Training and Supports Catalog Training and ... - Wisconsin RtI Center

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Tier 3/Intensive Systems Team Training (T100 for Wraparound) . ..... Assess how your current data system align with the
Training and Supports Catalog



The Wisconsin RtI Framework: A School-wide Approach to Implementation .......................................................................... 4 Reviewing Universal Reading Instruction.................................................................................................................................... 4 Reviewing Universal Mathematics Instruction........................................................................................................................... 5 Improving Your Screening and Progress Monitoring Process................................................................................................... 5 Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support........................................................................................................ 6 Administrative Overview (AS50).................................................................................................................................................. 6 Implementation Foundations for Coaches and Principals (C100) ............................................................................................ 7 Tier 1/Universal Training (U100, U200, U300)............................................................................................................................. 7 Tier 2/Selected Training (S100, S200, S300 and S400) ............................................................................................................. 8 Tier 3/Intensive Administrative Overview (AT50)....................................................................................................................... 8 Tier 3/Intensive Systems Team Training (T100 for Complex Functional Behavior Assessment) .......................................... 9 Tier 3/Intensive Complex Functional Behavior Assessment Training (TFBA200, TFBA300) .................................................. 9 Tier 3/Intensive Systems Team Training (T100 for RENEW) .................................................................................................. 10 Tier 3/Intensive RENEW Training (TR200, TR300, TR400)....................................................................................................... 10 Tier 3/Intensive Systems Team Training (T100 for Wraparound) .......................................................................................... 11 Tier 3/Intensive Wraparound (TW200, TW300, TW400) ........................................................................................................... 11 SWIS Facilitator Training............................................................................................................................................................12 Leadership and Coaching for RtI Implementation.................................................................................................................... 12 Building Culturally Responsive Systems .................................................................................................................................. 13


Comparison chart.......................................................................................................................................................................14


Classroom Management for Academic Engagement............................................................................................................... 16 Balanced Assessment................................................................................................................................................................16 Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support...................................................................................................... 16 Family Engagement....................................................................................................................................................................17 This is PBIS.................................................................................................................................................................................17 This is Tier 2................................................................................................................................................................................17 This is Tier 3................................................................................................................................................................................17 Use of Risk Ratio to Guide Work................................................................................................................................................ 17


PBIS External Coaches Forums and Networking ............................................................................................................................................................18 Annual PBIS Leadership Conference......................................................................................................................................... 18 Networking and Technical Assistance ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Wisconsin RtI Center Recognized Schools Program................................................................................................................ 19 Wisconsin RtI E-News.................................................................................................................................................................19


Introduction to the Wisconsin RtI Center The Wisconsin RtI Center, along with the Department of Public Instruction, believes the best way for districts and schools to make their educational systems responsive to their students is to create culturally responsive multi-level systems of support. This is a school- or district-wide plan to provide a continuum of support with differing levels and intensity based on individual student need. Typically, levels include universal, which serves all students; selected for those who are moderately above or below benchmarks; and intensive for those who need the most support.

The Wisconsin RtI Center, which includes the Wisconsin PBIS Network, provides professional development and technical assistance. The Center supports schools and districts, helping them operationalize Wisconsin’s vision of RtI (Response to Intervention) as a culturally responsive multilevel systems of support: a framework that helps systematize high quality instruction, balanced assessment, and collaboration.


COLLABORATION is a systematic process of collective problem solving about, and planning for, teaching and learning.

include how a school’s programs, practices, procedures, and policies account for and adapt to the broad diversity of student race, language, and culture.



refers to the use of formative, benchmark, and summative assessments to provide a complete and clear picture of student progress, student achievement, and instructional effectiveness.


refers to curriculum and instruction that is engaging, differentiated, standards based, data driven, research based and culturally appropriate for the students being served.

is a school-wide plan to systematically provide differing levels and intensity of supports based on student responsiveness to instruction and intervention.


Training Series

Reviewing Universal Reading Instruction For TEAMS Length: Three full days This workshop will guide teams through understanding what is required to implement effective systemic and systematic reading instruction at the universal level. Teams will learn about research and evidence-based practices that support all students at the universal level. School teams will learn how to refine their school-wide implementation of universal reading instruction. Guidance will be provided to:


yy Understand the need for a strong systemic reading foundation built upon organizational trust and common foundational beliefs.

The Wisconsin RtI Framework: A School-wide Approach to Implementation

yy Articulate current practices around universal reading components from the Wisconsin State Standards.

For TEAMS Length: Two full days

yy Understand the impact of instructional time, grouping, and classroom environment on the effectiveness of the universal level of support.

This team-based workshop provides school leadership teams with the most current information, messaging, and resources to develop and refine their local RtI framework.

yy Recognize the benefit that common language and systemic best practice have within your multi level system of support framework (RtI framework)

School teams will learn why and how to establish or improve their culturally responsive multi-level system of support. Guidance will be provided to:

yy Action plan for school improvement around the universal level of support for reading instruction

yy Reach a shared understanding of the Wisconsin RtI Framework for reading and/or mathematics


This training is designed for school or district teams of three or more. Team members may include principal or school/ district decision maker (essential), general education teachers, (including 4K teachers for elementary teams and cross content area teachers for secondary teams), special education teachers (including early childhood), and support staff and specialist such as reading specialists, literacy coaches, Title I staff, ELL staff, and gifted and talented.

yy Analyze and identify their level of implementation using the School-wide Implementation Review (SIR) yy Create an action plan to address high priority area(s) yy Explore activities and resources to support school staff understanding and buy-in


This workshop is for school-level leadership teams of three or more people, including: principals (essential), general education and special education teachers, specialists in the content area (either mathematics or reading) addressed by the school during this workshop. Examples of content specialists include ELL staff, Title I staff, mathematics instructors, pupil services staff, RtI coordinators, school psychologists, and gifted and talented coordinators.


Prior attendance at the Wisconsin RtI Framework: A School-wide Approach to Implementation training is highly recommended.


Participants should bring documentation of their current reading programs, practices, instructional framework, and strategies used to deliver universal reading instruction.



Teams are encouraged to bring school improvement goals and plans to the training. School-level student achievement trend data for either reading or mathematics such as state report card or aggregated and disaggregated benchmark assessment results are helpful.


TRAININGS School teams will learn how to refine their systems. Guidance will be provided to:

Reviewing Universal Mathematics Instruction

yy Ensure screening and progress monitoring measures align with important outcomes and student need

For TEAMS Length: Three full days

yy Establish decision rules for equitable problem-solving

This workshop guides teams through understanding and analyzing system-wide mathematical practices that support student success.

yy Use strategies to dig deeper into root causes

Teams will leave with a prioritized set of actions and professional learning resources to implement in their district. Guidance will be provided to:

yy Set goals and use data to evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s system of support at the individual and school level

yy Plan logistics

yy Understand what is required by the Wisconsin State Standards for Mathematics with a focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practice


District- or school-level RtI leadership teams comprised of administrators, instructional staff, pupil services, and parents. Administrator attendance is critical for support and sustainability.

yy Recognize the importance of systemic practices in instruction, collaboration, and assessment at the universal level yy Examine the district’s status for each of Wisconsin’s Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning in the Mathematics Classroom


Prior attendance at the Wisconsin RtI Framework: A School-wide Approach to Implementation training is highly recommended.

yy Analyze, prioritize, and plan around actions that will have a positive impact on student learning

Have a screening and progress monitoring process in place for at least a year


This workshop is for school / district teams of three or more. Teams are comprised of a cross representation of teachers, mathematics instructors/specialists, mathematics coaches, special educators, instructional leaders, building administrators, or district curriculum administrators. Teams should include a decision maker that attends all training days.


School teams are encouraged to bring a list of assessment tools currently used in the school/district for screening, digging deeper (diagnostic), and progress monitoring. If available, teams should bring copies of current data-based decision-making processes and/or decision rules used by collaborative teams in the school/district.


This training is offered by request only. Reach out to your regional academic technical assistance coordinator for more information.

Prior attendance at the Wisconsin RtI Framework: A School-wide Approach to Implementation training is highly recommended.


Participants should bring a completed student data profile. Template provided upon registration.

Improving Your Screening and Progress Monitoring Process For TEAMS Length: Two full days This two-day, team-based training assists schools to establish or improve their school-wide process for responding to student needs. Schools increase their capacity to understand, analyze, and use data to drive decisions within the Wisconsin RtI Framework.




Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support For TEAMS Length: One full day

Administrative Overview (AS50)

This training will build the capacity of teams to establish and strengthen their selected and intensive levels of support for mathematics or reading. Teams will analyze how their system provides for student needs that extend above and below the reach of the universal level of support.

For TEAMS Length: Two hours, live online The Administrative Overview provides district leadership teams with an introduction to Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a proactive and preventive multi-level system of support for behavior. With a universal/tier 1 focus, the overview is intended to assist in planning for a sustainable implementation of PBIS at the universal level.

School teams will: yy Identify key characteristics of effective, culturally responsive selected and intensive levels of support yy Identify an area of growth around one of the key features through use of a brief needs assessment

Participants will:

yy Identify current status, desired future, and priorities for the key feature selected

yy Understand the personnel and financial commitments necessary for successful training & implementation of Tier 1 PBIS

yy Use resources to create a shared vocabulary and an action plan

yy Understand that PBIS is a delivery framework for the behavior content of your multi-level system of support

yy Learn a process to continue to improve your selected and intensive levels of support

yy Understand the types of data that need to be collected for decision making yy Assess how your current data system align with the Tier 1 and Tier 2 data collection needs


District- or school-level RtI leadership teams (including administrators, instructional staff, pupil services, and parents). Administrator attendance is critical for support and sustainability.

yy Understand the role of the team, coach, administrator, external coach, and family in relation to successful implementation


yy Recognize how the Tier 1 School Readiness Guidance and Commitment to Success documents align to the Implementation Blueprint

School teams will benefit most from this session if they have: yy Attended the Wisconsin RtI Framework: A School-wide Approach to Implementation training


School and/or district leadership teams of three to five members. Team members may include district administrators, building administrators, student services personnel, teacher leaders, and potential site coaches. Building administrator attendance is a prerequisite to Tier 1/Universal Training.

yy Had a screening and progress monitoring process in place for at least a year yy Completed the School-wide Implementation Review (SIR) within the year



Watch the “This is PBIS” module on

Teams should bring documentation of school’s current processes for responding to student needs beyond the universal/tier 1 level.



TRAININGS Tier 1/Universal Training (U100, U200, U300) For TEAMS Length: Three full days This training consists of activity-based preparation for implementation of school-wide PBIS at the universal/tier 1 level. These work days focus on the technical changes required to put in place a PBIS system and the belief systems and mindsets needed to create a positive school culture. Teams will leave the training with an understanding of a multilevel system of support that provides behavioral supports to all students. After training, participants will be able to:

Implementation Foundations for Coaches and Principals (C100)

yy Understand the basic RtI principles as they apply to behavior (PBIS)


yy Articulate and determine the roles and responsibilities of all universal team members

The workshop guides coaches and administrators to develop an understanding of the foundation pieces of universal/ tier 1 PBIS system including how to lead their building team through universal/tier 1 training. Coaches play a critical role in the successful implementation and provide teams support in understanding the vision, framework, and best practices.

yy Understand the foundational principles of a universal/tier 1 behavioral system and learn strategies to create one in their school yy Understand the importance of creating data systems, including tracking and analysis

Participants will:

yy Use self-assessment tools to guide implementation, including the creation of action plans

yy Understand the basic RtI principles as they apply to the content area of behavior (PBIS) yy Articulate and plan to enact the roles and responsibilities of the Universal Leadership Team


yy Learn how to disaggregate data and use it to create a precision statement that includes identification of those underserved in your population

Building-level universal team, generally six to eight members. Teams should be representative of the school and include building administrator (essential), external and internal coaches, regular education grade level teachers, a special education teacher, student services professionals, paraprofessionals, and family members.

yy Understand how to use PBISapps to self-assess and action plan


yy Recognize the critical elements of PBIS

yy Building leadership attendance at the Administrative Overview


yy Coach and administrator attendance Implementation Foundations for Coaches and Principals

Participants include internal coaches at the universal level, external coaches, and building principals. This session is not intended for PBIS team members other than coaches and administrators.


Schools are encouraged to bring their meeting norms, SelfAssessment Survey (SAS) Results, current mission, and vision statements.


yy Building administrator attendance at the Administrative Overview yy Connect with your PBIS regional technical assistance coordinator to determine readiness



TRAININGS Tier 2/ Selected Training (S100, S200, S300 and S400) For TEAMS Length: Four full days School PBIS teams participate in these four training days that consist of intense, activity-based preparation for implementation of selected/tier 2 PBIS. These guided work days enable teams to begin developing and refine the systems, data, and practices necessary for sustainable implementation. School teams will learn why and how to establish their selected/ tier 2 level of support including:

Tier 3/ Intensive Administrative Overview (AT50)

yy Understanding the intent and purpose of the essential components of positive support systems that provide behavioral supports to targeted groups of students

For DISTRICT AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS Length: 1.5 hours, live online

yy Realigning student support systems including an examination of student service roles and the roles of families in the development and delivery of interventions

Having implemented tiers 1 and 2, district and school administration needs to have a firm understanding of intensive/ tier 3 so they can plan and allocate resources for effective implementation. At the intensive/tier 3 level, the focus is on a small percentage of students in need of additional support beyond the universal or selected system supports. Supports and interventions are personalized and include family and student voice, access, and ownership.

yy Developing data rules for accessing, progress monitoring, and determining the fidelity of interventions yy Understanding the intent and guiding principles of the generic interventions and how they are layered on the universal/tier 1 framework

This administrative overview is designed to:

yy Creating a continuum of intervention support from generic group-based interventions to high-intensity intervention

yy Enable schools and districts to continue the PBIS planning process

yy Understanding early use of brief functional behavioral assessment and the development and use of intervention plans created, implemented, and monitored by support teams

yy Specifically address the commitments necessary for initial and sustained implementation of intensive/tier 3 systems



This training is intended for school-level tier 2 teams of about six members. These teams should include building administrators (essential) external and internal coaches, regular education representatives, special education representatives, and student services professionals.

Attendance by both building and district level administrators is required. PBIS coaches and student services professionals are welcome to attend as part of the leadership planning team.


yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training and Tier 2/Selected Training


yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training

yy Two years of sustained fidelity scores on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or tier 1 of Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

yy Attendance at Tier 2/Selected Administrative Overview

yy Use of the Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT), the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 2

yy A fidelity score on the Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) yy A fidelity score on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 1

yy Initial readiness and planning conversation with your regional technical assistance coordinator

yy Completion of activities outlined in the tier 2 readiness checklist






TRAININGS Tier 3/ Intensive Systems Team Training (T100 for Complex Functional Behavior Assessment)

Tier 3/ Intensive Complex Functional Behavior Assessment Training (TFBA200, TFBA300)

For TEAMS Length: One full day

For FACILITAORS Length: Series of live online sessions Each session approximately 1.5 to 2 hours

The complex Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) process collaboratively creates a comprehensive intervention plan that addresses multiple settings and behaviors for students with the greatest behavioral need. The complex FBA systems team provides overarching guidance, direction, and evaluation for the complex FBA process.

The complex FBA/BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan) process assesses youth strengths, skill deficits, and the function of behavior. An individualized team comprised of family and community members as well as relevant school-based adults develops a comprehensive intervention plan that address multiple settings and behaviors.

This training will help teams:

Participants will be given opportunities for structured practice during sessions and a related assignment to complete prior to the next online session. Facilitators will learn how to establish their process including:

yy Understand the intensive/tier 3 process and the responsibilities of the systems team and individual complex FBA student teams yy Identify facilitators

yy Understanding the difference between a simple and complex FBA/BIP

yy Created data rules and a process for referral to identify the target student population

yy Fluency in the key points of a FBA yy Understanding how to link an FBA to a BIP yy Understanding that behavioral interventions need to address setting events, antecedents, consequences, and teaching of replacement behaviors in multiple environments


Building-level tier 3 team that already has a foundational understanding of universal/tier 1 and selected/tier 2. Possible team members include: building administrator (essential), external and internal coaches, regular education teachers that represent grade levels and/or content areas, special education teacher, student services professionals, specials teacher, paraprofessional, family members, and students.

yy Knowledge of additional tools to engage and gather data from students, families, team members


School personnel (two to ten individuals) who will have the responsibility of facilitating the complex FBA/BIP. FBA/ BIP facilitators must commit to facilitation with at least two students, families, and teams in the course of the school year.


yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training and Tier 2/Selected Training


yy District and building leadership attendance at the Tier 3/ Intensive Administrative Overview

yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training and Tier 2/Selected Training

yy Two years of sustained fidelity scores on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or tier 1 of Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

yy District and building leadership attendance at the Tier 3/ Intensive Administrative Overview yy Two years of sustained fidelity scores on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or tier 1 of Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

yy Use of the Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT), the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 2

yy Use of the Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT), the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 2

yy Completion of the tier 3 readiness checklist

yy Completion of the tier 3 readiness checklist

yy Approval by regional technical assistance coordinator

yy Attendance at Tier 3/Intensive Systems Team Training for Complex FBA


yy Approval by regional technical assistance coordinator



Participants should have access to information, artifacts, and documents created by the systems team, including intended capacity and data rules for inclusion in the complex FBA/BIP process.


TRAININGS Tier 3/ Intensive Systems Team Training (T100 for RENEW)

Tier 3/ Intensive RENEW Training (TR200, TR300, TR400)

For TEAMS Length: One full day

For FACILITATORS Length: Three full days

The RENEW process collaboratively creates a unique plan of interventions and supports for high school students with the greatest behavioral need. The RENEW systems team provides overarching guidance, direction, and evaluation of the RENEW process.

RENEW, a community-based process, focuses on helping youth develop a positive self-image emphasizing what a student can do versus what they cannot. Flexible, individualized, student-determined supports provided naturally in the student’s community are connected with the intention of ensuring longterm student success.

This training will help teams:

Through instruction, examples, practice, and feedback, facilitators will learn how to establish their school’s RENEW process including:

yy Understand the intensive/tier 3process, the responsibilities of the systems team, and individual RENEW student teams yy Identify facilitators

yy An understanding of the RENEW process and their role and responsibilities as a facilitator

yy Create data rules and a process for referral to identify the target student population

yy Fluency in the student engagement and futures planning (mapping) process


Building-level tier 3 team that already has a foundational understanding of universal/tier 1 and selected/tier 2. Possible team members include: building administrator (essential), external and internal coaches, regular education teachers that represent grade levels and/or content areas, special education teacher, student services professionals, specials teacher, paraprofessional, family members, and students.

yy An understanding of the process of team development and facilitation and the components needed for implementing a successful plan yy An understanding of how to convert a student’s future plan into concrete activities and progress monitoring of a student’s plan yy The knowledge of how to support youth in acquiring networking strategies to build resources.


yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training and Tier 2/Selected


yy District and building leadership attendance at the Tier 3/ Intensive Administrative Overview

Special educators, school services staff, vocational staff, and general education teachers. Potential facilitators must have a strong desire to do the work, make good connections with students and families, and have a flexibility of schedule to accomplish the work.

yy Two years of sustained fidelity scores on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or tier 1 of Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) yy Use of the Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT), the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 2


yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training and Tier 2/Selected Training

yy Completion of the tier 3 readiness checklist yy Approval by regional technical assistance coordinator

yy District and building leadership attendance at the Tier 3/ Intensive Administrative Overview


yy Two years of sustained fidelity scores on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or tier 1 of Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)


yy Use of the Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT), the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 2 yy Completion of the tier 3 readiness checklist yy Attendance at Tier 3/Intensive Systems Team Training for RENEW yy Approval by regional technical assistance coordinator



Tier 3/Intensive Wraparound (TW200, TW300, TW400)

Participants should bring the information, artifacts, and documents created by the systems team and individual student outcome data such as ODRs, attendance, and in-school and out of school suspensions.

For FACILITATORS Length: Three full days Wraparound is an ongoing family/person-centered planning process for supporting youth and families with complex needs at the elementary level. The process collaboratively creates a unique plan of interventions and supports for students with the greatest behavioral needs.

Tier 3/ Intensive Systems Team Training (T100 for Wraparound) For TEAMS Length: One full day

Through instructions, examples, practice, and feedback, facilitators learn how to establish their school’s Wraparound process including:

The Wraparound process collaboratively creates a unique plan of interventions and supports for elementary and middle school students with the greatest behavioral need. The Wraparound systems team provides overarching guidance, direction, and evaluation of the Wraparound process.

yy An understanding of the ten principles of Wraparound and their responsibilities as a facilitator yy An Understanding and the ability to articulate the four phases of Wraparound

This training will help teams:

yy An understanding of the steps necessary to design an action plan based on family and student strengths, needs, and culture across multiple life domains

yy Understand the intensive/tier 3 process and the responsibilities of the systems team and individual Wraparound student teams

yy Planning how to use data to guide decision making in student identification, progress monitoring intervention, and assessing the fidelity of intervention

yy Identify facilitators yy Create data rules and a process for referral to identify the targeted student population



Special educators, school services staff, and general education teachers. Potential facilitators must have a strong desire to do the work, make good connections with students and families, and have a flexibility of schedule to accomplish the work.

Building-level tier 3 team that already has a foundational understanding of universal/tier 1 and selected/tier 2. Possible team members include: building administrator (essential), external and internal coaches, regular education teachers that represent grade levels and/or content areas, special education teacher, student services professionals, specials teacher, paraprofessional, family members, and students.


yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training and Tier 2/Selected Training


yy Team attendance at each day of Tier 1/Universal Training and Tier 2/Selected Training

yy District and building leadership attendance at the Tier 3/ Intensive Administrative Overview

yy District and building leadership attendance at the Tier 3 / Intensive Administrative Overview

yy Two years of sustained fidelity scores on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or tier 1 of Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

yy Two years of sustained fidelity scores on the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) or tier 1 of Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

yy Use of the Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT), the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 2

yy Use of the Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT), the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) or Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at tier 2

yy Completion of the tier 3 readiness checklist yy Attendance at Tier 3/Intensive Systems Team Training for Wraparound

yy Completion of the tier 3 readiness checklist

yy Approval by regional technical assistance coordinator

yy Approval by regional technical assistance coordinator


Participants should bring the information, artifacts, and documents created by the systems team and individual student outcome data such as ODRs, attendance, and in-school and out of school suspensions.





SWIS Facilitator Training For INDIVIDUALS Length: Two and one-half days

Leadership and Coaching for RtI Implementation

The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based information system designed to help school personnel use office referral data. The data is used to create school-wide and individual student interventions and generate reports. SWIS reports play a critical role in decision making.

For TEAMS Length: Six full days

The training is intended to prepare facilitators to use SWIS and to pass that knowledge to schools in their districts. A databased decision-making model is presented. The training focuses on using SWIS, teaching others to use SWIS, working closely with schools to prepare for SWIS compatibility, and working with teams or coaches to apply a data-based, decision-making model.

This training is designed to help participating teams to move forward with the implementation of their RtI framework. Class activities include lecture and presentation of theory, reading, discussion, group and partner work, modeling and demonstration of leadership and coaching strategies, written and verbal reflection, and practice and feedback. Following the second session, participants will enroll a coaching client and conduct a minimum of five coaching sessions with the client outside of class between sessions two and six.


SWIS facilitators tend to be external coaches, but the training is open to any staff member. Individuals have been most effective if they come to training with:

This series provides administrators and teacher leaders with the skills to support schools and districts in the implementation of the Wisconsin RtI Framework, including behavior, mathematics, and reading at every level of support. Participants will:

yy A clear role and dedicated time to work with multiple schools to build capacity in the use of information to improve the local social climate yy Experience in presenting workshops or trainings to teachers and/or administrators

yy Learn and practice strategies for leading and coaching both teams and individuals for change in an RtI framework, and supporting the implementation of RtI for academics and behavior

yy Knowledge of computer word-processing and spreadsheet programs

yy Establish coaching as the capstone of a systematic, articulated professional development plan that aligns with the district’s or school’s RtI framework

yy Experience working on the development of individual student and/or school-wide behavioral support systems yy Interest in helping other people become more successful

yy Begin to understand the importance of a consistent process to gather and use data for identifying goals, determining next steps, planning and committing to action to improve systems and results



yy Provide a continuum of leadership and coaching strategies and styles in response to teacher knowledge, skills, and needs, stages of change implementation, and levels of team development


yy Identify and assess specific elements of a positive school culture that guarantee learning for all students


District or school teams of principals, district leaders, teacher leaders, instructional coaches, internal and external coaches.



yy Have an in-depth understanding of the Wisconsin RtI Framework

Building Culturally Responsive Systems

yy Have attended either the Wisconsin RtI Framework training and completed the School Implementation Review (SIR) or participated in the PBIS Tier 1/Universal training and completed the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ)

For TEAMS Length: Five full days

yy Be committed to the implementation of a coaching model as part of the district or school RtI framework

This series is designed for school- and district-based teams that are interested in addressing equity issues, becoming more culturally competent, creating culturally responsive environments, and learning culturally responsive classroom practices and strategies. The series will explore the relationships between power and privilege both in institutional and individual settings. It will also examine the subtleties within culture and diversity, as well as encourage a sense of social justice and equality.


Teams will leave with skill sets to be able to create an inclusive learning environment and develop curriculum that includes and honors the life experiences and cultures of students. Skills include: yy Examine systems, structures, policies, and practices to gauge impact on all students yy Use self-awareness skills to recognize, reflect, and work on how your own ethnicity, culture, and life experiences may affect others yy Establish crucial, data-driven culturally responsive practices within a multi-level system of support yy Validate, affirm, build, and bridge the different ethnicities, cultures and life experiences of the students as they begin to understand and learn about the expectations at school


School or district teams of three to six with representation from elementary, middle, and high school levels including grade-level teachers, special educators, instructional leaders, building administrators, and district curriculum administrators. Teams must include a district- and/or school-level administrator. Please include individuals from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds on your team. Teams should consider including a non-academic staff or a family member to bring an additional perspective.



Participants should come with their WISEdash login information, school- or district-level data such as ODRs, school or district assessments, climate survey data, mission, vision, values, and belief statements, and district or school handbooks.


Implementation Assessments

The following assessments are available to leadership teams to take or administer throughout the year to evaluate their schools’ implementation. These self-assessments help a school evaluate implementation of elements within a culturally responsive multi-level system of support for the purpose of action planning and continuous improvement. These tools, available either from the Wisconsin RtI Center or the PBIS Apps website, are free.




The name of the tool and where it can be accessed

A brief description of tool

How often and what time of year tool should be completed

Leadership teams complete the Schoolwide Implementation Review (SIR) to evaluate their system-wide implementation of Wisconsin’s RtI framework. The SIR is taken using a reading or mathematics lens and informs action planning.

Annually (per content area)

This brief survey is designed to be taken by all staff and provides an overall perception of RtI implementation within that school. The results complement those of the SIR and can be compared side-by-side.

Annually (per content area)

The Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) evaluates staff perceptions of status and priority for improvement of a positive behavioral support system. All adults that work with students are encouraged to take the survey.

Annually in the fall

The Team Implementation Checklist (TIC), taken by school teams, is considered a progress monitoring tool used during initial implementation of the universal/tier 1 level of a positive behavioral support system.

Twice a year in the fall and winter


Wisconsin RtI School-wide Implementation Review

RtI All-Staff Perception Survey

Spring, summer, or the SIR can also be taken in alignment with local annual improvement planning

Any time of year, to inform the leadership team of staff perceptions


Self-Assessment Survey

Team Implementation Checklist





The name of the tool and where it can be accessed

A brief description of tool

How often and what time of year tool should be completed

Tiered Fidelity Inventory

Taken by school systems planning teams, the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) measures the implementation of all tiers of a school-wide positive behavioral support system.


Leadership teams complete the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) to evaluate the implementation of a school-wide positive behavioral support system at the universal/tier 1 level.

Annually in the spring

The Monitoring Advance Tiers Tool (MATT) allows schools to progress monitor during their initial implementation of advanced tiers of a positive behavioral support system. Taken by teams, results are used to action plan.

Twice a year (per tier) in the fall and winter until fidelity is reached

School teams assess their system implementation of selected/tier 2 and intensive/tier 3 behavioral supports when taking the Benchmarks for Advance Tiers (BAT).

Annually in the spring

Benchmarks of Quality

Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool

Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers


Can be taken more frequently as a progress monitoring tool.

Online Modules

Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support rti-in-action/selected-intensive-2015.html. This e-learning module and collection of online tools help schools strength their selected and intensive levels of support for mathematics or reading. Teams will analyze how their system provides for student needs that extend above and below the reach of the universal level of support. Guided by a chosen area of need, learning modules increase schools’ capacity to implement their selected and intensive levels within their culturally responsive system. The e-learning module provides schools with an introduction to the process and the facilitator’s guide provides guidance around the learning and implementation of an area of need.

The Wisconsin RtI Center has a number of e-learning modules for schools and districts to access on demand. The modules allow schools to build their capacity for implementation without having to attend an in-person training or networking event.

The information provided helps schools: yy Identify key characteristics of effective, culturally responsive selected and intensive levels of support

Classroom Management for Academic Engagement

yy Use a brief needs assessment to identify an area of growth yy Determine current status, desired future, and priorities pbis-in-action/classroom-management.html

yy Use resources to create a shared vocabulary and an action plan

This series consists of six parts: an overview, a classroom teacher overview; and four modules that cover rules and routines, acknowledgement systems, consequence systems, and room arrangement through a culturally-responsive lens.

The modules are intended to support district- or school-level RtI leadership teams in their implementation. School teams that have following items will benefit most from these learning modules:

Activities in this series have been designed to be completed by individuals and/or school teams. Although the series was intended to be done sequentially, if the data shows a school’s team has a particular need, they may also use the module in sections.

yy Attendance at both the Wisconsin RtI Framework: A School-wide Approach to Implementation and Improving Your Screening and Progress Monitoring Process yy Have had a screening process in place for at least a year yy Have completed the School-wide Implementation Review (SIR) within the year

Balanced Assessment understanding-rti-a-systems-view/ balanced-assessment/ba-module.html This online module was designed to help educators and parents understand the balanced assessment system and RtI. It is divided up into four presentations, each including thoughtprovoking activities. The four presentations are: yy Introduction to a Balanced Assessment System yy Formative Assessments yy Benchmark Assessments yy Summative Assessments


ONLINE MODULES Family Engagement

This is Tier 3 understanding-rti/femodule.html getting-started/this-is-tier-3.html

Research shows that when families and schools work together, students do better academically and behaviorally. Family engagement is essential to fully develop RtI frameworks. For families, this module provides an overview on how RtI as defined in Wisconsin; for educators, it includes research-based practices that can be used to engage families in RtI.

This short module will provide you with a brief introduction to tier 3 (intensive, individualized support), as part of the PBIS framework within a culturally responsive multi-level system of support. In this webinar, you can quickly learn about tier 3 processes and explore commitment and readiness requirements in order to further conversations in your school/district.

This module answers the following questions parents may have about RtI: yy What is RtI in Wisconsin?

Use of Risk Ratio to Guide Work

yy How is RtI related to PBIS? pbis-in-action/risk-ratio.html

yy How is RtI related to the specific learning disabilities rule? yy What is my role in RtI?

Risk ratio is one way to examine the equity of outcomes between two different groups. Examining school-wide data to determine risk is one way to evaluate how well your practices are meeting the needs of your students.

yy How can I help my child succeed in a school implementing RtI? The module consists of a video, which parents and educators may watch alone or in groups. The video has two parts: What is RtI? (20 minutes), and Family Engagement and RtI (10 minutes); the two parts may be watched together or individually.

This short e-learning module: yy Defines the general principle of risk ratio and explains how it can be applied to education

There are also extensive activities provided to deepen RtI understanding.

yy Teaches you how to calculate your school’s own risk ratio using a risk ratio calculator yy Helps you to determine next steps after finding an increased risk for a particular educational outcome

This is PBIS getting-started/this-is-pbis.html This short, comprehensive e-learning module provides schools and districts with an introduction into PBIS. It outlines the basics of a positive behavioral system, including an overview of teams and trainings.

This is Tier 2 getting-started/this-is-tier-2.html This module provides schools and districts with a basic understanding of the commitments, interventions, and next steps as they prepare to begin implementing selected/tier 2 system.


Other Supports

PBIS External Coaches Forums and Networking External coaching supports are split into forums and networking sessions. The forum is a one or one-and-a-half-day, in-person regional meeting which is held annually. Two types of quarterly meetings augment the forum: half-day networking sessions are held at CESAs, and two-hour virtual meetings are held online.

Annual PBIS Leadership Conference Length: one-and-a-half days, plus optional preconference

Participants will gain:

This conference, held annually in August, provides individuals, schools, and districts with the opportunity to expand their knowledge at the universal/tier 1, selected/tier 2, and intensive/ tier 3 levels of implementation. Sessions include information about:

yy increased understanding of the roles and goals of external coaches yy increased fluency around the core components of PBIS yy improved understanding of linking PBIS to RtI for academics and the School Improvement Plan

yy Classroom systems

yy knowledge of Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) timelines and procedures

yy Databased decision making

yy practice creating action plans using Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) results

yy Middle and high schools implementation

yy Family engagement yy Enhanced implementation yy Equity yy Coaching

Time will be allotted for structured networking and exploration of resources available for coaches.



This conference is intended for school PBIS leadership team members who have already been trained in universal/tier 1

This forum is for external coaches whose district or school administrators have already attended the Administrative Overview (AS50) and completed the readiness documents.


Participants should bring artifacts, success stories, and/or data to share with other external coaches. If possible, external coaches should also bring a laptop to connect to the Internet.


OTHER SUPPORTS Networking and Technical Assistance

Wisconsin RtI E-News

Length: Partial days

This e-newsletter covers all topics related to the activities of the Wisconsin RtI Center and Wisconsin PBIS Network. This short e-newsletter contains valuable information such as what new tools are available on the websites, technical assistance opportunities, and success stories from schools implementing RtI for academics and behavior (PBIS).

Developing an enduring and integrated system of supports requires planning with a framework in mind. Academic and PBIS technical assistance coordinators will facilitate interactive sessions that support implementation of an integrated academic and behavioral system. School and district leaders will receive technical assistance and opportunities to network with peers while planning for fidelity and sustainability.

Subscribe and view archives: botnav/enewsletter-signup.html

To find a technical assistance coordinator near you, visit (for academic system support) or regional-coordinators.html (for behavioral system support).


District administrators, principals, RtI coordinators, PBIS and content area coaches, and educator leaders committed to implementing a culturally responsive multi-level system of support that addresses behavior and academics.

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A new recognized schools program is being launched in the 2016-17 school year. Visit our website for more information:

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Wisconsin RtI Center 725 West Park Avenue Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 [email protected] [email protected] The Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this website and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of 20 federal funds when copying all or part of this material.