ (kY[t]>good vi k2 − ∆t ) = kY[t]good k2F − k∆t , k



where the second inequality follows from Lemma 15. Now substituting for ∆t from Lemma 16 gives the result.  Using this above lemma and the fact that κ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good  Btk Bt>k , we can derive a bound on kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − k



Btk Bt>k kF as in Proposition 8.


Proposition 18. At timestep t, Btk generated by Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE satisfies, kκ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good − Btk Bt>k kF ≤ κ2 kY[t]good k2F − kBtk k2F . k



We need couple more definitions. 1. Define Γa (which plays the same role as Φa defined in Section 4.3) as, Γa =

κ2 kY[t](k) k2F − kBt(k) k2F kY[t](k) k2F − kBt(k) k2F 20



2. Define Γb (which plays the same role as Φb defined in Section 4.3) as, Γb = 1 +


2 . − kBt k2 /kY[t] k2


The proof of following claim follows as Claim 9. Claim 19. Γb ≤ 1 +

2 . κ2 −kBt k2 /kY[t]good k2

˜t kF . To do so, we construct matrices ˆt − U We now apply Proposition 18 and Theorem 10 to bound kU k k A = κ2 Y[t]good Y[t]>good and Aper = Bt Bt> . The proof of following claim follows as Claim 11. Claim 20. Let λi denote the ith eigenvalue of Y[t]good Y[t]>good and L = mini6=j |λi − λj | > 0. If `=Ω

! √ 2 mκ kY[t]good k2 Γa Γb kkY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F k



for Γa , Γb defined in (10), (11) respectively, then √ 2L ˆ ˜ ˆ ˜ q kUtk − Utk kF ≤ kUt − Ut kF ≤ q . L + 8κ2 kY[t]good k2 4 L2 + 16κ4 kY[t]good k4 ˆt or U ˜t in Now using this result, we are ready to compare the anomaly scores generated by using either U k k Algorithm A NOM D ETECT. The theorem follows from Claims 20 and 12. Theorem 21. Let Y1good , . . . , Ytgood be a sequence of matrices with Y[t]good = [Y1good | . . . |Ytgood ]. Let Y[t]good = k ˆt Σ ˆ t Vˆt> be the best rank-k approximation to Y[t] . Let λi be the ith eigenvalue of Y[t] Y > U and L = k k good good [t]good k m ˜ mini6=j |λi − λj | > 0. Then for any unit vector y ∈ R , Utk (generated by the Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE), under condition on ` from Claim 20, satisfies: √ 2L ˆt xk − min ky − U ˜t xk ≤ q min ky − U q . k k x∈Rk x∈Rk L + 8κ2 kY[t]good k2 4 L2 + 16κ4 kY[t]good k4 The above theorem has an interpretation similar to that of Theorem 13. However, notice that compared to Algorithm R AND S KETCH U PDATE, the requirement on ` is slightly weaker in Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE.9 This is because Algorithm S KETCH U PDATE computes the exact low-rank matrices at each timestep.


In fact, for small k’s, and assuming 1 < κ ≤ O(1) (implying Γa = O(1) and Γb = O(1)), the bound on ` in Claim 20 could be simplified to, ! √ mkY[t]good k2 kY[t]good − Y[t]good k2F k `=Ω . L2