Systems-thinking + Systems-making - Synapse9

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Apr 20, 2017 - That appears to be what allowed software development to become more of a true practice of ..... object-or
J. Henshaw


Systems-thinking + Systems-making Joining systems thought and action Author J.L. Henshaw [email protected] HDS natural systems design science

Abstract This paper collects recent explorations of what I call ‘systems-thinking’ and ‘systems-making’. The first is seen as a practice of explaining complex systems somewhat separate from any application. The latter I see as a practice of improvising complex system change, using theory and methods for it. As such they represent differing paradigms of thinking, one for representing complex systems in theory, the other for guiding a process of fitting together material relationships together; i.e. creating conceptual systems in the mind versus creating material systems in the world. Patterns of their differences and similarities are discussed while looking for how each can better work with the other. Both have distinct differences and much in common. They both tend to 1) proceed by nonlinear step-wise accumulative processes and 2) produce new structures with emergent properties, and also 3) both rely on the use of natural language to communicate specialized terms of art. Like all sciences they also both 4) rely on relating to nature by observing and testing as if in conversation, translating patterns back and forth, as depicted in the model proposed by Robert Rosen (1991). Studying those differing processes and how they work helps expose opportunity for their working more successfully apart as well as together.

Keywords systems-thinking; systems-making; complex systems; action research; pattern-language; systemic practice; organizational change. Abstract: 206 words, References: 67 Text: 6628 words, Figures 10

Contents Systems-thinking + Systems-making ................. 1 Joining systems thought and action ................... 1 Abstract 1 Keywords ....................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 1 Separate cultures, common strategies ............ 3 Action Research Models of Str.Learning ........ 4 Innovations in Scientific Systems-Thinking. 6 Innovations in Scientific System-Making....... 7


METHODS .................................................................... 10 Pattern Language Exemplars of Design........ 10 Design Progress Guides: Common Design Tasks....................................... 12 Self-Investment System..................................... 14 Conclusion ................................................................. 15 References................................................................. 15



J. Henshaw


INTRODUCTION Joining ST and SM This research paper pulls together recent threads of inquiry into the practices of ‘systemsthinking’ (ST) and ‘systems-making’ (SM), how they differ and connect. It’s a distinction of practice and emphasis with some overlaps. The first is primarily concerned with making abstract models (as complex systems of thought or information). The other is primarily concerned with making complex material designs and organizations external to thought. They both concern complex systems and generally suffer from imbalance if relying only on one or the other. A strong focus on both, alternating between each other, would generally be more the ideal (Figure 1). One would expect creative system thinking to emerge in any of the four quadrants, and to even migrate from one to another as different challenges are overcome. Normal practice would follow an exploratory path, in that way, ending up converging on what is in some way holistic and practical, bridging systems in mind with those in the world.

Figure 1. Strong and Weak ‘Systems-Thinking’ and ‘Systems-Making’ My interpretation of complex systems is somewhat like that of Midgley (1992, 2016), who recognized the need for a plurality of worldview paradigms 1) natural world, 2) societal world, 3) subjective world and 4) their interactions. I go a bit further in extending that, to seeing a need recognize multiple worldview paradigms of each kind. I base that on evidence that people culturally develop a variety of separate worldviews for their regular circumstances, and then readily shift from one to another depending on circumstances, perhaps many times a day. That’s visible in how we readily switch between the paradigms that tie together differing cultural, professional, family and personal worldviews. The minimum number of three worldview paradigms, then, seems to somewhat overlook the multiplicity of competing work and cultural paradigms that people need to recognize to get along in life, and how each then needs its own grounding in the subjective views of individuals and in the natural world order too. In my papers on patterns of naturally occurring design (Henshaw 2015a, 2015b) I refer to this need to bridge multiple worldview paradigms as a ‘dual-paradigm’ view, distinguishing mental and material systems, and how we need let them ST + SM



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work both independently and together. In this paper I’m positioning those issues under the dichotomy of ST and SM; ST being centered on making explanations and SM centered on making other kinds of organization. As they work together ST and SM will proceed at different paces, with different lag times. How our minds explain things to ourselves, too, will often need to ignore natural processes, and so take a different thought process at another time to coordinate with material processes that may often need to take place developmentally on their own too. Conversely, a narrow focus on how things can materially develop can be out of touch with higher level conceptual understandings, designs and goals. So the usual way to keep differing paradigms in balance is to go back and forth, using bridges between them, each serving as a guide for the other (see also Figures 2 & 3). Growth as step-wise building I see this work as in keeping with the developing common practice of using systems-thinking and systems-making in alternation (Ison, 2008). My thesis is that as we learn to work with complex systems the forces we confront seem to be pushing us to clarify both systems-thinking and systems-making as separate practices, in order for them to better work together. To coordinate “thinking and doing” each often needs to proceed by itself, alternately taking the lead or holding back. Each may also sometimes need to back-track or start over in their development, with the other put on hold, so as to result in a true marriage of opposites that can be kept in balance. The importance of each being able to remain independent comes from each being a process of organizational development, the one mental the other physical. Each still proceeds by successive addition of things to fit together, built onto what preceded and to leave places for others that will follow. In a growth process, that makes all additions into inter-connectors. A good example is in how the parts of a house need to fit together. A house is made by first thinking backward from an image of the end result, and then removing what on the site before, to dig holes for the foundations, followed by pouring or laying the masonry. That begins the framework that proceeds by adding floors and walls to be completed with the addition of a roof and installation of utilities. Then the interiors and finishes are added. Only at that point can the house can become a home, for the highly individualized way of living it was built to house. For that systems-making process the historicity of each step is all important, each step coordinating with both the preceding and following ones. If you then think back to the initial vision the building was designed to serve, you find a remarkably similar sequence of mental building, starting with clearing the mind and searching for the foundation ideas that the house will be built on, and ending with the completion of the conceptual framework and finishing touches. A similar duality accumulative thinking and making is generally found as a way implementing any vision. We can also see how the development of natural systems follows much the same plan, though with nature the designing and building tend to run concurrently rather than separately (Henshaw 2015a). The word ‘growth’ also generally refers to extended step-wise processes of coordinating accumulative developments, generally creating a framework to then fill it in. The end result is also often the home of the active system involved, a body being the home for the life within it, or the city the home for its cultures, just as a house is the home for its residents. We also see similar developmental steps in how cultures and communities develop. Social and economic relationships evolve in stages, like the stages of growth and change of years of education, jumping from level to level over time, creating new frameworks and filling them in, ushering in waves of change for people as much as for the world economy as it grows. For such step-wise development processes one can also often identify alternating pattern formation and execution too, often either running concurrently as is common for naturally occurring system changes, or in regular succession, as in growth and recession periods in economies, or in personal growth as we face challenges and “rise to the occasion” when needed. ST + SM 20-Apr-17 For SPAR

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The value of studying the coordination of thinking and making processes, recognized as alternating patterns of coordinated change that create frameworks and filling them in, lies in how it touches on so many subjects of importance to us. It also then then serves to connect the interests of the many independent viewpoints on the common subjects of interest, and potentially offers a locus for a shared language of change and coordination. It seems to offer a potential bridge between knowledge silos through their common subjects of interest, even those that may have historically seemed to have little in common.

Separate cultures, common strategies The theoretical biologist Robert Rosen pointed out various discrepancies between scientific theory and evident patterns of systems-making in nature (1991). Rosen’s approach depicts science as translating natural patterns into theoretical patterns and then reversing the process to use the theory to effect change. It makes the “laws of nature” the most useful deterministic rules we’ve found, what the scientific method looks for, but doesn’t rule out finding other useful patterns of nature discovered by asking different questions. The view taken here is depicted in Figure 2, that science reads natural patterns and “encodes” conceptual ones (theory), which it then “decodes” to apply theory to nature, aiming to minimize what is lost in translation. Interpreted as a translation process, what gets lost in translation becomes more of an interest, often depending a lot on what questions are asked as much or more than the confidence in the answers found. For example there are basic differences between physical patterns and information patterns, such as between the flat image in a camera and the mountain in the distance it depicts. There may be a close match in terms of light intensity, but it translates the mountain into a grid of digits, losing a lot in translation. That doesn’t change any of the usual problems of science, but asks what is lost, a new kind of question. Using Rosen’s model then displays science being in conversation with nature, translating patterns back and forth, capturing some dimensions but missing others as a cost of translation. It may makes little difference for the scientific validity of natural laws, but it might expose new laws as a result of asking new questions, or expose new relationships between different sciences, that lose different things in translation. As individual cultures, sciences may not be able to communicate with others using their own special languages. They might need to use common language, and rely learning to speak using their “mother tongue” clearly enough to communicate their societal purposes. The figure shows ‘Science Cultures’ and ‘Maker Cultures’ as both shifting their attention back and forth between external and internal processes. Each looks for patterns in nature their methods can reliably ‘observe and encode’. Each also looks for effective ways to apply their ‘implications’ or ‘designs’ to ‘decode and engage’ with nature. Each is fairly isolated from the other by having its own special language, loses different things in translation, and needs to use the society’s natural language to communicate with each other.




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Figure 2. Systems Thinking & Systems Making only connected by common language. T. S. Kuhn (1970) addressed part of the communication problem this creates, discussing the failure of emerging scientific paradigms to gain converts. That requires any new paradigm to gain a toe hole somewhere and then grow to replace the old paradigm; displacing rather than converting the latter’s adherents. It appears the rigidity of our socialized ways of living spills over into our ways of thinking too, creating silos of culture that can’t easily change, which causes annoying friction in our economy of ever faster change.

Action Research Models of Structured Learning All learning really follows a process of turning attention back and forth between subjects, not so different from the Rosen model of scientific learning. Figure 3 depicts a model ‘action research’, sometimes also called ‘action learning’, showing alternating periods of work with pauses for reviewing the work. It’s a very conceptual diagram arranged to reflect the work of a design team that alternates periods of work and review (Stephens et all. 2009; Flood 2010; Ison 2008; Jackson2003; Reason & Bradbury 2001; Susman & Evered 1978; Lewin 1947) . It appears to formalize quite ancient practices of adaptive trial and error, that designers like architects have used for a long time, and now have spread to business management, software development and other planning and design professions. Now it’s used more self-consciously, in many different fields, and described as a transformational source of new cultural knowledge. What may be the driver is the universal need for ever increasing productivity, continually pushing the limits. It provides a generally useful kind of systems thinking for systems-making in all parts of the business world, also giving the business organization sciences new tools and important practical purposes. As business today exposes everyone to changing complex systems it has the effect of making everyone a complex system designer. As innovation in structured learning methods becomes profitable it spreads demand for it around the world.




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Figure 3. A general design for complex system learning. The circles in the figure represent the pauses in the work for reviewing all the dimensions of the work, a series of “holistic reviews”, suggestively increasing then decreasing in intensity. The reviews repeatedly prompt participants to “look all around” and “leave no stone unturned” as they assess progress, set new requirements and goals for the next phase of work. So it usually has a social dimension as well, to help people with differing tasks to open up to each other. The arrows in the figure represent the stages of concentrated work on the new direction, ending in a presentation of all aspects to begin the next stage of review. You can see that same basic pattern of alternating work and review in many kinds of familiar informal practices as well, revisiting the whole of a project repeatedly as work progresses, checking the coordination of each stage. What has changed over time is the vastly improved knowledge and tools and viewpoints that let this kind of structured learning become increasingly purposeful and sophisticated. We can see the shape of action research as a natural strategy in common use for improvisational tasks, things like ‘making lunch’, requiring coordination of improvised step by step processes. A more grand scale sequential improvisation design is seen in how we pass through a series of grades in school to get an education, as repeated periods of work and reflection that our lives are shaped by. It’s also present in the traditional complex business methods of ‘product design’, which involves many steps of collaboration from diverse teams of specialists all making their independent but accumulative contributions to the common task as they go. The overall pattern is fairly simple, following steps, increasing then decreasing scale: 1. 2. 3. 4.

first proceeding from a kick off by small tentative steps, then building up in a non-linear way toward taking bigger bold steps, then to reverse direction to scale down in a similar non-linear way Progressing toward smaller finishing steps that break off at completion.

That heuristic model, marked by a continuity of usually non-linear rising and falling scale steps, is often recognizable by surrounding observers without direct involvement. That makes it a sign an outside observer can use to see the stages of a creative development happening nearby. That these patterns of learning apparently come from a universal natural language of improvisation potentially allows innovations to spread between disciplines as if by technology ST + SM



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transfer, and facilitate the bridging of language divides as teaching new vocabulary in a common shared language of design.

Innovations in Scientific Systems-Thinking. Today’s mainstream complex systems science most directly came from the abstract theoretical work the 1940’s and 50’s on cybernetic and information theories of Weiner (1948), Von Bertalanffy (1969) and Ashby (1956). A great variety of others took directions that built on or branched off from those founders. Economists like Ken Boulding (1956) had great influence too, bringing with them the use of economic models on which other kinds of theoretical models of complex systems were based. The origins of the modern science of complexity came later, from the discoveries by Prigogine (Nicolis & Prigogine 1967) and others in the physics of irreversible thermodynamics . A further advance came from the recognition by GeorgescuRoegen (1971) that the entropy principle of thermodynamics also applies to natural resource use. Another pivotal advance in theoretical systems science was the use of computer modeling of equations for chaotic fluctuation (Feigenbaum et all. 1982), in combination creating a new abstract theoretical world view just called ‘Complexity’. (See also Henshaw (2010a) for more on how the diverse origins and fragmentation of the complex systems sciences as they developed, and interesting questions that remain unanswered). More recent innovation in complex systems science has been more about computer applications with advances in modeling Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) (Gel-Man 1993; Holland 1992; Bar-Yam 1997). That set the stage for the modeling ‘artificial life’ using cellular automata and ‘artificial intelligence’, for which current advances are almost too numerous to characterize (Langton 1989; Russell et all. 2003). A less technical general view of the new conception of the world of complex systems is found in Goerner’s “After the Clockwork Universe” (1999). Advanced complexity science has also been applied to business decision making as by Kurtz & Snowden’s (2003) Cynefin (complexity navigation) methods. A Google Ngram for complexity terms (Figure 4a) shows the historic accumulative innovation in using terms for complex systems as recorded in books scanned by Google. The shapes sow various trajectories that would help one discover what is being experienced in the development of each implied field of interest.

Figure 4. Systems-Thinking Concept Diagrams ST + SM



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Another root of today’s complexity science is the work of earlier scientists who made quite important foundational contributions, Jevons (1872, 1885) and Keynes (1935) in particular. Keynes’ and Jevons’ work was based on their own observations how economies, businesses and societies really work. Keynes, for example, noted that compound financial investment would need to end for the economy to stabilize at its limits to growth (ch 16; Keynes 1935; Boulding 1962), and Jevons observed that improving resource use efficiency generally accelerated not decelerated their rates of depletion (Jevons 1885; Polimeni 2008).

Figure 4a Complex Systems, Cellular Automata, Complexity Science Ngram Developments in ecology also contributed a lot to advanced complex systems science, ecologists like Odum (1983) and Gunderson & Holling (2001), known to systems sciences for their innovative ways of representing natural systems with computer models. They modeled ecologies as economies of nature, adding evolutionary variables for representing ecologies as learning systems. Today the focus of interest in ecology has turned for evident reason to the complex conditions of ecological distress; understanding the complex system property called ‘resilience’ Walker & Holling (2004) among many others. Others such as Ulanowitz (2009) take a more analytical approach, demonstrating an increasing pressure on ecosystems results in an inverse relationship between efficiency and resilience, with clear natural limits.

Innovations in Scientific System-Making Scientific practices and theory for making and changing complex systems developed alongside the abstract sciences of complex systems theory. The use of action research as formal practice emerged in the 1940’s (Lewin 1947). Roughly parallel to the abstract systems sciences, the need for business decision makers to make sense of our ever more complex world drove the development of new methods of decision making for the social and business management sciences. Making a break with the hard sciences and abstract theory, Churchman (1979) and Checkland (1981) introduced the use of natural language and use of ‘soft systems methodology’ for discussing organization. They were followed by numerous others focusing new theory of the learning organization and change making methodologies (Susman & Evered 1978; Reason & Bradbury 2001; Senge 2006; Jackson2003, 2007; Ison 2008; Stephens et all. 2009; Flood 2010; Checkland & Poulter 2010, 2014). A modern variation worth mentioning is called the ‘Agile method’ and SCRUM, variations on action research for highly productive teamwork (Rising, & Janoff 2000; Schwaber 1997, 2004).




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Figure 5. System Making Concept Diagrams A unique contribution to systems making practices is the “pattern language” created by the architect Christopher Alexander. It offers a method of explicitly describing define ancient patterns for developing holistic urban architectural design while teaching architectural theory at Berkeley and writing his first book: A Pattern Language(Alexander, 1977, 1979). He defined holistic designs in terms of explicitly identified “contexts”, “unbalanced forces” and “unifying ideals” for bringing them into balance and contributing “living qualities” to their contexts. Of most significance is that his method was recognized in the 1980’s as a quite new general language for guiding the step-wise practices of design, and spread widely, particularly to software development. That appears to be what allowed software development to become more of a true practice of architectural design.

Figure 5a Ngram for Action Research & Action Learning The Google Ngram (Figure 5a) shows the frequency in books in English to 2008 scanned by Google of the terms: ‘action research’, ‘action learning’ (at times used interchangeably) and ‘pattern language’. It shows the pace and timing of those emerging system-making discussions, with continuing rapid growth. ST + SM



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A Hybrid Approach My own approach to systems science combines “natural science” methods of pattern recognition (e.g. Henshaw 1999) with “design science” methods of organizational design recognition (e.g. Henshaw 2015a) combining scientific system-thinking with scientific pattern language as an approach to system-making. That combination originated from my being from a physics family, getting my BS in physics, and then studying environmental design and planning1. It gave me a view of natural systems as arising in-between the upper and lower bounds of natural science, and occurring by uncontrolled and self-organizing developmental processes. It has become a very durable and productive approach. It first developed as a perspective when doing post graduate field research, doing a two year study of emerging passive air current and convection systems (Henshaw 1978). I would first instrument buildings and then intensively observe their convection currents using smoke tracers over 24 hour periods. The result was a combined study of their complex organization developed and then how air current networks would transform again and again as the sun moved during the day. The unexpected finding was that both individual and systemic transformations displayed different versions of the same, of organizational development occurring in tandem with developing energy flow, recognizable following developmental “S” curves. To make sense of them I needed a mental model of how their dynamics were linked to their phases of organizational change. That resulted in a general systems theory for natural systems-making (Henshaw 1979, 1985). Though my methods remained largely empirical until the 90’s, the basic early model I started with still holds up, letting me interpret natural systems of any scale as individual developments in which developing organization releases energy. This, of course creates a real challenges for choosing what terminology to use. I opt for using common language whenever possible, rather than abstract theory. To remain consistent with natural science, and avoid interpreting growth as either “deterministic” or “goal directed” one remains challenged to find words for the rapid accumulation of organizational innovation producing systems of great variety and complexity. It’s not perfect but what seems to hold up to both scientific theory and empirical evidence is to describe growth systems as being “exploratory”, reproducing organizational patterns releasing energy. It doesn’t apply to every case but to many, to use the example of how new technologies emerge and prompt new technology radiations in directions of most rapid development, a growth pattern that starts by following a “maximum power principle” and then stabilizes at its environmental limits. That pattern also fits ecologies, whole economies, cultures and other complex systems that individually develop by innovation (Henshaw 1979, 1985, 2008 2010b 2011, 2015a, 2015b, 2010c). As a body of work, my writings focus on understanding: 1. the organizational changes that occur during growth crises, that all growth systems seem to confront and be changed by, and 2. the exploratory nature of growth systems enabling them to in effect develop opportunistically, determining their own directions, as an alternative to “autopoesis”. Perhaps my most interesting finding is that nature is full of unexplorable domains, in the form of complex systems designed from the inside and so not readily visible from the outside. For simple examples consider how we can’t see what makes a business or a family work without entering their private domains and experiencing life in their shoes. That’s an intrusion they in fact create their private enclosures to prevent. Much the same is found for other biophysical systems that develop by growth, such as cultures, ecologies. It also includes our own minds


U. of PA School of Architecture, Landscape and Planning 1974




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and bodies. They all develop to leave outsiders “in the dark” as to their internal organization and behaviors. It’s such a pervasive the pattern that seems to offer a new exception to the avoidance of metaphysics. We just can’t avoid the fact that most of complex systems of interest have large and relatively unexplorable domains, seeming to force us to consider if the majority of the systemic sphere of nature might be composed of organizational “dark matter”.

METHODS The following sections introduce methods of applying systems-thinking to the familiar range of systems-making tasks, from scientific and business project management to providing architectural design services.

Pattern Language Exemplars of Holistic Design Christopher Alexander is an architect whose ‘pattern language’ method of defining exemplary holistic designs, called “design patterns” or just “patterns”, has widely spread since its first publication (Alexander et. all. 1977, Alexander 1979). Though it was developed for recording exemplary elements of architectural design it also provided a compact language for recording exemplary holistic designs, making it fairly “portable” and universal. Its largest impact has been on software development but it can be a teaching tool and communication method for expert knowledge of any other field as well2. It uses a similar short list of holistic questions whatever application it is being used for, requiring a user to expand the dimensions of their thinking in several systemic learning directions at once. Different authors pare down the list to bare essentials appropriate to their needs, such as the following: 1. Describe: a context and an instigating circumstance. 2. Identify: disparate “forces” to be brought into balance 3. Offer: a unifying structure, with emergent properties, bringing life giving quality to the whole. Figure 6 presents it as a database template as if each entry might have links to other resources. As a unit it provides a way to record the essentials of some unit of expert knowledge of relationship design, generally in recurrent circumstances, used to guide a user on fulfilling the ancient ideals of architectural design as Alexander first described (Alexander 1979). Speaking of its use for software development, Jennifer Tidwell (1999) touches on the heart of why this method makes that possible: “They are not abstract principles that require you to rediscover how to apply them successfully, nor are they overly specific to one particular situation or culture. Instead, they are somewhere in-between: a pattern describes possible good solutions to a common design problem within a certain context, by describing the invariant qualities of all those solutions.” (my emphasis)


See the web resources and libraries of the “Hillside Group” that sponsors several regional “Pattern

Language of Programing” (PLoP) Conferences -




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Figure 6. Template for Explicit Holistic Design Pattern Writing The “words” that compose pattern language are “design patterns” is used for action research is as an “exemplar”, to guide the repeated learning steps of the design process, as depicted in Figure 3. After each period of development you’d review what needs to be done to achieve the “pattern” of the ideal models being used. One good example of “a design pattern” the common set of connecting features that makes a ‘good home’. The requirements are very similar for all people, always exhibiting the same common design principles while allowing an extremely wide variety of very good solutions for the same universal problem. Where done well the result is a nearly magical solution. From a systems view it’s a structure with “emergent properties”, a transformative way of satisfying the basic need for accessible space for a private way of living for a family or a culture. Another example of a similarly transformative design is a ‘common currency’, as an interchangeable unit of value, another ideal expert solution giving “emergent properties” to simple structure by design, making a tremendous difference to its users. A common currency also tends to be fraught with “wicked problems”, inherent in the design unintentionally, resulting in recurring instability and very high personal and community risk. That indicates that some of the natural forces remain out balance, such as the tolerance for unlimited compounding that promises ever growing value without valued inputs. Those are two special cases. The most normal important kind of “design pattern” that might be described as in Figure 6 is the “User Interface”, the cluster of tailored services provided by a computer “page”, really serving as a specialized marketplace where each user can negotiate the kinds of interchanges it wants. It was giving software developers a clear way to think about the user’s needs and problems that seems really to have been the reason for the great expansion of pattern language methods in software development (Tidwell 1999). ST + SM



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Perhaps as great a value as the method itself is the suggestion that designers have apparently been doing this kind of thinking since the dawn of civilization, passed down non-verbally, and in the digital world can recover a good portion of the ancient knowledge by learning to be clear in stating its working parameters.

Design Progress Guides: Common Design Tasks It’s generally good to have a sense of how things are progressing, and to expect that organizational processes and their throughputs will proceed by an ‘S’ curve of graduated stepwise accumulation (Henshaw 2010b). Figure 7 depicts system-making organizational and throughput progressions for the task. The first guide (7.1) symbolizes the rising and then falling complexity of efforts for starting and completing the organization of the work, an ‘inside view’ of it. The accumulative stages of the organizational task is shown with irregular lines, not ‘S’ curves, mainly to have a distinct graphical format and to raise a distinct set of issues. How the complexity of organizational tasks often varies smoothly as in the successive refinement of familiar tasks, with predictably larger then smaller steps, but may also transition through less definable phases of complexity such as described by Snowden for his Cynefin method of being guided by complexity (Kurtz & Snowden 2003). The second guide (7.2) shows generally the normal accelerating and decelerating accumulation of structure and scale of energy and other resource use. Both 7.1 and 7.2 have beginning (A) and ending (B) periods and a “pivot” for switching from one to the other, corresponding to respective ‘build-up’ and ‘taper-off’ phases, natural to all system making. To use these guides one needs to think through the kinds of decision-making involved in guiding familiar projects from beginning to end. Everyone knows the familiar rush of activity and efforts at the “startup” phase repeated at the “end-up” phase. Those are just indicated with small circles or dot’s here, as if punctuation marks, beginning and ending the familiar build-up and build-down phases of developments. See the references (Henshaw 2015a 2010b and 1999) for more discussion of these natural succession patterns. For an easy example take the improvisational task of ‘making lunch’, how it starts and ends with small steps. It might start from opening the fridge to get out the main ingredients, collecting the needed dishes and utensils, and thinking through the appetites that need to be satisfied. It’s generally a design task that starts with an idea to then proceeds with bringing together framework elements to be filled in with the details of the end product. As you are making lunch watch closely how you first set things up and then reverse direction to finish things up, resulting in a finished product. All along the way your attention turns back and forth between the concept developing in your mind (ST) and the process developing on the kitchen counter and stove (SM). That initial stage sets up the framework for the work, getting everything ready to combine. That framework stage differentiates the ingredients by task, expanding the complexity of the work by increasing scale steps at first, to then ‘pivot’ toward reducing the scale and complexity of the process steps again, as you fill in the framework with successively smaller details. As that nears completion the final touches added are to ‘weave’ the product into the environment in which it needs to fit, achieving a satisfying full service in the end. This normal way people go about improvising familiar design tasks, going back and forth between ST for the intent and SM for putting the pieces together, is fairly universal natural stepwise practice. We use it for all our interactive learning and doing. That simple intuitive succession is what our more formal ‘action research’ methods and project designs follow and expand on. Formal plans would generally include all the parts of 7.1 & 7.2.




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Figure 7. Process Diagrams for System-Making An outside observer will be less able to follow the expanding then contracting complexity of the process (7.1) as an “inside view” of the process. Observers will be more aware of the rising and falling scale of change and pressures on its constraints (7.2), than the people absorbed in the complexity of the details. The difference in perspectives from one to the other is from “internal” to “external” exposure, information and involvement. Each view allows different things to be seen more clearly and keeps others hidden from view, depending a bit on the effort made. The combination is a bit like viewing a home construction from the inside and from the outside, each prevented from seeing different things as orthogonal views of the same thing. Other examples that can be studied this way include 1) designing a home 2) going through a grade level in school and 3) how we respond to emergencies. The terminology varies, but many natural processes follow the same pattern too, such as 4) biological reproduction from fertilization to birth, 5) individual development from birth to maturity. Similar phases are found in 6) the growth of civilizations, from their early flowering, ‘renaissance periods’ or “industrial revolutions”, to their ‘classical periods’ of stable refinement. Some of course never have stable classical periods and only repeat “boom and bust” patterns of growth. What design progress guides do is provide an easy shorthand for arranging the complete narratives of complex accumulative design stages, that somewhat correspond to the data one normally collects. The stages of each kind of development may vary considerably of course, and will be given names associated with the observer’s view. With some experience the main benefit is being able to use evidence from one orthogonal view to help you find discover corresponding evidence in the other. What that very importantly allows, is confirming findings of one kind with evidence of the other kind. For example, all three of the major turning points in an accumulating complexity (7.1), the ‘germ’, ‘pivot’ and ‘weave’, mark changes in the system’s way of changing. These major organizational changes occur at times and in ways when very little else may seem to be changing, and so are often naturally hidden from view. Looking from an outside view (7.2), at a trace of the changing scale of accumulating change, can offers little hints of these internal complexities taking place, and future shifts in direction. 1. At the major inflection point in the middle, where the whole process turns from expanding to filling in the framework of the design, the outside view shows no evidence of change at all.




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2. For ‘making lunch’ the small final touches of making a nice presentation of the meal and putting the food into the lunch box or on the table generally make big differences in enjoyment. 3. Without a method that prompts you to study the plurality of world views available one might well entirely overlook that meals are social ceremonies as well as plates of food, even when prepared only for one’s self. Those kinds of greater purposes are often present in the initiating ‘germ’ of any process if you look just a little closer.

Design Progress Guides: Self-Investment System in its Environment Our systems-thinking about the systems-making can also guide our choices for operating or interacting with autonomous systems, like economies embedded in their environments (Figure 8). The same relationship applies to an organism in its society or a person acting in its culture’s life. There are lots of individual differences of course, but what they all have in common is a need to be self-guiding through their stages of growth and integration with the world around them.

Figure 8. Organization Phase Diagrams for Systems Making In 8.1 the build-up stage of the system framework (A) is shown as a block of self-investment, using outputs to build up its own operations in positive feedback. In 8.2 the ‘pivot’ from framework building ‘Self Investment’ to creative ‘Self-Maintenance” (8.1A to 8.2A) creates a sustainable core as the developmental investment (8.2B) shifts from building internal frameworks to creating environmental relationships, labeled ‘World-Investment’. For selfnavigating these stages the timing and direction can be critical for the outcome; when to stop internal building and concentrate on external relationship building often the hardest for people to judge. The complex system referred to could also be that of a culture (considered as an organism) or a person’s own life’s work, for having the same shift from self-investment in frameworks to external relationships to consider. The most easily understood example is often for a family business, for which the ‘pivot’ is usually at that point when it has adequately established itself to give them security. Then creatively maintaining the business allows them to turn their attention to living well instead giving every ounce of effort to the business. Disposable income is then available sending children to college, saving for the future, serving their community and enjoyment, as their way of investing in their world. ST + SM



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Conclusion There is a scientific basis for these methods and this kind of research, but it’s validity as a research tool is as it is for forensics, proven by the usefulness of what you find, such as whether there is direct feedback of accumulative useful learning. Using structured action research (like Figure 3) with a template (like Figure 6) for repeatedly exploring the reassessing progress and options as you proceed, is designed by intent to be self-critical and objective. It does not keep you from overlooking things but leads you on a path of self-correction if taken seriously. So a well-constructed action research tends to naturally produce satisfying results as its positive feedback for the direction taken. It’s no guarantee though, and independent methods of evaluation are smart to include too. One broad method of evaluating systemic interventions is given by Midgley (2007). It can be difficult to know what criteria to use for measuring the success of multi-stakeholder actionresearch projects in particular. The differing worldviews of the stakeholders often don’t communicate well, and the criteria for evaluation may come at the end and be significantly biased. That dilemma is somewhat balanced by an evaluator just broadening the view. An outsider to the process can ask more general questions, Midgley suggests assessing the overall fitness of the project on three dimensions of balance for its own parts, asking whether it was well suited for 1) the circumstance, 2) for the abilities of the team involved, and also 3) for the purpose intended. Additional general fitness indicators could also be added as well, such as required for Alexander’s explicit criteria for holistic designs, like having ‘emergent properties’ and producing ‘living quality’ in the result. The value of this approach is partly that of getting to judge the project using criteria different from those used in doing it, i.e. and alternate point of view. It directly addresses a common problem with action research efforts, that of doing one thing quite well and others somewhat poorly, so falling short addressing the subject as a whole. In this review we have focused on ‘systems-thinking’ and ‘systems-making’ as 1) creating complex conceptual systems in the mind as opposed to 2) making complex material systems in the world, that in practice. We have surveyed many of their differences in subject matter and methods that distinguish them as separate kinds of activities and with different long histories of development in the sciences and culture. That led us to exploring various methods for working together to combine their strongest differences to mutual advantage. We’ve seen that ST can apply to making better design templates for guiding SM, as well as better performance criteria for evaluating SM, and how SM. We’ve shown how SM can make ST relevant to the environmental contexts that ST can only refer to in abstraction. The sorting out of these differences and new ways of connecting them will hopefully be found to have emergent values for the systems sciences and for our common challenge to learn how to work with nature.

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