The Border Line, 9780711225893, 256 pages, Eric Robson, Frances ...

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Impasse and interpretation: Therapeutic and anti-therapeutic factors in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychotic, borde
The Border Line, 9780711225893, 256 pages, Eric Robson, Frances Lincoln, 2006 The narcissistic and borderline disorders: An integrated developmental approach, the same developmental theory to differen- tiate between the narcissistic personality disorder and the border- line personality disorder. It then devotes a special section to the presentation of a case illustrating a narcissistic defense against a borderline personality disorder; ï¬ nally. Border identities: nation and state at international frontiers, kEARNEY 6 National identity on the frontier: Palestinians in the Israeli education system 142 DAN RABINOWITZ 7 Grenzregime (border regime): the Wall and its aftermath 162 JOHN BORNEMAN 8 Transcending the state?: gender and borderline constructions. Impasse and interpretation: Therapeutic and anti-therapeutic factors in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychotic, borderline, and neurotic patients, impasse and interpretation: Therapeutic and anti-therapeutic factors in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychotic, borderline, and neurotic patients. Citation. Rosenfeld, H. (1987). New library of psychoanalysis, Vol. 1. Impasse. Thinking about thinking: Some clinical and theoretical considerations in the treatment of a borderline patient, a multi-molecular associate sublimes unstable line-up. Crossing the border into borderline personality and borderline schizophrenia: The development of criteria, page 1. Crossing the Border Into Borderline Personality and Borderline Schizophrenia The Development of Criteria Robert L. Spitzer, MD; Jean Endicott, PhD; Miriam Gibbon, MSW \s=b\Although there is a large psychiatric literature. Superconductivity on the border of weak itinerant ferromagnetism in UCoGe, schrieffer, and Cooper ferromagnetic (FM) order impedes the pairing of electrons in singlet states [1]. It has been argued, however, that on the border line of ferromag- netism, critical magnetic fluctuations could mediate SC by pairing the electrons in triplet states [2. ten year mortality rates in newly diagnosed diabetics, borderline diabetics and normoglycaemic controls and risk indices for coronary heart disease in borderline, the mor- tality rates are higher in the diabetics, with the border- line diabetics intermediate between diabetics and controls. However, borderline diabetic women have mortality rates very close to those of the diabetics. Furthermore, mortality rates in the borderline diabet. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder, page 13. INTRODUCTION This practice guideline summarizes data regarding the care of patients with border- line personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder is the most common personality disorder in clini- cal settings, and it is present in cultures around the world. Psychoanalytic investigation of and therapy in the border line group of neuroses, it is well known that a large group of patients fit frankly neither into the psychotic nor into the psychoneurotic group, and that this border line group of patients is extremely difficult to handle effectively by any psychotherapeutic method. What forced itself on my attention some. Estimating the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in the community, in a recent case registry study from Denmark, Mors (1988) noted an increasing incidence of borderline states in first admissions to inpatient and day treatment settings. He found that the overall incidence of border line states varied dramatically during the period of study from. Childhood trauma in borderline personality disorder, mahler M, Kaplan L: Developmental aspects in the assessment of narcissistic and so-called borderline personalities, in Border- line Personality Disorders: The Concept, the Syndrome, the Pa- tient. Edited by Harticollis P. New York, International Univer- sities Press, 1977. The hospital anxiety and depression scale, cases. For the anxiety subscale the same score ranges were again found to best fit the data: there was one false positive, one false negative, five non-cases with border- line scores and no cases with borderline scores. In order. Skills training manual for treating borderline personality disorder, new York: Guilford Press. Abstract. Individuals who suffer from borderline personality disorder often have severe deficits in behavioral coping skills. Written for application in skills-training groups, the manual can also be used with individual patients. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder, rogers first introduced into scientific use the term "client", as the flood varies Bank. An endoscopic recognition of the atrophic border and its significance in chronic gastritis, these biopsy line were designated F-2, F-1, B, P-1 and P-2. Line B represents the biopsies taken exactly on the border, line F-1, the biopsies taken just on the fundal side, and line F-2 repre- sents the biopsies taken still farther on the fundal side. Line P-1 represents the biopsies. Effectiveness of partial hospitalization in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: a randomized controlled trial, discharge because of failure to meet attendance requirements is likely to traumatically recreate the abandonment the borderline patient both is desperate to avoid and simultaneously provokes. 15. Bateman A: The treatment of borderline patients in a day hospital setting. Magnetic resonance imaging volumes of the hippocampus and the amygdala in women with borderline personality disorder and early traumatization, marziali E The etiology of borderline personality disorder: developmental factors. Clarkin JFMarziali EMunroe-Blum Heds. Van der Kolk BAHostetler AHerron NFisler RE Trauma and the development of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatr Clin North. Borderline-SMOTE: a new over-sampling method in imbalanced data sets learning, in our experiments, four over-sampling methods are applied to the data sets: SMOTE, random over-sampling and our methods, borderline-SMOTE1 and border- line-SMOTE2, among which random over-sampling method augments the minority class by exactly duplicating. Location, economic potential and daily accessibility: an analysis of the accessibility impact of the high-speed line Madrid-Barcelona-French border, this paper evaluates the accessibility impact of the future Madrid-Barcelona-French border high-speed line. Accessibility impact of the new infrastructure is measured by means of three indicators: weighted average travel times, economic potential and daily accessibility. These. THE BORDER LINE, tHE BORDER LINE.} 3V JAMEs LoGAN\IACK.. 12S.() liver A: Bovd. l. Here a complete survey is mnade for the first time of the line of demarcation betwveen E ngan (d and Scotland. III p op iiIia r parlance, one is over the Border whenever the Cheviots.