The Coral Sea / Patti Smith / 9780393039085 / 1996 / W.W. Norton ...

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Agelastatin A, a new skeleton cytotoxic alkaloid of the oroidin family. Isolation from the axinellid sponge Agelas dendr
The Coral Sea / Patti Smith / 9780393039085 / 1996 / W.W. Norton, 1996 / 71 pages The active centres of agelastatin A, a strongly cytotoxic alkaloid of the Coral Sea axinellid sponge Agelas dendromorpha, as determined by comparative bioassays, abstract Agelastatin A (1), an unusual alkaloid of the axinellid sponge Agelas dendromorpha from the Coral Sea, can be selectively acetylated (→ 7) or methylated at OH [BOND] C (8a)(→ 4), peracetylated (→ 8) or permethylated at OH [BOND] C (8a), NH (5. Tectonic evolution of the Coral Sea basin, studies of marine magnetic anomaly data from the Coral Sea basin reveal magnetic lineations which strike N70W almost parallel to the northern margin of the Queensland Plateau. The lineation pattern is best developed in the eastern part of the basin. Agelastatin A, a new skeleton cytotoxic alkaloid of the oroidin family. Isolation from the axinellid sponge Agelas dendromorpha of the Coral Sea, michele D'Ambrosio,a Antonio Guerriero,aCkile Debitus,bOlivier Ribes,b Jacques Pusset,cSandrine Leroy Cand Francesco Pietra 8 a lstituto di Chimica, Universita di Trento, 38050 Povo-Trento, Italy b ORSTOM, Centre de Noumea, 8. P. A5 Noumea Cddex, Nouvelle Calddonie. Fishes of the great barrier reef and coral sea, this is a long-overdue revision and expansion of what has become a classic book in marine literature. This lavishly illustrated volume provides exhaustive coverage of more than 90 percent of the region's reef fishes. Every species is thoroughly illustrated, including. Oceanic inflow from the coral sea into the great barrier reef, long-term current meter data from the continental shelf region of the Great Barrier Reef show that there exists a zone of oceanic inflow onto the shelf. This oceanic inflow splits into two branches on meeting the continental shelf slope, resulting in two net longshore currents. Strong genetic divergence among populations of a marine fish with limited dispersal, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, within the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea, acanthochromis polyacanthus is an unusual tropical marine damselfish that uniquely lacks pelagic larvae and has lost the capacity for broad-scale dispersal among coral reefs. On the modern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), three color morphs meet and hydridize at two zones. Latitudinal variation in the reproduction of Acropora in the Coral Sea, most comparisons available suggest that synchronous spawning of numerous species of scleractinian corals is restricted to regions with large variations in environmental cycles, such as temperature and tides, with a progressive breakdown in seasonality and synchrony. Marineâ Dependent Terrestrial Biotic Communities on Some Cays in the Coral Sea, coral cays devoid of vascular vegetation were found to contain terrestrial invertebrates, the number of species being related to island size. Sea birds, through contributing guano and carrion were chiefly responsible for the energy transfer from the marine to the insular. Distribution and transport pathways of Panulirus ornatus (Fabricius, 1776) and Panulirus spp. larvae in the Coral Sea, Australia, distribution of phyllosoma larvae and pueruli of the rock lobster Panulirus ornatus and other Panulirus species was surveyed in the north-west Coral Sea in May 1997 and compared to ocean currents. Distribution of P. ornatus larvae revealed the sources of recruits. Zonal jets entering the Coral Sea, abstract The South Equatorial Current (SEC) entering the Coral Sea through the gap between New Caledonia and the Solomon Islands was observed by an autonomous underwater vehicle (Spray glider) and an overlapping oceanographic cruise during July. Estimates of sea surface temperature in the Coral Sea at the last glacial maximum, the CLIMAP [1981] reconstruction of the Coral Sea found relatively little cooling (2 C) in the low latitudes (10 S) but a warming off Australia at about 25 S. The small low-latitude changes are of interest because terrestrial pollen and snowline data from the New Guinea. and absolute configuration of agelastatin A, a cytotoxic alkaloid of the axinellid sponge Agelas dendromorpha from the Coral Sea, via combined molecular modelling, the absolute configuration of agelastatin A (1), the major, strongly cytotoxic alkaloid of the axinellid sponge Agelas dendromorpha from the Coral Sea, is proposed here to be (5aS, 5bS, 8aS, 9aR), as deduced from combined molecular-mechanics calculations and a novel. A, a new type of macrolide: the first powerfully bioactive metabolite of calcareous sponges (Leucascandra caveolata, a new genus from the coral sea, abstract Leucascandrolide A ((+)-1), a doubly O-bridged 18-membered macrolide of a new type, ie, showing little C 1-branching vs. extensive 1, 3-dioxygenation and a peculiar side chain, was isolated from a calcareous sponge of a new genus, Leucascandra caveolata. Ecological correlates of foraging periodicity in herbivorous reef fishes of the Coral Sea, diurnal feeding activity patterns of five herbivorous reef fishes were studied at two sites in the Coral Sea, Motupore Island and Davies Reef. A marked peak in feeding activity in the afternoon was found for the damselfishes Pomacentrus flavicauda Whitley, Stegastes. Rare earth elements and yttrium in seawater: ICP-MS determinations in the East Caroline, Coral Sea, and South Fiji basins of the western South Pacific Ocean, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), vertical profiles of yttrium and all the rare earth elements (REEs) in seawater were obtained at three locations in the western South Pacific (the East Caroline, Coral Sea, and South Fiji Basins). Based. Short-term movement and behaviour of black marlin Makaira indica in the Coral Sea as determined through a pop-up satellite archival tagging experiment, pop-up satellite tags were deployed on seven black marlin, Makaira indica, in the north-western Coral Sea, to examine movement, post-capture mortality and habitat preferences. Five of these tags popped up and transmitted positions, and detailed data on diving. Magnesium and strontium compositions of recent benthic foraminifera from the Coral Sea, Australia and Prydz Bay, Antarctica, abstract Analyses of the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of the modern benthic foraminifera, Cibicides wuellerstorfi (epifaunal) and Uvigerina species (infaunal) from the Coral Sea, and Cibicides refulgens (epifaunal) and Trifarina angulosa (infaunal) from Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Quinolones from a bacterium and tyrosine metabolites from its host sponge, Suberea creba from the Coral Sea, a marine bacterium, identified as a pseudomonad, isolated from Suberea creba Bergquist, 1995 (Porifera, Dictyoceratida, Verongida, Aplysinellidae) collected along the eastern coast of New Caledonia, gave in culture phenazine-!-carboxamide, 2-n-heptylquinol-4-one. Crustal structure of the Coral Sea, seismic-refraction measurements made on the marginal Queensland (or Coral Sea) plateau, located off the northeast coast of Australia, indicate that the plateau is a submerged extension of the mainland. The basement of the plateau is a 1-to 2-km thick layer of seismic. Pteridines, sterols, and indole derivatives from the lithistid sponge Corallistes undulatus of the coral sea, aBsmo.-The lithistid sponge Corallister vmhlatur, which inhabits the base (-5 10 m) of the New Caledonian coral reef, is shown here to contain the pteridines 1-methylpteridine-2, 4-dione {2], already known fromanother Cwallirter, and the new (1'R, 2'S)-6-(11.