The liturgy for Christian burial

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cry to You, 0 Lord; * ad te, Domine, * Domi-. Lord, hear my ... tentae * ad vocem ob- secrationis ...... Peacefully he y

CHRISTIAN BURIAL The Requiem Mass and Interment Rites according to the text in the COLLECTIO RITUUM of October II, 1959 with explanatory comment

THE LITURGICAL PRESS Collegeville, Minnesota St. John's Abbey

Nihil obstat: J ohn Eidenschink, O .S.B. , J.C.D., Censor deputatus. Imprimi potest: +Baldwin Dworschak, O.S.B., D.D., Abbot, St. John 's Abbey. Imprimatur : + P eter W. Bartholome, D .D., Bishop of St. Cloud. March 25, 1962. Copyright 1962 by The Order of St. B enedic t, Inc., Collegeville, Minnesota.


If the priest cannot go to the house of the deceased, he meets the body in the vestibule of the church, or at its entrance . He is accompanied by a cross-bearer and acolytes with lighted candles and holy water. The body is sprinkled with holy water- a sacramental symbolic of purification from the stains of sin. The following antiphon and psalm are recited by the priest: Ant. If You, o Lord, mark 1l11qultles, * Lord, who can stand?

Ant. Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine: * Domine, quis sustinebit? I




Out of the depths I cry to You, 0 Lord; * Lord, hear my voice!

De ' profundis clarno ad te, Domine, * Domine, audi vocem meam!

Let Your ears be attentive * to my voice in supplication:

Fiant aures tuae intentae * ad vocem obsecrationis meae.

If You, 0 Lord, mark InIquItieS, * Lord, who can stand?

Si delictorum memoriam servaveris, Domine, * Domine , quis sustinebit?

But with You is forgiveness, * that You may be revered .

Sed penes te est peccatorumvenia,* ut cum reverentia ~erviatur tibi . -

I trus t in the Lord; * my soul trusts in His word . My soul waits for the Lord * more than sentinels wait for the dawn . More than sentinels wait for the dawn, * let Israel wait for the Lord,

Spero in Dominum, * sperat anima mea in verbum eius . Exspectat anima mea Dominum, * mag i s quam custodes auroram.Magis quam custodes auroram, * exspectet Israel Dominum,


For with the Lord is kindness * and with Him is plenteous redemption; And He will redeem Israel * from all their 1nlqUl tIes. Eternal rest * grant unto him ( her) , 0 Lord. And let perpetual light * shine upon him (her). Ant. HYou, OLord, mark iniquities, * Lord who can stand?


Quia penes Dominum misericordia * et copiosa penes eum redemptio: Et ipse redimet Israel * ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius. Requiem aeternam * dona ei, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat ei.


Ant. Si In1quitates observaveris, Domine: * Domine, quis sustinebit?

The body of the deceased is then carried into church . The cross-bearer precedes. The crucifix at the head of the procession is an admonition that Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life (John I4:6), anJ that death was vanquished by the death of Jesus on the Cross ( r Cor. I') .5 4)8). Meanwhile the priest recites Psalm 50."Have mercy on me, 0 God. " It is a prayer not only for pardon but also for spiritual rebirth . The psalm is introduced and concluded with a consol a tory anti phon :



Ant . The bones You have crushed shall reJOlce.

Ant. Exsultabunt Domino ossa humiliata.


Have mercy on me, o God, in Your goodness; * in the greatness of Your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt * and of my sin cleanse me. For I acknowledge my offense, * and my sin is before me always: "Against You only have I sinned, * and done what is evil 1n Your sight"that You may be justified in Your sentence, * vindicated when You condemn. Indeed, in guilt was I born, * and in sin my mother conceived me;


Miserere mei, Deus, secundum misericordiam tuam; * secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum dele iniquitatem meam. Penitus lava me a culpa mea, * et a peccato meo munda me.N am iniquitatem meam ego agnosco, * et peccatum meum coram me est semper. Tibi soli peccavi * et, quod malum est coram te, feci, ut manifesteris iustus in sententia tua, * rectus in iudicio tuo. Ecce, in culpa natus sum, * et in peccato concepit me mater mea.



behold, You are pleased with sincerity of heart, * and in my inmost being You teach me wisdom.

Ecce, sinceritate cordis delectaris, * et in praecordiis sapientiam me doces.-

Cleanse me of sin with hyssop, that I may be purified; * wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow .

Asperges me hyssopo et mundabor; * lava me et super nivem dealbabor.

Let me hear the sounds of joy and gladness; * the bones You have crushed shall rejoice.

Fac me audire gaudium et laetitiam, * exsultent ossa quae contrivisti.

Turn away Your face from my sins, * and blot out all my guilt.

A verte faciem tuam a peccatis meis, * et omnes culpas meas dele . -

A clean heart create for me, 0 God, * and a steadfast spirit renew within me .

Cor mundum crea mihi, Deus, * et spiritum firmum renova in me . Ne proieceris me a facie tua, * et spiritum sanctum tuum ne abstulcris a me.

Cast me not out from Your presence, * and Your holy spiri t take not from me.



Give me back the joy of Your salvation * and a willing spirit sustain in me. I will teach transgressors Your ways, * and sinners shall return to You . Free me from blood guilt, 0 God, my saving God; * then my tongue shall revel in Your justice.

o lips,

Lord, open my

* and my mouth


proclaim Your

praIse . For You are not pleased with sacrifices; * should I offer a holocaust, You would not accept it. My sacrifice, 0 God , is a contrite spirit; * a heart contrite and humbled, 0 God, You will not spurn .

Redde mihi laetitiam salutis tuae, * et spiri tu generoso confirma me . Docebo iniquos vias tuas, * et peccatores ad te convertentur. Libera me a poena sanguinis, Deus, Deus salvator meus: * exsultet lingua mea de iustitia tua. Domine, labia mea aperies, * et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam . Neque enim sacrificio delectaris, * et holocaustum, si darem, non accept ares . Sacrificium meum, Deus, spiritus contritus : * cor contritum et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies.-


Be bountiful, 0 Lord, to Sion in Your kindness * by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem; then shall You be pleased with due sacrifices, burnt offerings and holocausts; * then shall they offer up bullocks on Your altar. Eternal rest * grant unto him (her) , 0 Lord. And let perpetual light * shine upon him (her). Ant. The bones You have crushed shall reJoice.


Benigne fac, Domine, pro bonitate tua, erga Sion, * ut reaedifices muros Ierusalem. Tunc acceptabis sacrificia legitima, oblationes et holocausta, * tunc offerent super altare tuum vitulos . Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine .


Et lux perpetua luceat ei .


Ant. Ex suI tab u n t Domino ossa humiliata .

The body of the deceased is placed in the middle of the church with lighted candles on both sides of the bier. The lighted candles signify the eternal light that will shine for the departed. The priest says the following responsory after having entered the church:



Come to his ( her) Subvenite, * Sancti aid, * 0 saints of God; Dei, occurrite, Angeli hasten to meet him Domini: * Susci pien tes ( her) , angels of the animam eius : t OfferLord, * taking up his entes eam in conspectu ( her) soul, presenting Altissimi. it in the sight of the Most High. y. May you be rey. Suscipiat te ceived by Christ, who Christus, qui vocavit has called you, and te: et in sinum Abramay the angels bring hae Angeli deducant you into the bosom of teo Abraham. "ij. Taking up his "ij. Suscipientes ani( her) soul, * present- mam eius: t Offerentes ing it in the sight of eam in conspectu Altissimi. the Most High. y. Eternal rest grant y. Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine: unto him ( her) , 0 Lord; and let perpetual et lux perpetua luceat light shine upon him ei. ( her). "ij . Presenting his "ij . Offerentes eam in ( her) soul in the sight conspectu Altissimi. of the Most High. If the Office of the Dead is to be rec i ted, it follows now. At the end of the Office the holy sacrifice of the Mass is offered for the departed .

II. THE MASS OF REQUIEM A. The Liturgy of the Word

All stand when the celebrant enters the sanctuary, and remain stand ing un til the cele bran t begins the Preliminary Prayers; then all kneel. PRELIMINARY PRAYERS

At the foot of the altar the priest signs himself with the Sign of the Cross . All do likewise. P . In the name t of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit . Amen . I am come to the al tar of God,

P. In nomine t Patris, et Filii, et Spiri tus Sancti. Amen.

A . to God, who makes me young and joyful.

A. Ad laetificat meam .

P . Our help is in the N arne of the Lord,

P . Adiutorium nostrum in nomine 00mm!.

A. who made heaven and earth.

A . Qui fecit coelum et terram.

In troi bo ad al tare Dei.


Deum qui iuventutem



The priest says the Confiteor, making a public confession of sin, and calls upon the saints and the faithful to pray for him . P . I confess to almighty God . . . to . the Lord our God for me.

P. Confiteor ... ad Dominum Deum nostrum .

A. May almighty God have mercy on you . Having forgiven you your sins, may He guide you to eternal life. P . Amen.

A . Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis tuis, perducat te ad vitam aeternam.

A . I confess to almighty God, to blessed Mary, ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the saints, and to you, Father, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word and deed ( strike the breast

A . Confiteor De 0 omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato 10anni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus sanctis, et tibi, Pater, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

P. Amen.


three times as a sign of contrition) , through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I beseech blessed Mary, ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the saints and you, Father, to pray to the Lord our God for me . P . May almighty God have mercy on you. Having forgiven you your sins, may He guide you to eternal life. A. Amen. the alP . May mighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, t absolution and remission of our sins. A. Amen.


Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelum Archangelum, beatum loannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes sanctos, et te, Pater, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.

P. Misereatur vestri omni potens Deus, et dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam . A. Amen . P. Indulgentiam, t absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus. A. Amen .



P. Be concerned, Lord, and confer Your life upon us, A. that Your people may share Your joy.

P. Deus, tu conversus vivificabis nos.

P. Favor Lord,


P. Ostende nob is, Domine, misericordiam tuam .

A. by granting us Your saving grace.

A. Et salutare tuum da nobis .

P. Listen to my plea, 0 Lord, A. and give my prayer a hearing.

P. Domine, exaudi orationem meam . A. Et clamor meus ad te veniat .

P. May the Lord be with you. A. And with you also.

P. Dominus vobiscum. A . Et cum spiritu tuo .


A. Et plebs tua laetabitur in te.


All remain kneeling, in a low Mass as well as in a chanted Mass. The priest goes up to the altar saying secretly : Let us pray. Lord, w e beg You to efface our sins , for only with purified hearts may we enter this holiest sanctuary. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


He kisses the altar and says: Through the merits of all Your saints, particularly of those whose relics are honored here, we beg You, Lord, to pardon all my sins. Amen, Going to the missal on his right he reads the ENTRANCE HYMN

Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. It is fitting to praise You in Sion, 0 God, and to fulfill our vow to You in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer; all persons must come to You. Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Life on earth knows no rest; trials, sufferings, dangers, misery and death are the lot of man. And at times, man's heart is uneasy until it rests in God . Therefore "weep but a little for the dead, for he is at rest" (Eccli . n:II). And let perpetual light shine upon them! Heaven is the kingdom of light; God is light (John I :5). Man in baptism received the light, but it is only in heaven, the abode of eternal light, that he is intimately united with Light itself.



Returning to the middle of the altar the priest says: P. K yrie eleison. P. Lord, have mercy. A. Kyrie eleison . A . Lord, have mercy . P . Lord, have mercy. A . Christ, have mercy .

P . Kyrie eleison. A. Christe eleison.

P . Christ, have mercy. A. Christ, have mercy.

P. Christe eleison. A. Christe eleison.

P. Lord, have mercy. A. Lord, have mercy .

P . K yrie eleison. A. K yrie eleison.

P . Lord, have mercy.

P. K yrie eleison.

He again kisses the altar, then turns to the people and salutes them : P. May the Lord be P. Dominus vobiswith you . cum. A. And with you A. Et cum spiritu also. tuo. All remain kneelint, . The priest returns to the missal and reci tes the Collect or official prayer of the Mass. This varies in Masses of the Dead according to the ecclesiastical rank of the deceased. The one given here is for lay persons.


Let us pray. 0 God, it is Your very nature to show mercy always and to spare . Humbly, then, do we plead with You in behalf of Your servant N. , whom You have called out of this world today; do not deliver him (her) into the hands of the enemy nor forget him (her) forever, but command the holy angels to take him (her) and lead him (her) to the home of paradise. Because he (she) put his (her) hope and trus t in You, may he (she ) escape the pains of hell and come to the possession of eternal joys. This we ask of You through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever. A. Amen. God's mercy spares all ( W is. II:2.7). Therefore the Church prays for mercy at the hour of death. She prays for mitigation of the punishment, for union with the blessed in the home of paradise, and participation in the unalloyed joys of the blessed. EPISTLE

In a low Mass: Kneel . In a chanted Mass: Sit. Lesson from the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians (I T hess. 4:13-18) . Brethren: We would not have you ignorant concern-



ing those who are asleep, lest you should grieve, even as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so with Him God will bring those also who have fallen asleep through Jesus . For this we say to you in the word of the Lord, that we who live, who survive until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself with cry of command, with voice of archangel, and with trumpet of God will descend from heaven; and the dead in Christ will rise up first. Then we who live, who survive, shall be caught together with them in clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words . A. God, we thank You .

A. Deo gratias.

A world of comfort lies in these words for them that believe and hope in Christ! GRADUAL AND TRACT

In a low Mass: Kneel . In a chanted Mass: Sit. Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. The just man shall always be remembered; he shall fear no evil report.


o Lord, free the souls of all the fai thful departed from every bond of sin . He! ped by Your grace may they be able to escape the avenging judgment and enjoy the happiness of everlasting light. Even after death and burial, the just will be remembered. The judgments of the world, be they good or evil, will not harm the dead. His memory will endure, and God and His Church will not forget him. S E QUENCE

In a low Mass: Kneel. In a chanted Mass: Sit. Nigher still, and still more nigh Draws the day of prophecy, Doomed to melt the earth and sky. 0, what trembling there shall be, When the world its judge shall see, Coming in dread majesty! Hark, the trump, with thrilling tone, From sepulchral regions lone, Summons all before the throne : Time and death it doth appall To see the buried ages all Rise to answer at the call.



Now the books are open spread; Now the writing must be read, Which condemns the quick and dead. Now, before the Judge severe, Hidden things must all appear; Nought can pass unpunished here. What shall guilty I then plead? Who for me will intercede, When the saints shall comfort need? King of dreadful majesty, Who dost freely justify, Fount of pity, save Thou me! Recollect, 0 Love divine, 'Twas for this lost sheep of Thine Thou Thy glory didst resign: Sattest wearied seeking me: Sufferest upon the Tree: Let not vain Thy labor be . Judge of justice, hear my prayer, Spare me, Lord, in mercy spare; Ere the reckoning-day appear, Lo, Thy gracious face I seek : Shame and grief are on my cheek, Sighs and tears my sorrow speak.


Thou didst Mary's guilt forgive; Didst the dying thief receive; Hence doth hope within me live. Worthless are my prayers, I know. Yet, 0 cause me not to go Into everlasting woe. Severed from the guilty band, Make me with Thy sheep to stand, Placing me on Thy right hand. When the cursed in anguish flee Into flames of misery, With the blest then call Thou me. Suppliant in the dust I lie, My heart a cinder crushed and dry, Help me, Lord, when death is nigh. Full of tears and full of dread Is the day that wakes the dead, Calling all, with solemn blast, From the ashes of the past. Lord of mercy, Jesu blest, Grant the faithful light and rest. Amen. A non-Catholic has described this magnificent hymn as "solitary in its excellence. The secret of its irresistible power lies in the awful gran-



deur of the theme, the intense earnestness and pathos of the poe t , the simple m a jesty and solemn music of its language, th e stately metre, the triple rhyme-all combining to produce an overwhelming effect, as if we heard the final crash of the universe, the commotion of the opening of graves, the trumpet of the Archangel summoning the quick and the dead, and saw the King 'of tremendous majesty' seated on the throne of justice and mercy, and ready to dispense 'everlasting life or everlasting woe.' .. While the missal is being taken to the Gospel side, the priest, bowing at the middle of the altar, prepares himself to announce the holy Gospel, saying the following prayer: Purify my hearc and my lips, almighty God. Just as You purified the lips of the prophet Isaiah with a burning coal, so purify me now through Your generous mercy in order that I may competently proclaim Your holy Gospel. Through Christ our Lord. Amen . GOSPEL

In a low Mass as well as in a chanted Mass: Stand. P. May the Lord be with you.

P . Dominus cum.



A. And also.



A. Et tuo.


cum spiritu

P . From the holy Gospel according to St. John (II :2.1-2.7), the following passage:

P. Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum loannem .

A . But to You, 0 Lord, the glory .

A. Gloria tibi, 00mwe.

At that time Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if Thou hadst been here my brother would not have died. But even now 1 know that whatever Thou shalt ask of God, God will give it to Thee ." Jesus said to her, "Thy brother shall rise ." Martha said to Him, " I know that he will rise at the resurrection, on the last day." Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and. whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die. Dost thou believe this? " She said to Him, "Yes, Lord, I believe that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, who hast come into the world ." A . ToY 0 u , 0 A. Laus tibi, ChriChrist, the praise. ste. As a joyful song of victory the words of Christ resound: "I am the resurrection and the life . " Faith in Him is the pledge of future glory. " He



who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die." B. The Liturgy of the Eucharist I.


The priest begins the Offertory with a salutation to the faithful. In a low Mass as well as in a chanted Mass: Sit. P. May the Lord be with you.

P. Dominus vobiscum.

A. And also.

A . Et cum spiritu tuo.


P. Let us pray.


P. Oremus.

o Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the deep pit . Deliver them from the lion's mouth that hell may not swallow them up; may they not fall into darkness, but may the holy standard-bearer Michael lead them into Your holy light, promised of old by You to Abraham and to his seed. To You, 0 Lord, we offer sacrifices and prayers; receive them in behalf of those souls whom we commemorate this day . Grant them,


o Lord,

to pass from death to that life which of old You promised to Abraham and to his seed .

The Church prays for all the faithful departed; in fact, in the words of the Offertory she hastens to their assistance, even as they are passing out of life, and she prays that hell may not prevail over them, but that God's angel may lead them into eternal light. The priest now offers the bread. All sit . Holy Father, almighty and eternal God, accept this ,immaculate host that I, Your unworthy servant, am offering to You, my true and living God . It is an offering for my own countless sins, sins of commission and sins of omission; an offering likewise for the failings of all here present as well as for all who have the faith, Christians alive or dead. May it prove spiritually beneficial to me and to them, a means of gaining eternal life. Amen. He places the host upon the corporal and pours wine and water into the chalice, saying the following prayer:

o God, marvellous was the manner in which You created human nature in all its dignity, but still more marvellous was the way in which You



renewed it. Through the mystical union of this water with wine bring us to union with the divine nature of Him who graciously willed to share our human nature, Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Lord . Being God, He lives and exercises kingship with You in oneness with the Holy Spirit, age after age. Amen. He offers the chalice with the following words: We offer You, 0 Lord, this saving chalice, im ploring Your goodness to make it ascend as sweetest . fragrance into Your divine presence, there to effect our salvation and that of all the world . Amen. He places the chalice on the corporal and bows, saying : Because of our humble attitude and repentant spirit take us into Your embrace, 0 Lord. Then will our Sacrifice offered in Your presence today become pleasing in Your eyes, Lord God. Raising his eyes and hands


heaven, he says:

Come, 0 sanctifying Spirit, God almighty and eternal, come and t bless this Sacrifice readied to glorify Your holy Name .


Washing his fingers at the Epistle side of the altar, he prays: Among innocent men I wash my hands; I s ta y close to Your altars, Lord. For I want to voice Your praises, and openly tell Your countless wonders . Lord, I love the beauty of Your house, that glorious place where You dwell. o God, do not allow me to perish with the wicked; do not destroy my life with sinners whose hands are foul with crime, and heavilyweighted .with bribes. But I, I try to live virtuously; have pity and save me. Firmly my foot is plante~ in the proper path; in the presence of the whole church I will bless You, Lord . Returning to the middle of the al tar and bowing, the priest says: Holy Trinity, accept this offering that we are presen ting to You as a memorial of the passion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ Jesus, our Lord . It is also made in honor of blessed Mary ever Virgin, of St . John the Baptist, of the apostle saints, Peter and Paul, of the saints



whose relics are here enshrined and of all the saints. For them may it mean greater honor, for us greater assurance of salvation; and may they, in heaven, intercede for us who keep them in mind upon earth. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. He then kisses the al tar and turns faithful, asking them to pray:



P. Pray, brethren, so that my Sacrificeand it is yours likewise- may prove acceptable to God, our almighty Father.

P. Orate, fratres, ut meum ac vestrum sacrifici urn acceptabile fiat apud Deum Patrem omni potentem.

A. May the Lord accept the Sacrifice from your hands unto His own praise and glory, for our benefit, and for the good of all His holy Church.

A. Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem quoque nostram, totiusque EccJesiae suae sanctae .


The priest, having answered .. Amen," continues silently with the prayer called the Secret, which varies in the same manner as the Collect. The one given here is for deceased lay persons.



o Lord, we beg You to be merciful to the soul of Your servant, N . For him (her) do we offer to You this sacrifice of praise, humbly beseeching Your Majesty that by these holy peace offerings he (she) may be found worthy to win everlasting rest. This we ask of You through our Lord Jesus Christ , Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, The priest concludes the Secret in a loud tone of voice: P . . .. for ever and ever. A. Amen.

2 .

P. Per omnia saecula saeculorum . A . Amen.


In a low Mass: Sit. In a chanted Mass: Stand. P . May the Lord be with you . A. And with you also .

P . Dominus vobiscum. A. Et cum spiritu tuo .



P. Turn your hearts heavenwards . A. We are the Lord.

P. Sursum corda .


A. Habemus ad Dominum.

P. Let us be grateful to the Lord, our God.

P. Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro.

A. That and proper.

A. Dignum et iustum est.



It is indeed fitting and proper, and a duty necessary for salvation, to be grateful at all times and places to You, holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God: through Christ our Lord.

In Him the hope of a blessed resurrection has been shown to us: that they who are saddened by the certain necessi ty of dying, be comforted by the promise of eternal life to come. For to those who have faith in You, Lord, life does not cease- i t merely changes! And when our earthly dwelling falls to ruins, we find an eternal home in heaven. Therefore with the Angels and Archangels, the Thrones and Dominions, and the whole host of the heavenly army do we hymn Your glory, singing continuously:


"For we know, if our earthly house of this habitation is dissolved , that we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven" ( 2 Cor. 5 :1). This is a great consolation for the Christian believer. Peacefully he yields his soul into the hands of his Maker, knowing that from the ruins of his earthly house, a heavenly dwelling will be prepared . SANCTUS

In a low as well as in a chanted Mass: Kneel, until just before the Pater no.rter. A . Holy, holy, h oly is the Lord, God over the heavenly hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Your glory . Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes t in the Name of the Lord . Hosanna in the highest. We may imagine that the departed is now chanting with the Angels, Archangels, and the whole host of the heavenly army: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God over the heavenly hosts." THE CANON

Custom and a decision of the Church (Sepi: . 3, 195 8) , as also respect and reverence for the approaching Godhead during this most solemn part of the Mass , demand that we pray in silence until the beginning of the Our Father.



It is with heightened reverential awe that we begin the most sacred part of the Mass mystery, the Canon . This is the great consecratory prayer; beginning here it continues on to the "Amen" before the Pater Noster, as Christ through the priest offers Himself as a Victim to the Father, intercedes in behalf of His Mystical Body, and commends all our needs and petitions to God most High. Kindest Father, humbly we now ask and beg You through Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Lord, to accept and bless these gifts, these presents, these offerings so holy and so pure . First of all we offer them to You in behalf of Your holy, catholic Church ( graciously give her peace, protect her, bring her together in unity and guide her in every part of the world ) and Your servant, N. , our Pope, N ., our Bishop, as well as for all others who, cherishing true doctrine, guard the faith that is catholic and apostolic. COMMEMORATION OF THE LIVING

Lovingl y . keep in mind, 0 Lord, all Your servants, N . . . , N ... , ( here pause and silently pray for those of the living whom you desire to remember in a special manner) even as those


here assembled whose faith and fidelity You know . For them do we offer thi s sacrifice of praise to You- they themselves offer it to You likewise- and for all their loved ones, to obtain the redemption of their souls and the security and salvation they hope for. To You, eternal God, living and true , do they now direct their petitions. COMMEMORATION OF THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT

United together through the communion of saints, we first bring reverently to mind Mary, the ever-glorious Virgin Mother of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ; then Your holy apostles and martyrs: Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, apostles Simon and Thaddeus, Linus, 2nd pope, martyred c. 79 Cletus, 3rd 90 97 Clement, 4th Sixtus, 258 253 Cornelius, 258 Cyprian, bishop of Carthage " 258 Lawrence, deacon of Rome Chrysogonus, 303 layman



John and Paul, laymen, brothers, martyred Cosmas and Damian, laymen, physicians " and all Your saints.

362 303

Through their merits and prayers favor us at all times with Your powerful help and protection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. The priest then spreads his joined hands over the offering and says: Here, then, is the offering that we, Your servants, and together with us Your whole household, present to You. Graciously accept it, Lord. May each day of our lives be spent in Your peace. Intervene to save us from eternal damnation, and put us in the flock of Your chosen ones. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. We beg You, 0 God, condescend to bless this offering . Accept it, accord it Your fulles t favor, make it perfect, pleasing to Yourself in every way, so that it may become for us the Body and Blood of Your dearly beloved Son, Christ Jesus our Lord. THE CONSECRATION

On the evening before His passion, He took bread into His holy and venerable hands. Then,



with eyes lifted heavenwards to You, 0 God, His almighty Father, He gave thanks to You as He blessed the bread, broke and gave it to Hi s disciples with the words : Take and eat this, all of you. FOR THIS IS MY BODY . After the elevation of the Sacred Host, the priest continues: In a similar manner, after the meal was over, He took that most precious chalice into His holy and venerable hands. Again He gave thanks to You as He blessed it and gave it to His disciples with the words: Take and drink this, all of you. FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD, THE BLOOD OF THE NEW AND NEVER-ENDING COVENANT (THE MYSTER Y OF THE FAITH) THAT WILL BE SHED FOR YOU AND FOR ALL MEN TO EFFECT THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS . Every time you do this, you will do it memory of Me.




After the Consecration Christ is on the altar as the one offering acceptable to the Father in heaven. Join the priest in offering Christ to the Father in heaven for all the world, for all at Mass, and especially for the departed. The priest prays: In memory, then, 0 God, of the sacred passion of Christ, Your Son and our Lord, as also of His resurrection from sheol ! and of His glorious ascension into heaven, do we Your ministers and with us, Your holy people, present to Your sovereign Majesty this offering chosen from the blessings You have given us- a Victim all-perfect, a Victim holy and unblemished: the sacred Bread that gives unending life and the chalice that confers lasting salvation. Upon this offering please condescend to look kindly, favorably. Accept it as you accepted the oblation of Your holy servant Abel, or the sacrifice of Abraham our father, or that sacred offering, that spotless sacrifice presented to You by Your great priest Melchisedech. Almighty God, humbly we beg You to have this sacrifice carried by the hands of Your holy angel to Your heavenly altar, into the presence I

The abode of t he d ead according to t he Old T estament.



of Your divine Majesty. Everyone who then takes part in the sacrifice at this al tar here below and receives the infinitely holy Body and Blood of Your Son will be filled with all the blessings and grace of heaven . Through Christ our Lord. Amen . COMMEMORATION OF THE DEAD

Lovingl y keep in mind, 0 Lord, all Your servants, N .. . , N ... , who have preceded us with the indelible mark of baptism and are now resting in peaceful sleep. Here pause and silen tly pray for those whom you desire to remember in a special manner. To these and to all who rest in Christ, we entreat You, Lord, to grant heavenly happiness, light, and peace . Through Christ our Lord . Amen. COMMEMORATION OF OURSELVES AND PRAI SE OF GOD

Also to us sinners, still Your servants who trust in Your boundless mercies, be pleased to grant a share in the heavenly community of Your holy apostles and martyrs,



the Baptist John, first martyr Stephen, apostle Matthias, Paul's companion Barnabas, bishop of Antioch, mart. 107 Ignatius, Alexander, pope, martyred 119 Marcellinus, martyred 304 Peter, martyred 304 Felicitas, martyr at Carthage Perpetua, martyr at Carthage Agatha, virgin, martyr Lucy, virgin, martyr Agnes, virgin, martyr Cecilia, virgin, martyr Anastasia, and all Your other saints. Into their company admit us. We beg this of You, not by reason of our own merits but through Your gracious pardon. Through Ch rist our Lord. It is through Him, 0 God, that You continue to provide all these good gifts, sanctifying them, endowing them with life, and blessing them before You bestow them upon us. Through Him, with Him, in Him there is given to You, Almighty G od and Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit ALL HONOR AND GLORY .


The priest concludes this prayer tone of voi ce: P. for ever and ever . A. Amen. All stand.

37 10

a loud

P. Per omnia saecula saeculorum . A. Amen.


P. Let us pray. Obeying the command of our Savior who taught us how to pray, we take courage to say: A . Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven . Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation.

P. Oremus. Praeceptis salutaribus moniti, et divina institutione formati, audemus dicere: A. Pater noster, qui es in coelis: Sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum: Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in coelo, et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimi ttim us de bi toribus nostris . Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.



A. But deliver from evil. P . Amen .


A. Sed libera nos a malo. p, Amen,

The "Our Father" is the most perfect prayer of praise of God and petition for our needs . It is all the more powerful in that it is not so much our prayer as Christ's, who taught it to His disciples. If we pray rightly and becomingly, we never say but what is found expressed in this prayer of the Lord, for it is the summary of all prayer. The priest continues, enlarging upon the last petition of the Our Father: Deliver us, Lord, from all evils, whether of the past, present, or future . In response to the intercession of blessed Mary, the ever-glorious Virgin Mother of God, of Your apostle-saints Peter and Paul, of Andrew too, and of all the saints, be merciful and favor us with peace throughout our lifetime. For with Your Compassion and help we will always be both free of sin and safely sheltered from every type of trouble. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Your Son. Being God, He lives and exercises kingship with You in oneness with the Hol y Spirit,





The priest concludes in a loud tone of voice: P . for ever and ever. A. Amen .

P . Per omnia saecula saeculorum. A. Amen.

P . Pax Domini sit P. May the peace of the Lord be always semper vobiscum. with you. A. And with you A. Et cum spiritu also. tuo. Dropping a particle of the Sacred Host, which he has just broken, into the chalice, the priest continues silently: May this sacred commingling of the Body and Blood of Christ Jesus our Lord mean eternal life to us who are about to receive It. Amen. AGNUS DEI

The breast is not struck Lamb of God, You take world . Grant them rest . Lam b of God, You take world. Grant them rest. Lamb of God, You take world. Grant them eternal

as at other Masses . away the sins of the away the sins of the away the sins of the rest .



The petition "Grant them rest" is repeated three times to indicate the urgency of our prayer in behalf of the departed . At the same time it is an admonition for us to persevere in prayer for the departed, mindful of the instruction of our Lord: "As k, and you shall receive." PR E PARATORY PRAYERS FOR HOLY COMMUNION

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, through Your death You gave life to the world in accord with the Father's will and with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit . Through this, Your infinitely holy Body and Blood, free me from all my sins and from every evil. Make me cling to Your command men ts always; never allow me to be separated from You, for You are God, living and exercising kingship with the Father and the Holy Spirit , from age to age. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, in spite of my unworthiness I purpose to receive Your Body. Do not let it mean judgment and condemnation for me . But because of Your loving kindness, may It prove beneficial, a protection and a means untO health for soul and body, 0 God, living and exercising kingship with the Father in oneness with the Holy Spirit, through all the passing ages . Amen .


I will take the Bread of heaven, and beseech the Lord. Holding the Sacred Host in his left hand, the priest then devoutly and humbly says three times: Lord, I do not deserve that You should come into my presence. Say merely the word, and my soul will be healed. COMMUNION OF THE PRIEST

He then signs himself with the Sacred Host saylng: May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ keep my soul alive forever. Amen. Having received the Host, the priest prays: What can I give the Lord for all He has given me! I will take the chalice of salvation and beseech the Lord. With praise I will beseech the Lord, and I will be freed from my enemies . He now receives the Precious Blood saying: May the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ keep my soul alive forever. Amen.



The laudable custom of receiving holy Communion at a Mass of Requiem is constantly growing; there is no reason why a full participation in the Eucharis tic sacri fice should not be part of our devotion at a time when we need God's consolation most both for ourselves and for our beloved deceased . During the distribution of holy Comm union, all kneel. AFTER COMMUNIO N

The priest purifies t he chalice with wine and water . In a low Mass as well as in a chanted Mass: Sit at the first ablution. The priest says the two following prayers: What we have taken after the manner of bodily food, 0 Lord, may we treasure in a pure h eart . And may the gift we have received in this life be our provision for eternity. May Your Body, Lord, that I have eaten and Your Blood that I have drunk, affect me to the depths of my being. Grant that no trace of sin be left in me, whom these pure and holy mysteries have renewed. 0 God, You live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. COMMUNION VERSE

The priest then goes to the Epistle side and says:



May light eternal shine upon them. You are with Your saints forever, Lord, because You are merciful . Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them . You are with Your saints forever, because You are merciful. A petition for eternal light and eternal rest in heaven, based on the infinite mercy of God. The Mass having been offered for the departed, the Church now prays with greater confidence, as is evident from the more buoyant strain in the melody of the chant. In the eyes of the Church this is a precious moment, and she therefore admonishes the Christian to include in his Communion prayers a petition for the departed. 4. CONCLUDING PRAYERS From the middle of the altar the priest again salutes the faithful : P. May the Lord be with you.

P. Dominus vobiscum.

A . And also.

A. Et cum spiritu tuo.





He then returns to the missal. In a low or chanted Mass: Kneel to the end of the Mass. Let us pray. Almighty God, this do we beg of You: may the soul of Your servant N. , who today has departed out of this world be cleansed by this sacrifice; being freed from sins, may he ( she) receive forgiveness and everlasting rest. This we ask of You through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever. A. Amen. Another petition for the departed soul. But also an exhortation to the survivors to practice the virtue of charity, and remember the soul which has passed into eternity. From the middle of the altar the priest salutes the faithful. P. May the Lord be with you.

P. Dominus cum.

A. And with also.

A. Et cum spmtu tuo.





F acing the al tar he prays : P. May they rest in peace! A. Amen .

P. Requiescant pace! A . Amen .


The words are earnest, and well so, for the word " peace" is indicative of all happiness and blessing. What greater h appiness can we wish the departed, we who are living in a world that knows no peace . True peace is with God , as in God. May t he departed enjoy that peace, and may it also be our portion when the end comes! Bowing , t he priest says the final prayer to the Blessed Trini ty: May the homage of my service be pleasing to You, 0 Holy Trinity. Grant that the sacrifice which I, though unworthy, have offered in the presence of Your Majesty, be acceptable to You. Through Your mercy may it obtain forgiveness for me and all those for whom I have offered it. Through Christ our Lord . Amen. Because absol ution is to be given at the coffin, the usual Las t Gospel is not said. All sit until t he celebrant arrives at the bier; then stand fo r the absolution and following prayers .


o Lord, do not bring Your servant to trial, for no man becomes hoI y in Your sight unless You gran t him forgiveness of all his sins . We implore You, therefore, do not let the verdict of Your judgment go against him (her) , whom the loyal prayer of Christian faith is commending to Your mercy; rather, by the help of Your grace, may he (she) escape the sentence which he (she) deserves, for during

Non intres tn iudicium cum servo tuo, Domine, quia null us apud te iustificabitur homo, nisi per te omnium peccatorum ei tribuatur remissio . Non ergo eum, quaesumus, tua iudicialis sententia premat, quem tibi vera supplicatio fidei christianae commendat: sed, gratia tua illi succurrente, mereatur evadere iudicium ultionis, qui, dum viveret, insignitus est signaculo sanctae Trinitatis. Qui vi-


his ( her) earthly life, he ( she) was signed with the seal of the Holy Trinity . 0 God, You live and reign for ever and ever . A. Amen.


vis et regnas in saecula saeculorum . A. Amen.

A wonderful prayer in its simplicity and confidence. The departed has indeed been a sinner, because he was human; but he was sealed with the seal of the Holy Trinity in baptism. He believed in the triune God, and therefore the Church confidently hopes for mercy from this same God . TH E LIBE R A

Deliver me, 0 Lord, from everlasting death on that day of terror: when the heavens and the earth will be shaken, when You come to judge the world by fire . Xr . I am in fear and trembling at the judgment and the wrath

Libera me , Domine, de morte aeterna, in die illa tremenda : Quando caeli movendi sunt et terra : Dum veneris iudicare saeculum per ignem .

Xr. Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo, dum discussio venerit



that is to come; when the heavens and the earth will be shaken . -y; . That day will be a day of wrath, of misery, and of ruin: a day of grandeur and great horror : when You come to judge the world by fire. -y;. Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them . Deliver me, 0 Lord, from everlasting death on that day of terror : when the heavens and the earth will be shaken, when You come to judge the world by fire . Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy . Lord, have mercy . Our Father.

atque ventura Ira . Quando caeli movendi sunt et terra . -y;. Dies ilIa, dies irae, calami tatis et miseriae, dies magna et amara valde . Dum veneris iud icare saeculum per ignem.

-y;. Req uiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis . Libera me, Domine, de morte aeterna, in die illa tremenda : Quando caeli movendi sunt et terra: Dum veneris iudicare saeculum per ignem. K yrie eleison . Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison . Pater noster.



While the priest recites the Pater Noster , he goes around the bier and sprinkles it with holy water thrice on each side. Then, in the same way, he incenses it. Holy water and incense, becoming efficacious sacramentals through the prayer and blessing of the Church, are again employed because the soul of the departed benefits by their application, and because the body of the departed was a temple of the Holy Spirit which will be rebuilt at the final resurrection. As the clouds of incense ascend, so let our prayers ascend to the throne of God to plead for mercy and eternal rest. P . And lead us not into temptation. A . But deliver us from evil.

P. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem . A . Sed libera nos a malo.

P . From the gate of hell. A. Rescue his ( her) soul, 0 Lord.

P. A porta inferi . A . Erue, Domine, animam eius.

P . May he rest in peace. A. Amen.

P. Requiescat pace. A. Amen.

( she)




P . Listen to plea, 0 Lord, A. and give prayer a hearing.

my my

P. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. A . Et clamor me us ad te veniat.

P . May the Lord be with you. A . And with you also.

P. Dominus vobiscum. A . Et cum spiritu tuo .

P . Let us pray. 0 God, it is Your very nature to show mercy always and to spare . Humbly, then, do we plead with You in behalf of Your servant N . , whom You have called out of this world today; do not deliver him ( her) into the hands of the enemy nor forget him ( her) forever, but command the holy angels to take him ( her) and lead him ( her) to the home of paradise. Because he

P . Oremus . Deus, cui proprium est misereri semper et parcere; te supplices exoramus pro anima famuli tui (famulae tuae) N . , quam hodie de hoc saeculo migrare iussisti: ut non tradas eam in manus llllmlCl, neque obliviscaris in fin em , sed iubeas eam a sanctis angelis suscipi, et ad patriam paradisi perduci ut, quia in te speravit et credidit, non poenas inferni sustineat, sed gaudia aeterna possi-


( she) put his ( her) hope and trust in You, may he ( she) escape the pains of hell and come to the possession of eternal joys. Through Christ our Lord.


deat . Per Christum 00minum nostrum. A. Amen.

A. Amen. Before conveyi ng the bod y from the church to its narrow cell in the cemetery, the Church

recalls the last day when the dead shall rise and be hailed before the just Judge. It is a terrible thing to fall into I-lis hands . But Christ has now been offered for the departed , and in the beautiful words and melody of the Iil pttradisttm the Church anticipates the entrance of the sou l into Paradise eternal. CARRYING THE BODY FROM CHURCH

As the body is carried out of the church the choir sings or the priest recites the following: May the angels take In paradisum * deyou into paradise. May ducant te Angeli: in the martyrs come to tuo adventu suscipiant welcome you on your te Martyres, et perduway, and lead you into cant te in civitatem



the holy city, Jerusalem . May the choir of angels welcome you, and with Lazarus who once was poor may you have everlasting rest.

sanctam lerusalem. Chorus Angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere aeternam habeas requiem.


The thoughts which Mother Church would have us keep in mind while proceeding to the cemetery are contained in the following antiphon and canticle: Ant . I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die .

Ant . Ego sum * resurrectio et vi ta: qui credit in me, etiam si mortuus fuerit, vivet : et omnis qui vivit et credit in me, non morietur in aeternum.


Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel * because He has visited and wrought redemption for His people.


Benedictus Dominus, Deus Israel, * quia visitavit et redemit populum suum,


And has raised up a horn of salvation for us * in the house of David, His servant, As He promised through the mouth of His holy ones, * the prophets from of old: Salvation from our enemies * and from the hands of all our foes. He has fulfilled His kindness to our fathers, * and been mindful of His holy covenant: In the oath to Abraham our father, * by which He swore to grant us That, delivered from the hands of our enemies, * we should serve Him without fear In holiness and justice before Him * all our days.


Et erexit cornu salutis nobis * in domo David servi sui, Sicut locutus est per os sanctorum, * qui olim fuerunt, prophetarum suorum: U t liberaret nos ab inimicis nostris, * et e manu omnium qui oderunt nos, Ut faceret misericordiam cum patribus nostris, * et recordaretur foederis sui sancti: Iurisiurandi, quod .i.uravit Abrahae, patri nostro, * daturum se nobis, Ut sine timore , e manu inimicorum nostrorum liberati, * serviamus illi, In sanctitate et iustitia coram ipso * omnibus diebus nostris.-



And you, 0 child, shall be called * the prophet of the Most High; For you shall go before the Lord * to prepare His ways, To give His people knowledge of salvation * through forgiveness of their sins. Because of the compassionate knowledge of our God * with which the Orient from on high will visit us, To shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, * to guide our feet into the way of peace . Eternal rest * grant unto him (her) , 0 Lord. And let perpetual light * shine upon him (her) .

Et tu, puer, propheta Altissimi vocaberis: praeibis enim ante faciem Domini ad parandas vias eius, Ad dandam populo eius scientiam salutis * in remissione peccatorum, Per viscera misericordiae Dei nostri, * qua visitabit nos Oriens ex alto, Utili uminet eos, qui in tenebris et in umbra mortis sedent, * ut dirigat pedes nostros in viam pacis. Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine.


Et lux perpetua luceat ei.




At the entrance to the ceme tery t he antiphon is repea ted: I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die.


Ego sum resurrectio et vita : qui credit in me, etiam si mortuus fuerit, vivet: et omnis qui vivit et credit 1ll me, non morietur 1ll aeternum.


In the cemetery the priest blesses the grave, unless the entire cemetery is already consecrated or solemnly blessed. Let us pray. 0 God, it is by Your mercy that rest is given to the souls of the faithful . In Your kindness bless t this grave and entrust it to the care of Your hal y angel. Set free from all the chains of sin the soul of him (her) whose bod y is buried here, so that with all Your

Oremus. Deus, cuius mise ratione animae £1delium requiescunt, hunc tumulum bene t dicere dignare, eique Angelum tuum sanctum deputa custodem: et quorum quarumque corpora hic sepeliuntur, animas eorum ab omnibus absolve vinculis delictorum, ut in te semper cum Sanctis



saints he ( she) may rejoice in You forever. Through Christ our Lord. A. Amen.

tuis sine fine laetentur. Christum Dominum nostrum. P~r

A. Amen.

With holy water and sacred incense the priest sanctifies the body and the grave in the Name of the Blessed Trinity . The dignity of the bodies of Christians demands such respect for them and their last resting place. Their bodies, consecrated temples of the Holy Spirit in baptism, should rest in consecrated soil, from whence, on the last day, the omnipotent summons of God will call them to praise and glorify Him for all eternity. The bodies are buried facing the East, because the departed place their hopes in Christ, who is the light of the soul. The priest then prays: Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy . Lord, have mercy. Our Father.

Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. Pater noster ...

The body is sprinkled with holy water.



P. And lead us not into temptation . A. But deliver us from evil.

P. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem . A. Sed libera nos a malo.

P. From the gate of hell. A. Rescue his ( her) soul, 0 Lord .

P. A porta inferi. A. Erue, Domine, animam eius .

P. May he rest in peace. A . Amen.

P. Requiescat pace. A. Amen.



P. Listen to my plea, 0 Lord, A. and give my prayer a hearing .

P. Domine, exaudi orationem meam . A. Et clamor me us ad te veniat .

P. May the Lord be wi th you . A. And with you also .

P. Dominus vobiscum. A. Et cum spiritu tuo.

P. Let us pray. 0 Lord, we implore You to grant this mercy to Your dead servant: may he ( she) who always wished to fol-

P . Oremus. Fac, quaesumus, Domine, hanc cum servo tuo defuncto ( ancilla tua defuncta) misericordiam, ut facto rum suo-



low Your holy Will not be punished in return for his ( her) deeds . Because the true Faith united him (her) with the throng of the faithful on earth, may Your mercy unite him ( her) with the company of the choirs of angels in heaven. Through Christ our Lord . A. Amen.

. . rum 1n poems non recipiat vicem, qui (quae) tuam in votis tenuit voluntatem: t ut, sicut hic eum (earn) vera fides iunxit fidelium turmis; * ita illic eum (earn) tua miseratio societ angelicis choris. Per Christum Dominum nostrum .

A. Amen.

P . Eternal rest grant unto him ( her) , 0 Lord. A . And let perpetual light shine upon him ( her).

P. Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine .

P. May he rest in peace. A . Amen.

P. Requiescat pace. A. Amen .


P. May his (her) soul and the souls of all the faithful de-

A. Et lux perpetua luceat ei . 1n

P . Anima eius, et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum, per


parted through the mercy of God rest in peace. A. Amen.


misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace. A. Amen.

In some places the following prayers are added before leaving the cemetery: P. Let us pray . 0 God, Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, hear our supplications and through Your infini te love and mercy graciously grant to the soul of Your servant, N. , whom You have called forth out of this life, the remission of all sins by which he ( she) may have deserved the severity of divine justice and punishment in the world to come. Be pleased to grant him ( her) grace and mercy before Your tribunal, and let him ( her) attain to everlasting rest and happiness through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ . Most loving Lord Jesus Christ, You who have redeemed us by Your most precious Blood, take pity on the soul of this Your servant, N. ; open to him ( her) the gates of life and cause him ( her) to rejoice with Your saints in everlasting glory. Lead him ( her) into the lovely place~ of paradise that are forever green, so that he ( she) may live with You in undivided love, never to



be separated from You and from those whom You have chosen . Grant, 0 Lord, that as we lament the departure of our brother ( sister) , Your servant, out of this life, we may bear in mind that we are most certainly to follow him ( her). Give us grace to make ready for that last hour by a devout and holy life, and protect us against a sudden and unprovided death. Teach us how to watch and pray that when Your summons comes, we may go forth to meet the Bridegroom and enter with Him into life everlasting. Through Christ our Lord. A . Amen. P . Eternal rest grant unto him ( her) , 0 Lord; A. and let perpetual light shine upon him ( her). P. May he ( she) rest in peace. A . Amen . P . May his ( her) soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. A. Amen.

a holy beath


;J J 1 j r~ ;J JI At our life's last moment fleet- ing, UI- li- ma in mortis ho- ra,

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Thine own Son for us en- treat- ing, Pi- [i- um pro no- his 0rat


j ;)

leta JI

May we Christ with thee em- brace, Bo- nam mor- lem im- pe- Ira.

,~ ~

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Vir- gin Mo- ther. grant this grace! Vir- go Ma- ler Do- mi- nat