The Practice of Social Media Monitoring - Vertic [PDF]

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companies' engagement and utilization of social media are, however, to ... 10 of companies with .... An increase in software vendors for social media monitoring ...
CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14





The Characteristics of Social Media Monitoring


The Practice of Social Media Monitoring


Operationalizing Social Media Insights


Brand Protection & Management


Competitive Intelligence & Customer Insights


Lead & Demond Generation


Future Needs Analysis


Actually listening or Waiting to Talk?


Exploration & Mon itori ng


Recommendation & Integration






Summary A question some companies currently fail to answer is; "how are you using the information gathered from monitoring? " Social media is enabling companies to bring new levels



Settle on what parts of social media monitoring can be-or indeed should beautomated by software, and what is necessary to acquire from experts.

intelligence into the organization to build unique

Ultimately, social media monitoring should not be seen as revolutionary - the desire to know value proposition. This white paper breaks through consumers' sentiment towards a product or brand the clutter to explain how you can benefit from has been within offline customer engagement

customer relationship and ultimately a stronger

social media monitoring in the following ways:

models for years. The internet and social media merely facilitates the consumers' expression



An overview of the different components and roadmaps involved in setting up a monitoring program Helping to understand the vast amount of conversations, structure information so it's meaningful, and how to use it for future messaging.

of this

sentiment and should equally be seen to empower you to discover it. Furthermore, this enables the brand to monitor, structure data and act on the conclusions from consumer-to-consumer dialogues.


introduction As socia l media continue to expa nd and simultaneously relocate the primary consumer discourses on market needs, products, services, brands , etc. to the on line pla~orm, it is becoming increasing ly pivotal that companies utilize social media pla~orms in new ways. Currently, compa nies' engagement and uti lizatio n of social

"A survey by Harvard Business Review shows 75% of companies do not know in which forums their most valuable customers are discussing their products and services."

media are, however, to a large degree still based

of commu nica tio n and remini scent of TV, magazines and

on a o ne way idea marketing that is

ObViously, some companies are further ahead

newspapers, wh ich does not capture the full

th an others, but socia l media and th e intrinsic

potential of social med ia . This approach to social

monitoring are on a general note on a one

media is mainly due to compan ies having

way street towards increased usage. The

difficulties in operatio na lizing a nd executing on the jou rney does, however, not end there as the insig hts and recommendatio ns they derive from

next step fo r compa nies is to operate in

their social media endeavors. On thi s note, it is

accordance to their social media experiences

interesting that a survey by Harvard Business

and the consumer insights they obtain from

Review shows 75%

of companies to

not know in

wh ich forum s th eir most va luable customers are discussing their products and services .

monitoring it. To thi s end, a missing link presently seems to exist between the investments in obtaining va luable business inSig hts fro m social media and improved performance. The present

By 2012, 10 of companies with emRloyees will be using social media 01

88 100+

23% currently use social media analYtics,

w hite paper assesses, ana lyzes, and concludes on the challenges and opportunities of social med ia mo nitoring, and proposes ways compan ies can operati ona lize inSights from socia l med ia on online and offlin e pla~orms to improve performance.

(this will undoubtedly rise swiftly in 2011)


The Characteristics of

Social Media Monitoring To understand the potential

of social

based on false information. The user may not


be dishonest on purpose; however, for reasons of interpretation it appears so.

monitoring and how to operationalize the insights it can deliver, it is imperative to have an understanding of the fundamental elements


social media. Needless to say, insights derived from social media monitoring cannot exceed the quality or reliability

of the

own experiences and not answering questions from presumptuous surveys.

information pool they

are based on. Hence, to obtain valuable insights from social media it is pivotal to understand what kind


Users are expressing and reprodUcing their

of information analysts and


of the

information sources within social media.

assessed, and possibly discarded in o rder to find relevant information .

marketers are

dealing with and the idiosyncrasies

There is "noise" that needs to be Iocacted,


of 201

1, Global Webindex reports that user

trust on social networks has increased by 49%


In this regard , the information derived from social

since July 2009, w hich is both an indication

media has specific characteristics:

user serenity and information quality. Meanwhile,

1 2

not all partiCipants' voices are raised o n social Social media depicts actual behavior. Conversations can be misleading as users' know ledge levels vary. Comments can be articulated incorrectly, be w holly untrue or

networks, which makes it imperative that brands assess how representative the information is in each scenario.


The Practice of

Social Media Monitoring The emergence

of social

media monitoring has



given birth to discourse dominating phenomena like "Social Intelligence", "Social CRM", "Socia l listening" etc. These terms accentuate the importance

of not only gathering


information from

social media , but to interpret the findings and develop recommendations . To this end, a range


consultancies within the industry propose frameworks that roughly can be summarized as Figure 1.

• • •

The model is comprehensive and useful in depicting the numerous levels

of analysis

necessary for obtaining valuable social media insights, but it does not emphasize the iterative

of social media monitoring , address the dynamism of social media and the users, or how


RowDoto Figure I

brands execute on the derived recommendations. In this regard , it should be emphasized that to go from one level

of analysis to the

next is a complex

and time consuming process that includes adjustments

of search

keywords, filtering data,

complex analyses etc.

The need to go further than merely subscribing to automated tools is amplified by the fact that such tools only monitor "open" forums as they do not have access to "closed" forums gated by Iogins. This inability entails that brands will not include information from potentially essential forums in their monitoring efforts, which - depending on the

Hence, subscribing and employing social media monitoring tools (e.g. Radian6, lithium or Alterian) is a good start, but it should be kept in mind that it


of content of these forums -

will skew

the relation between reality and the results from monitoring.

is challenging to effectively use these tools and secondly to convert the results from the tools into actiona ble recom mendations.


liThe widely available software and its relatively low costs have increased the ~ol of information the brands need to relate to, place even more pressure on marketers to filter market information." An increase in software vendors for social media

Since social media is no longer a question of

monitoring has caused a drop in costs, which is

"if", but a question

beneficial to brands looking to monitor social

challenge of brands is how to move forward

media, but monitoring is not just about collecting

on the platform with the tools available to

data from social media, e.g. setting up the

them. To this end, brands are finding insights

software for a comprehensive and accurate

from social media (mostly with aid from

monitoring is complex. Consequently, the Widely

consultancies), but continuously struggle to

available software and its relatively low costs

generate genuine business value on social

have increased the pool

of information



"how," the main

media platforms; demonstrating that brands

brands need to relate to, placing even more

are not utilizing the platform or

pressure on marketers to filter market information.

operationalizing the insights from social

The increase in information is arguably already

media. Accordingly, research by SAS Institute and

providing valuable insights to brands, but brands

HBR Analytics Services shows a wide range

are not exploiting social media data to a degree

pressing issues that are all centered on what value

that puts them in a position to achieve success

social media can deliver in regards to the brand's

within this specific area.

business objectives (Figure 2).

Understanding the potential of social media to make a difference in your business


Measuring the effectiveness of socia I media activities


Linking social media acitivies to an impact on company financials and/orROI I mproving your ability to fully utilize social media within the organization




Getting people across the organization to see the value of social media activities




Educating your staff on how to use social media Integrating social media analytics into your broader company analytics

• • •• • • 22SVO • • • •• • 19SVO

Leveraging social media insights across your organization Systemizing sharing of social media insights to they are quickly addressed by relevant department


Responding to findings from social media (Le., quickly resolving/addressing an issue raised via social media)

Capturing/analyzing online conversations about your brand products/services

Figure 2

Finding qualified staff who can work on social media activies




• • ••



14SVo 13SVo


liThe main challenge of brands is how to move forward ... brands are finding insights from social media, but continuously struggle to generate business value on social media platforms."


Social Media lnsights challengers

By comparing research, available services,


company executions etc. it becomes apparent that brands engage, monitor, and conclude on social media, i.e. do all the right things, but still have not performed in accordance to business objectives and expectations. This picture is confirmed by a screening by Gartner which shows that even social media CRM vendors are haVing difficulties in executing in a manner that influence markets

N"lelsen Buzz Metrics


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(Figure 3).

Furthermore, only 7%


of brands are able to

• «·&H':;

integrate social media into their marketing activities; which indicates brands arguably are haVing difficulties in operationalizing recommendations. Thus, to brands, social media

niche players visionaries ' - - - - - - - completeness of vision - - - - - - - . . Rodm6WO$_;..dbt~;nl>;>