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build trust in your brand with an influential audience. What's a project-level sponsor ... prOjeCT-level SpOnSOrShip MOb
Capture Southwest Washington An online community seeking the best of Southwest Washington in photography. About Capture Southwest Washington

How about some hard numbers?

Capture Southwest Washington is the web destination for Southwest Washington photography. A favorite spot for professional photographers, hobbyist and the general population interested in their local community, Capture Southwest Washington is set to generate massive traffic and viral buzz from a highlydesirable audience. If your brand needs exposure in front of an audience who is passionate about our area and motivated to share your message to everyone they know, Capture Southwest Washington is the perfect sponsorship opportunity for you!

If you’re not on Capture Southwest Washington yet, you’re missing out! Capture Southwest Washington projected monthly stats:

How does it work?

Capture Southwest Washington users are high-income earners, stable and influential—the type of people you want to put your brand and message in front of. A few stats about our users and their behavior:

The concept is simple: people submit their photos of Southwest Washington, then ask everyone they know to vote for their photos to help them win prizes and get published in real-world products. It’s built-in motivation for viral outreach. The community creates new community members at an amazing rate. It’s web traffic that grows on its own.

Traffic that grows on its own? How? Users submit their photos, then ask everyone they know for votes on Facebook, Twitter, via e-mail and on their own blogs. The voting aspect of the community is what makes it addicting at first, but the deep connection with community members is what keeps users coming back time and time again. Capture Southwest Washington’s projected referral traffic by source: ““ 46% Facebook/Twitter ““ 44% viral emails ““ 6% blogs/forums ““ 4% other

““ 5,000 photos ““ 200,000 votes ““ 18,000 comments ““ 12,000 visits from social shares ““ 100,000 page views

Advanced statistics tell a unique story.

““ 60% in 40+ age group (buyers) ““ 30% in 25-39 age group (social influencers) ““ 58% have income greater than $50,000/year ““ 80% have lived in the area 5+ years ““ 35% have 4-year degree or better ““ 75% own their own homes ““ 84% of visitors return to Capture Southwest Washington every day ““ 96% of their page views last 60+ seconds on Capture Southwest Washington

What sponsorship opportunities are there? We have four levels of sponsorships to offer. From short-term sponsorships to highly-targeted, integrated sponsorships, you are sure to find a sponsorship level that fits your budget and puts your brand in front of Capture Southwest Washington’s desirable audience. Turn the page to see details on each sponsorship type.


Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Capture Southwest Washington Sponsorship levels Four types of Capture Southwest Washington sponsorships

Get in touch with us today to discuss opportunities.

We’ve split sponsorships into four levels so you can pick the one that’s right for you. Below is a quick snapshot of what each type of sponsorship includes. You’ll find additional details on the following pages.

Let our advertising experts answer your questions and help you figure out the sponsorship level that fits your needs.

Key Benefits

Logo Branding/Link

Ad Impressions

Prize Attribution Available Slots Term Minimum




Photo of the Day

Dominate branding on all pages; mention as project sponsor in all promotion; (optional) prize attribution.

Highly-targeted, timely mini-contest; brand, name, bio and link on challenge page; (optional) prize attribution.

Highly-targeted; brand on category home page; large ad impression on relevant category page.

Name/link on second most-popular page; sponsorship includes all days; users return as daily destination.

Home page, plus navigation and footer on all pages

Challenge page

Category page

Photo of the Day page

Large pushdown on dashboard page (most popular page)

Large pushdown roadblock on challenge page

Large pushdown roadblock on category page

180x150 on all Photo of the Day pages



1 project-level sponsor


30-35 categories

1 sponsor

6 months

Challenge length

3 months

4 weeks

S p o n so r s h i p ta b l e

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Project-level sponsorship Build trust in your brand with an influential audience. What’s a project-level sponsor?

Sponsorship terms.

There is only one Capture Southwest Washington project-level sponsor. It’s the most exclusive sponsorship available. It puts your brand front-and-center, from the home page to the navigation, the mobile web app login screen to the footer, and every page in between. When people think of Capture Southwest Washington, they think of the project-level sponsor.

Pricing is straightforward and scales with your commitment length. Inquire about project-level sponsorship pricing today!

Project-level sponsorship details.

Project-level sponsor assets needed:

The project-level sponsorship is about associating your brand with the Capture Southwest Washington community in a deep and meaningful way. Your brand is presented as “the reason” behind the project and the primary supporter in every way. Because your brand is presented on every page, users come to know your brand and trust it. The project-level sponsorship cements your brand as a partner in the Capture Southwest Washington community.

What’s next? Getting up and rolling is a snap. Review the assets needed below and take a closer look at what’s included on the following pages.

““ Vector logo (at least 220px wide) ““ Pushdown ad (940x30 closed, 940x300 open) ““ Your URL ““ Optional prizes to award to users

What does a project-level sponsorship include? The project-level sponsorship includes: ““ Exclusive sponsorship of project. There is only one project sponsor. ““ Presenting partner, making your brand “the reason” for the project. ““ Logo/link presented front-and-center on home page. ““ Logo/link presented on the login screen in mobile web app. ““ Logo presented on the splash screen in mobile web app. ““ Integrated branding and link in navigation on every page. ““ Integrated branding and link in footer on every page. ““ Large pushdown ad on dashboard page, the “home page” for users. ““ Opportunity to supply prizes, attributed to sponsor. ““ Mention as project sponsor in all promotion of project.

P r o j e ct - l e v e l s p o n so r s h i p o v e r v i e w

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Project-Level sponsorship Integrated branding on home page.

Large Brand + Link ““ Logo and link on home page. ““ Presented as partner, front-and-center. ““ Exclusive branding spot.

p r o j e ct - l e v e l s p o n so r s h i p h om e p ag e

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Project-Level sponsorship Integrated branding on mobile web app splash screen and login page.

Mobile Branding ““ Logo on mobile web app splash screen. ““ Presented as partner, front-and-center. ““ Exclusive branding spot.

Capture Southwest Washington

Mobile Brand + Link ““ Logo and link on mobile web app login screen. ““ Presented as partner, front-and-center. ““ Exclusive branding spot.

p r o j e ct - l e v e l s p o n so r s h i p mo b i l e w e b a p p i n t e g r at i o n

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Project-Level sponsorship Front-and-center branding in navigation header and footer on all pages.

Brand + Link ““ Logo and link in navigation on all pages. ““ Presented as partner, front-and-center. ““ Exclusive branding spot.

Brand + Link ““ Logo and link in footer on all pages. ““ Presented as partner, front-and-center. ““ Exclusive branding spot.

p r o j e ct - l e v e l s p o n so r s h i p n a v i gat i o n a n d foot e r i n t e g r at i o n

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Project-Level sponsorship Large pushdown ad on dashboard, the most popular page for users.

Large ad unit ““ 940x30/300 pushdown unit, perfect to convey message. ““ Atop content on dashboard, users’ most popular page.

p r o j e ct - l e v e l s p o n so r s h i p a d u n i t o n d as h b oa r d

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Challenge sponsorship A timely, super-targeted sponsorship with an opportunity to provide prizes. What’s a challenge?

Challenge ideas

A challenge is a mini-contest within the greater Capture Southwest Washington experience which generates a lot of traffic for a particular theme or event. It’s a great way to reach a subset of Capture Southwest Washington users interested in a specific subject matter.

Challenges can feature any subject and be for any duration, which means the possibilities are endless. Below is a list of a few challenge ideas. Please call us today to discuss your challenge ideas!

Challenge sponsorship details. Challenges are timely and super-targeted. Challenges can run any length of time and be on any subject, which means starting a challenge that matches your message is as easy as can be. As the challenge sponsor you set the theme, then put your brand and message in front of active challenge participants.

““ Architecture

““ Football

““ Landmark hunt

““ Anything pink

““ Funny faces

““ Macro photos

““ Cutest baby

““ Grandparents

““ Music

““ Fair

““ Greatest garden

““ Puppies

““ Farm animals

““ High school

““ Romance

““ Flowers

““ Hot rides

““ Summer fun

““ Food

““ Kittens

““ Wild weather

What does a challenge sponsorship include?

What’s next?

A challenge sponsorship includes:

Getting up and rolling is a snap. Review the assets needed below and take a closer look at what’s included on the following page.

““ Input on challenge theme and duration. ““ Exclusive sponsorship of challenge. ““ Pushdown (pencil) ad on top of challenge page. ““ Logo, link and bio on challenge page.

Challenge sponsor assets needed: ““ Logo (220px wide)

““ Opportunity to supply prizes, attributed to your brand.

““ 100-word company bio

““ Opportunity to secure rights to photos for your use (special conditions apply).

““ Pushdown ad (940x30 closed, 940x300 open)

““ URL

Sponsorship terms. Pricing is straightforward and scales with your commitment length. Inquire about challenge sponsorship pricing today!

c h a l l e n g e s p o n so r s h i p o v e r v i e w

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

challenge sponsorship A mini-contest with your brand the featured component.

Pushdown ad (shown open) ““ Roadblock on challenge. ““ Generous space for branding and message. ““ Open on first load. ““ Sits atop challenge content. ““ 940x300 open. ““ 940x30 closed.


Header brand ““ Logo presented on challenge header image.

Sunset challenge

Sponsored by



We are a family-oriented, dedicated Volvo dealership established in 1990 on Shelburne Road in Shelburne, Vermont. Since our inception in 1961 as a Mobil Station and Renault Dealership, we have changed owners once, outgrown two facilities and two towns, and chosen Volvo as the best match to our family values and selling style. Thanks in part to the contributions of our outstanding staff, loyal customers, and the success of our thirty year partnership with Volvo, we have become a flagship dealership showcased in an award winning facility in a beautiful location.

Visit the sponsor

Integrated brand + message (shown open) ““ Logo presented atop beautiful display of targeted photos. ““ 100-word bio to communicate your mission statement or message. ““ Integrated “visit the sponsor” link to showcase your involvement in project.

c h a l l e n g e s p o n so r s h i p d e ta i l s

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

category sponsorship A targeted branding opportunity. What’s a category?

Available categories

A category a grouping of themed photos in a beautiful online display. Every photo submitted must belong to a category. Because categories are topical, each one is highly-targeted and the perfect spot for your brand.

Category sponsorships make the most of targeting. Each category is like its own vertical. We recommend sponsoring the category that is most relevant to your brand as your message will see the most user engagement if it is related to the category. Below is a list of a few categories that are available for sponsorship. Please inquire for a full list.

Category sponsorship details. A category sponsorship is a all about targeting. Each photo submitted must fall into a category. We have more than 30 categories that are perfect for sponsorships. It’s a heavily-trafficked, highly-focused spot that highlights your brand and communicates your message.

What does a category sponsorship include?

““ Architecture

““ Entertainment

““ On the Job

““ Campus Life

““ Farm Animals

““ Pets

““ Celebrations

““ Festivals

““ Plants

““ Children

““ HDR Imagery

““ Portraits

““ Cityscapes

““ Insects

““ Transportation

A category sponsorship includes: ““ Exclusive sponsorship of sponsored category.

What’s next?

““ Pushdown (pencil) ad roadblock on top of category home page.

Getting up and rolling is a snap. Review the assets needed below and take a closer look at what’s included on the following page.

““ Logo, link and bio on category home page.

Sponsorship terms. Pricing is straightforward and scales with your commitment length. Inquire about category sponsorship pricing today!

Category sponsor assets needed: ““ Logo (220px wide) ““ 100-word company bio ““ URL ““ Pushdown ad (940x30 closed, 940x300 open)

cat e go r y s p o n so r s h i p o v e r v i e w

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Category sponsorship A presentation of your brand and message in a targeted way.

Pushdown ad (shown open) ““ Roadblock on category. ““ Generous space for branding and message. ““ Open on first load. ““ Sits atop category content. ““ 940x300 open. Categories \ Landscapes \ Top Photos

Sponsored by



We are a family-oriented, dedicated Volvo dealership established in 1990 on Shelburne Road in Shelburne, Vermont. Since our inception in 1961 as a Mobil Station and Renault Dealership, we have changed owners once, outgrown two facilities and two towns, and chosen Volvo as the best match to our family values and selling style. Thanks in part to the contributions of our outstanding staff, loyal customers, and the success of our thirty year partnership with Volvo, we have become a flagship dealership showcased in an award winning facility in a beautiful location.

Visit the sponsor

““ 940x30 closed.

Integrated brand + message (shown open) ““ Logo presented atop beautiful display of targeted photos. ““ 100-word bio to communicate your mission statement or message. ““ Integrated “visit the sponsor” link to showcase your involvement in project.

cat e go r y s p o n so r s h i p d e ta i l s

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

Photo of the day sponsorship Your brand on a daily destination for folks passionate about their community. What’s the Photo of the Day?

Sponsorship terms.

Tons of photos are submitted to Capture Southwest Washington daily. The Photo of the Day is the top-scoring (or editors’ pick) photo that stood out above the rest. It’s like a daily contest within the greater Capture Southwest Washington experience and users love it! It’s a daily destination for everyone in the community and a sponsorship puts your company front-and-center.

Pricing is straightforward and scales with your commitment length. Inquire about Photo of the Day sponsorship pricing today!

Photo of the Day sponsorship details. The Photo of the Day sponsorship is unique because it revolves around a popular destination on Capture Southwest Washington. In fact, the photo of the day page is the second most visited page — second only to a user’s home page. Because the Photo of the Day page is considered the “jump off” point, your company is put in front of users on a daily (or even hourly) basis.

What’s next? Getting up and rolling is a snap. Review the assets needed below and take a closer look at what’s included on the following three page.

Photo of the Day sponsor assets needed: ““ Logo (220px wide) ““ 100-word company bio ““ URL ““ Ad (180x150)

What does a the sponsorship include? A Photo of the Day sponsorship includes: ““ Exclusive sponsorship of the Photo of the Day. ““ Sponsor name and link on top of Photo of the Day page. ““ Ad impression road block on Photo of the Day page. ““ All previous photo of the day pages included.

P h oto of t h e d ay s p o n so r s h i p o v e r v i e w

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]

photo of the day sponsorship A presentation of your brand and message on a daily destination.

Integrated brand + message (shown closed) ““ Logo presented atop content. ““ 100-word bio to communicate your mission statement or message. ““ Integrated “visit the sponsor” link to showcase your involvement in project.

Ad roadblock ““ 180x150 ad to communicate message. ““ Roadblock (100%).

P h oto of t h e d ay s p o n so r s h i p d e ta i l s

Capture Southwest Washington  ¼  captureswwa.com  ¼  [email protected]