the ripple effect - IETA

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... an enormous step toward solving the problem of acid rain ahead of schedule and well below the estimated cost while c

THE RIPPLE EFFECT The past few years has seen emissions trading ripple out throughout the world. The Paris agreement is an opportunity to leverage these efforts to inspire greater ambition, say Fred Krupp and Nathaniel Keohane

Shared global prosperity depends on robust

A good illustration of how market-based

growth in the world economy — without

policies can promote greater ambition

the carbon emissions that have fuelled

is the landmark US cap-and-trade

growth in the past. By capping and pricing

programme for sulphur dioxide, which has

carbon emissions, we can align economic

reduced national average concentrations

incentives with lower-carbon growth to help

of the pollutant by 76% since 1990 —

achieve this vision. Market-based policies

taking an enormous step toward solving

such as emissions trading channel capital

the problem of acid rain ahead of schedule

and entrepreneurial effort to the fastest and

and well below the estimated cost while

cheapest ways to cut emissions, making

creating hundreds of billions of dollars in

deeper reductions possible.

annual benefits. Market mechanisms also played central roles in the phase-out of

climate change programme was signed into law, the state has received more

It’s not hard to see why many companies

lead from gasoline, the implementation of

clean tech venture capital investment than

have been staunch supporters of emission

the Montreal Protocol, and the dramatic

all other US states combined. Bloomberg

trading. Indeed, the private sector — with

reduction in nitrous oxide pollution from

News recently ranked the Golden State the

IETA’s leadership — has played a critical

power plants.

best place in the US to do business, citing

role in catalysing and championing market-



the state’s visionary leadership on climate

based approaches. Well-designed carbon


markets offer the combination of flexibility,

More recently, momentum on carbon

incentives, and guaranteed results that

markets has been building fast. Cap and

ensures that pollution targets are met while

trade has helped California be a global

California’s success has attracted the

leaving it up to the market to figure out the

leader in climate action. Nearly three years

interest of its North American neighbours.

best way to meet them, driving costs down.

into the programme, California has the

Québec and California have linked their

world’s most comprehensive cap-and-trade

carbon markets, creating North America’s

As advocates for the environment,

system, covering 80-85% of state-wide

largest cap-and-trade system and the first

meanwhile, Environmental Defense Fund

emissions. At the same time, the state’s

example of sub-national jurisdictions in

has long championed markets because

economy is in the midst of an impressive

different countries launching a joint market.

they can drive ambition up.

recovery. Since 2006, when California’s

Ontario, Canada’s most populous province

change as one of the markers of its success.


and home to a significant manufacturing

to climate safety, the International Civil

base, is developing a cap-and-trade

Aviation Organization (ICAO) is developing

programme to launch by 2017 and link to

a market-based mechanism for

California and Québec’s market by 2018.

consideration at its next Triennial Assembly

Having the largest US state and Canadian

in 2016. That would cap emissions from a

province in a formal, linked carbon market

global sector that accounts for roughly 2%

will help lay the foundation for further

of carbon emissions, and is growing

carbon market collaboration in North

fast — and would set a powerful

America and beyond.

precedent for international cooperation

President François Hollande, Ethiopian

on climate change.

Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, Philippines President Benigno Aquino III,

Emission trading remains a cornerstone of the EU’s plans to step up its own ambition.

Another opening is in the forest sector.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto,

Despite well-publicised ups and down

Tropical forests are not only crucial to

Governor Jerry Brown of California, and

— attributable in large part to the worst

stabilising the climate — they are critical to

Mayor Eduardo Paes of Rio de Janeiro.

recession since the 1930s — the EU ETS is

sustainable economic development for the

now performing well: it has overachieved its

communities and nations that rely on them.

How can we capitalise on this political

goals, leading to more reductions at lower

Carbon markets can play a key role in

moment and build on the momentum we

cost than expected. The fact that allowance

driving a new model of green growth in the

are seeing, to keep carbon markets growing

prices are low is a clear indicator of the

tropics. By allowing jurisdictional REDD+

around the globe?

low cost of emissions reductions — and

credits into their compliance markets,

an opportunity to ramp up ambition by

California and ICAO have the opportunity

The first step is a Paris agreement that

tightening the EU’s cap further, and even

to create positive economic incentives for

provides a solid footing for markets

expanding the coverage of the ETS.

forest protection at a landscape scale.

in the post-2020 climate regime. By markets, we don’t have in mind some


form of centralised mechanism under UN

China, where in September 2015 Chinese President Xi Jinping announced plans for

Fuelled by these on-the-ground successes

of Parties who would like to have such

a national emissions trading programme

around the globe, markets have moved

a mechanism available — and properly

by 2017. The insights gained and lessons

back to the centre of political discussions

designed, with provisions ensuring

learned from the country’s seven large-

with a pace that has surprised even

that any credits generated by such a

scale pilots already in place will be put to

us. One of us (Fred) was at the third

mechanism meet the highest standards of

use to help the world’s largest emitter meet

Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC

environmental integrity, it could have an

its target of peaking emissions by 2030 at

(COP 3), when the market mechanisms of

important role to play.

the latest.

the Kyoto Protocol were negotiated — and

Perhaps the biggest development is in

oversight. To be sure, there are a number

we were both at COP 15 when the hopes of

But the more powerful role for markets

Climate progress in the US and China is

a “global deal” evaporated in Copenhagen.

will be in the new decentralised world

changing the global dynamic. Gone are

For a few years afterward, market-based

that is emerging. Markets not only provide

the days when the two largest emitters

approaches seemed to fall off the radar in

a powerful way for individual countries

blame each other for inaction. And

discussions of climate policy.

to meet their own commitments. Over time, as jurisdictional emissions trading

bilateral progress is inspiring commitments around the world. All told, cap-and-trade

Now markets are back. More than 1000

systems mature and take root, international

programmes are in place in over 50

businesses, nearly 100 national, state,

linkages can promote greater robustness

jurisdictions worldwide that are home to

provincial, and city governments, and

and liquidity, attracting new countries

nearly a billion people.

over 30 NGOs signed the carbon pricing

into a growing global market, and driving

statement released at the New York

greater ambition – as well as certainty

And more programnes are in the works.

Climate Leaders’ Summit in September

of environmental outcome, one of the

One of the most exciting opportunities is in

2014. In October 2015, World Bank Group

signature benefits of a mandatory

international aviation. To meet the sector’s

President Jim Yong Kim and IMF Managing

declining cap.

stated commitments to carbon-neutral

Director Christine Lagarde launched a high-

growth from 2020 and a 50% cut by

level panel on carbon pricing, including

Ideally, Paris will provide a political signal

2050, and help drive net emissions even

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chilean

that such international cooperation will be

lower as will be needed to turn the corner

President Michelle Bachelet, French

a core part of the new regime. But it’s not





effectiveness and environmental integrity

and, through rigorous and transparent

– which in turn will give jurisdictions the

reporting, allows countries to demonstrate

confidence to go faster and farther in

to each other that they are meeting their

reducing emissions.

commitment. The Paris agreement can help on each of these fronts, but the model


here is an incremental one: Rather than

So far, the UNFCCC process has failed

fell swoop, a successful outcome in Paris

to make much progress on this front,

would contribute to growing momentum

needed. As sovereigns, Parties already

through the so-called Framework for

in the scope and effectiveness of climate

have all the authority they need to use

Various Approaches discussions that have

action around the world, over time. A

markets in meeting their commitments.

taken place since COP17 in Durban. An

UN agreement is only one of many tools

The UNFCCC enshrines cooperation

alternative approach may be needed —

available to address climate change. It will

as a central principle. And more than

one that starts small and engages only

take continuing strong action by leading

70 countries have already expressed

those countries and jurisdictions that

emitters and leading carbon market

an interest in using markets as part of

actually have an interest in implementing

jurisdictions to spur the technological,

their Intended Nationally Determined

emission trading.

political and institutional transformations that will support more ambitious action in

Contributions (INDCs) submitted to the UNFCCC.

seeking to solve climate change in one

Much as the General Agreement on

the years to come.

Tariffs and Trade (GATT) helped promote Where the Paris agreement does have a

trade liberalisation by attracting broad

Environmental Defense Fund president

role to play is in making sure that, when

participation in a plurilateral trade system,

Fred Krupp, who has guided EDF for more

markets are used, they have integrity.

a voluntary coalition or “club” of carbon

than three decades, is a widely recognised

In particular, the Paris agreement (and

market jurisdictions could promote climate

leader of the international environmental

the associated COP decision) should

action by attracting broad participation in

community. He is an influential voice on

articulate clear principles — on accounting,

mitigation effort. Such a coalition would

climate change, energy, and sustainability

transparency, and monitoring, reporting,

complement efforts under the UNFCCC,

issues, and an eloquent champion for

and verification — that rule out “double-

encouraging enhanced ambition by

harnessing the power of the marketplace to

counting” of emissions reductions. To

countries and allowing participation by sub-

protect our environment.

ensure the integrity and credibility of the

national jurisdictions as well as national

climate regime, and keep the atmosphere

and regional ones. Indeed, drawing on the

Nathaniel Keohane is a Vice President at

whole, emissions reductions achieved in

similar experience of the Forest Carbon

Environmental Defense Fund, where he

one country and transferred to another

Partnership Facility, the trust and expertise

leads EDF’s Global Climate programme

must only be claimed once.

gained from shared experience in a carbon

and helps to shape the organisation’s

markets club could lay a deeper foundation

advocacy for environmentally effective and

Even if the Paris agreement meets this

for cooperation on markets within the

economically sound climate policy. Nat’s

standard, however, much work will remain

UNFCCC itself.

areas of expertise include US and global climate and energy policy, the economic

to lay out clear guidelines for integrity


of international carbon markets. As

A durable climate regime will be one

impact of climate change, the benefits and

momentum grows, coordination among

that harnesses market forces in the hunt

costs of reducing GHG emissions, and the

jurisdictions with carbon markets will be

for solutions, mobilises private sector

design and performance of cap-and-trade

increasingly crucial to maximising cost-

energies, enhances national self-interest

programmes and other policy instruments.