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awareness about how stress is showing up in your life. Once you are clear ... delivering prematurely by at least 54%! Em
How Stressed Are You Really? with Parijat Deshpande, MS, CWC, CSMC A quiz to help you know how stress shows up for you so you can make changes for a healthier pregnancy Check all that apply to you and see your score means on the next page. Y N Do you find yourself holding your breath throughout the day? Do you frequently sigh deeply? Do you feel like your heart is racing? Are your palms sweaty? Do you feel fidgety or restless? Do you shake your foot or leg up and down while sitting? Do you eat when you're nervous? Do you feel wound up? Do you jump when you hear a loud or unexpected sound? Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep at night? Do you have digestive trouble such as stomach pain or loose bowel movements? Do you obsessively plan before anything? Would you call yourself (or would loved ones call you) a perfectionist? Do you frequently feel guilty and have trouble forgiving yourself? Do you hate being wrong and can't get it out of your mind when you make a mistake? Would you say you have a Type-A personality? Do you consider yourself a workaholic? Do you have trouble getting negative feedback (even if constructive) out of your mind? Do you worry a lot and frequently? When you hear bad news do you ruminate over it (think about it constantly)? Do you frequently feel overwhelmed, like there's too much to do and not enough time?

Count how many "yes" boxes you checked and look on the next page for recommended next steps based on your score.

Your Score and Next Steps This quiz is not a diagnostic tool but is designed to help you gain increased awareness about how stress is showing up in your life. Once you are clear about this, you can make the necessary lifestyle changes to improve your health and wellness during your pregnancy and lower your risk of additional pregnancy complications. If you scored between 14-22, you have High Stress. This means your nervous system is in an alert state and you are perceiving your situation to be extremely distressing. Your next step: You would greatly benefit from personalized support to help you make healthy changes to your life for a healthier pregnancy and baby. Studies have shown that personalized professional support for stress can lower your risk of delivering prematurely by at least 54%! Email me to schedule a free consultation to learn more. If you scored between 6-13, you are experiencing Moderate Stress. This means, some of your efforts to lower your stress are working but they are not working efficiently.

Vitamin C+

Your next step: Learn new types of stress management techniques that can may be more effective at lowering your stress and are customized to your unique situation. Schedule your call to know how you can have a healthier pregnancy today.

If you scored between 1-5, you are feeling Low Stress. This means your body is getting the necessary opportunities to recover from moments of stress. Low stress also means lowered risk of additional pregnancy complications such as preterm contractions. Your next step: If you want additional ideas and inspiration on how else you can lower your stress, download my free checklist for 7 strategies to cope when you feel out of control.

Ready for more? This quiz is the first step to managing your stress and anxiety when you have a high-risk pregnancy and you're at risk for delivering early. Your body is always communicating with you about what it needs. Taking time to understand your stress signals and patterns is tremendously helpful to know what to do next to give your body what it needs and have a healthier pregnancy. It’s worth the effort! At the same time, many high-risk moms know they need help figuring out how to implement ideas or want a more personalized plan to lower their stress and anxiety and reduce the risk of delivering early. This is exactly what I help my clients with through the Delivering Hope Session. This session is designed specifically for moms who know coping with stress and anxiety is imperative for better health and are ready to quiet the chaos in their mind. We work together to break the cycle of negativity and so they feel more confident and more in control of their pregnancy.

Vitamin C+

You will work with me to identify your anxiety triggers and patterns, improve your stress-related pregnancy symptoms and feel calmer during the ups and downs. This program is designed to help you get what you want most: to feel less alone and to be more present during the precious moments with your baby that you're fighting for. To learn more, visit my website or copy and paste this URL into a browser: I would love to work with you! Warmly,
