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... Numerology offers our life, I urge you to carry out your own research online or ..... establishing ingenious methods
SUPPLEMENT TO ~ The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast with Elizabeth Peru The trusted source since 2003

YOUR NUMEROLOGY GUIDE FOR 2017: THE YEAR OF NEW BEGINNINGS Hello and welcome to the world of numbers. I find the vibration of numbers fascinating and so accurate in pinpointing the path of our life and the possibilities we will create. It’s my absolute pleasure to share with you my love of numbers in this 2017 Guide. When we look into the often hidden meanings behind numbers, we find that the universe mathematically and accurately, guides and predicts our life and year ahead. Numbers are like date stamps imprinted upon us. Particularly the day we are born. We carry the energy of the day we are born for a lifetime, and there are no mistakes about the day we choose to enter into this lifetime. We choose when we arrive, with each soul knowing that each day carries a very specific spiritual energy. We choose to work with the numerical energy that best serves our life purpose and unique path and hence, why some numbers resonate with us and others do not. We all can agree that every day feels different and it’s not just the weather or cosmic influences causing this. It is also the numerical vibration of the day that impacts us and affects how we flow with the universal energies. To help you work with this universal flow, in this 2017 Guide, we will uncover the study of numbers. I offer you my own interpretations of single digit and popular master numbers, which I have gained by studying and working with numbers on a daily basis over the past twenty years. I trust that you grow to love numbers and their hidden messages, as I do. They offer an insight into the very fabric of the universe and help explain our hidden drives and motivations as well as those of our near and dear. Knowing a person’s numbers is also particularly useful in understanding what makes us tick. I have included the basic numerology calculations in this special supplement to The Tip-Off. I have also included the most popular Life /Birth Path numbers, Universal Year as well as Personal Year Numbers. This supplement is your basic Numerology Guide for 2017. For further study and to answer your personal curiosity about the many calculations and paths that Numerology offers our life, I urge you to carry out your own research online or through books or courses. There is a wealth of excellent information to be found about Numerology. Enjoy your exploration! Elizabeth x


THE CALCULATIONS How to calculate YOUR BIRTH NUMBER also known as LIFE PATH NUMBER Add together every digit in your full date of birth. For example, if you were born on June 17, 1980, add each number together… 1 + 7 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 32 Then add each digit of the total value to get down to a single digit. For example… 3 + 2 = 5 Your Life Path/ Birth Path number is 5. If your Life/Birth Path numbers adds to a double digit (i.e. 11) then it becomes a Master Number. You then have two possible life paths, the path of your single digit number, plus the higher potential of your master number path.

MASTER NUMBERS & BEING BORN ON A MASTER DAY Double digits are considered master numbers in numerology. Their energy is amplified and thus, when your Life Path/Birth Path number adds up to a double digit, you have two options for your life path. You can live up to the demands of the master number energy or (more commonly) choose to work with the everyday challenges and opportunities of the single digit number. I have found that souls who want to push themselves, prove their worth, make a global difference and move through a lot of lessons in one lifetime, choose to be born on master number days. They love the challenge! If your Life Path/Birth Number adds up to a master number, then you should look into the meaning of both the master number and the single digit. Both will apply throughout your life, with the master number energies coming in stronger the older and wiser you become. For example, if you were born on December 5, 1965, add each number together… 0 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 29 2 + 9 = 11 (you have a master number path of 11) 1 + 1 = 2 (you also have an everyday life path of 2) Your Life Path/Birth Path is both an 11 and a 2. I suggest that you look into the meaning of both numbers. You can also look into the meaning of the number 9.


THE UNIVERSAL YEAR This is the energy that we will be living under (on a global collective level) for the next twelve months. The Universal Year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. It can be felt coming in during the final 3 - 4 weeks of the year prior. The Universal Year has an added impact on your Personal Year (which we will look at next). To calculate the universal year… Add together every digit in the year to get down to a single digit. For example, 2017 is…

2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10

and reducing to a single digit, 1+ 0 = 1 2017 is a 1 Universal Year. If the year adds up to a master number, we reduce this down to a single digit, plus we also take into account the master number. We have two universal paths (possible) for the year.

YOUR PERSONAL YEAR – WHEN DOES IT BEGIN? As the Universal Year changes every January, so does your Personal Year. Some numerologists calculate your personal year beginning on your birthday. If you find this method works for you, then please calculate your Personal Year from birth date to birth date. I personally calculate the Personal Year in line with the beginning of the Universal Year, as I find it more accurate. Hence, I suggest that your Personal Year begins on January 1 and concludes on December 31. To calculate your Personal Year, add together every digit in your day and month of birth and then add this to the universal year number. For example, if your birthday is October 21 and the Universal Year is a 1 (as it is in 2017) then add together: 2+1+1+0+1=5 Your Personal Year in 2017 is a 5. Again if you calculate a double digit as your Personal Year, then use this number as your Personal Year number along with the single digit it breaks down into. You have two paths to utilise in this year.


THE MEANINGS LIFE PATH/BIRTH PATH NUMBERS I suggest that you not only look up the meaning of your single digit or double digit Life/Birth Path number, but also the digits that make it up. For example, if you have a 35/8 Life/Birth Path, then look up the meanings for 3, 5 and 8. They will all be relevant to you. 1: The initiator. Ones are here to stand in their power and follow through with their inspirational ideas and unique, creative ability. They are born motivators, leaders, pioneers and promoters of others. Ones are the ideas people, independent, influential and inventors. They can often shy away from the limelight and allow others (they have nurtured) to take credit for what they themselves have crafted from the sidelines. This can eventually lead to Ones feeling they have not lived for themselves. Their greatest challenge is to do things for themselves and step out of their other comfort zone and be fully responsible for what they desire to create. It is also important for Ones to see anything they start through to completion. They are hugely energetic with strong mental energy and will power. They can often desire their own way and later feel sorry if they have hurt others in their need to get their ideas heard. Hence, they can come off as selfish, dominating, and moody bullies. They often don’t like to be told what to do and can become very defiant. Learning empathy for others is a growth lesson for Ones, as is standing on their own two feet and learning to be diplomatic. Meditation helps them to connect with empathy and the universal flow. At heart, Ones are the genius sparks who push us all to achieve our best. They are great to have on your side.

2: The peacemaker. Twos are such gentle, passive and peace loving souls who also have the inner depth, understanding and strength of a lion. Never underestimate a Two, they are not pushovers. Twos love sharing their feelings and information in intimate, one to one relationships. They are very psychic, tactful and are born diplomats. They can go in deep and find the psyche and what makes us tick hugely fascinating. They have a great love of nature and need to be amongst the animals and plants to feel more like themselves. Staying indoors too long damages a Twos sensitive energy field. As the peacemaker, they are often put into situations that are out of balance. Twos bring in harmony and resolution and hence, they can be born into heavy birth families with many issues and problems that the Two often feels responsible for fixing. It’s important that Twos know that their mere presence is often enough to heal people who are in discord. Some people will love Twos and others will not. There tends to be no middle ground. It’s important that Twos don’t take on the judgment of others personally. They need to cultivate a definite purpose in life. Being a peacemaker, Twos are here to stir the pot on Earth (yes sometimes we need to agitate to get to true peace). Hence, they will always be the button pushers for others, perhaps without even knowing it. They love people being healed and released from pain.


3: The performer. Threes are bright, playful, humorous, fun loving, creative and artistic individuals. Fantastic communicators, they are enthusiastic, enjoying pleasure and all things ‘entertainment’. They adore good company and come alive when in the presence of like-minded souls whom they can inspire, teach and perform for. As children they tend to be very outspoken and may continue this quality into adult years if they haven’t been told to be quiet for too long. Their greatest challenge is self-doubt. As they have so many ideas racing through them at any one time, they can become overwhelmed with what they should focus on. This may lead to them not starting what they love or having ten things on the go at once and feeling overwhelmed. This can also lead to personal uncertainty of their abilities. Yet, Threes are incredible manifestors once they learn to focus on the area that they love. They are very social and are brilliant group leaders. They were born to perform, be role models and show others how not to be afraid of self-expression. It’s important that Threes are being creative every day and saturate themselves in artistic careers and pursuits. They need to watch being critical, impatient and intolerant of others. They make excellent teachers, writers, dancers, musicians, actors and community leaders.

4: The rock. Fours are the dependable, trustworthy, dedicated and loyal souls of the light. You’ll always want a Four on your side; they will not let you down, even if it means they put themselves out. Fours are full of integrity, stability and are very practical. They are not afraid to roll their sleeves up and get the job done. Their challenge is change. Fours find change unpredictable, as they cannot control what comes next, and they like to know where they stand and what tomorrow brings. Fours are well organised and excellent at handling routine work. It is important that Fours cultivate flexibility into their life in order to bring in balance and most importantly trust in themselves and their ability. Fours are some of the most capable people around and yet they can often underplay this talent. The more Fours can take compliments and help from others, the more they realise their innate goodness and worth to the planet. Fours are known to be slow moving, stubborn and can be the biggest procrastinators. Therefore, it is advised that Fours learn to ask for help when required and know that in doing so, they help themselves to receive and they give others the chance to give back to their generosity. It’s often said that Fours make the best employees for their dedication and no nonsense approach to life. They are extremely loving and gentle souls at heart. They deserve the very best in life and need to learn how to let their hair down and just have fun.


5: The traveller. Fives love new experiences and the freedom that comes when they spread their wings and expand their horizons. “Don’t fence me in”, could well be the mantra of Fives. They are amongst the quickest witted, adaptable and easy going of all people. They take chances are wonderful motivators and are intuitive writers. The challenge for a Five is to become a leader and not just follow. It is sometimes way too easy for them to follow what is already laid out, rather than initiate, and complete tasks of their own choosing. Breaking new ground requires dedication and commitment, two words that Fives tend to shy away from. Yet, Fives are such naturally devoted souls, if they would only realise it. They would do anything, for anyone and are the first to put their hand up to help and be of service to the community. Fives are not afraid of taking risks and being daring and hence, are very flexible and great to have on the side of someone who needs help coming out of their shell. Concentration and looking at their often ‘over-indulgent’ nature can help balance bring harmony to a Five. Naturally social, they need to be around people and be traveling often. Whether they travel with their multi-faceted mind or around the globe physically, travel is all-important. Travel helps Fives be in the flow of life and experiencing different cultures, different people and different energy; this is vital to their life path. They make excellent travel writers and explorers. They encourage us all to dream big and follow the light.

6: The harmoniser. Sixes are here to bring in a higher frequency to the planet. Their overall goal in life is to connect people together, especially the family unit. Family will always be a top priority for Sixes. They are highly responsible, intuitive and they feel that it is their responsibility to bring harmony to family units and to help all people get along. Hence, they may incarnate into families that have some heavy issues to deal with. Sixes are very similar to Twos in this regard. Sixes love beautiful things and need to be surrounded in atmospheres that invoke joy and inspiration. They can often find it difficult to self-motivate with projects that require directness and a fierce determination. They will do well to have Ones or Eights near them supporting and urging them on. The greatest challenge for a Six is to know when to stop over-helping and to look out for people who act like they need rescuing, because the Six will fall for it every time. The Six can also be argumentative, stubborn and unreasonable. As a Six grows older, they learn to acquire discernment and thus, naturally create healthy boundaries in all of their relationships. The Six is a gentle soul at heart and needs to be around nature and animals to stay focused and strong. They will do well with a vegetarian diet and accepting other’s opinions that can help them grow. They make such loving and devoted friends and partners for life.


7: The teacher. Sevens love to go in deep and discover the hidden meaning and factual back up behind everything. They are voracious readers, information seekers and both teachers and students of life. They also have a strong connection with the invisible and spiritual dimensions. They are very psychic and intuitive. Their ultimate role in life is as a wise teacher who passes on the knowledge of a lifetime. They can often be reluctant of taking up this role however, choosing to be a continual learner rather than one who leads and shows the way. Sevens have a strong mental disposition and love spending time on their own. They are drawn to metaphysics and have a spiritual or religious leaning in life. In fact, they need a certain amount of alone time in which to replenish and nourish their intense inner world. The challenge for a Seven is to reach out to others for company and help when needed and to share. They tend to be independent and enjoy forming their own opinions. They can often find it difficult to work equally alongside others, as they like to take charge. It serves Sevens well to learn to listen to other’s wisdom and to form strong, healthy relationships that can support the Seven’s life path. Plus, it’s important that they learn to honour their own company. Sevens have a sensitive core and a studious, refined nature. Highly intelligent, they have strong intellects that are well balanced with colourful imagination.

8: The entrepreneur. Eights are here to work on balancing their power. They are very influential souls with a strong presence and impact on the planet. They are fantastic judges of character and are born leaders. They need to stay fit and active, as well as meditate and use their intuitive skills daily. They are very adept at working with energy and money and finances is never something they need to worry about. They are master manifestors who put in the required effort to reap their rewards. Of all the numbers, Eights tend to be best suited to self-employment and taking on managerial roles easily. It is often difficult for them to work for anyone but themselves. Career will always be a top priority to an Eight, as it is linked directly to their meaning and sense of accomplishment. Their challenge is to not doubt their creative and expressive abilities, as they instead recognise and use their natural talents daily. They often find it difficult to express love. They feel the need to be a leader and inspiration to others and hence, often put on a brave front, when really they just want to let go and have days off like everyone else. Vulnerability is therefore a challenge for an Eight, yet when mastered, it becomes a great strength. It’s important for Eights to sometimes let down their guard and allow others in to help them on their path. This way they feel appreciated and respected for their work and goodness. This is very important to an Eight, for they do put in so much integrity and loyal effort, assisting humanity to rise.


9: The artist. Nines are born healers, nurturers and peace loving souls, sensitive to energy and highly tuned with the spiritual dimension. They are naturally artistic, compassionate, idealistic, kind and they seek out lives of harmony and caring for others. Many Nines go into the health care profession and/or work within the arts and creative pursuits. They find it difficult to enter into confrontations, stand their ground and especially hard to say goodbye. A great challenge for Nines is to let go of what has been and complete their cycle. It serves Nines well to look at all completions as a celebration rather than a loss. To see all endings as a culmination of the journey they have been on, as they become grateful for how they have grown and the marked impact they have had on all of life. They can tend to get easily ungrounded, selfish and over emotional. They are often ‘old souls’ who have been to Earth many times and hence, can appear to be very wise to the ways of the world. One of the highest paths for a Nine is to become a wisdom leader for others, as they maintain healthy boundaries in all of their relationships. It’s important that a Nine learns to receive back from others without reserve. For indeed they love to give so much. They can tend to be introspective and contemplative and do well to be surrounded by a healthy lifestyle, nature and their beloved animal friends.

If your life path adds up to a 10, read the meaning for 1. You actually have a 1 Life Path.

11: The leader. The Master Number 11 has similar qualities to the One, but amplified. If you have this Life/Birth Path you should also read about the Two Life Path, which you also take on. Elevens are born to lead and serve the world as an inspiration and helper of humanity. They like to do things on a big scale and will often hold back their innate skills and gifts for many years, until they feel they can live up to their own expectations. Hence, someone with an 11 Life/Birth Path often comes into their own, the older they become. It is not until they are mature that they have the confidence and experience to give themselves over in world service. Elevens tend to be perfectionists and often do not begin something important until they think they have it just right. The challenge for an Eleven is to get their ideas off the ground using the skills and expertise they have today (which are excellent) rather than waiting until they have gained even more. They grow in experience by following through with their divinely inspired ideas and plans. They are originals and have a unique and evolved slant on life. Born leaders, they adore motivating others to their greatness. Elevens find that as they do so, they then realise their own greatness and hence fulfill their life path.


22: The manifestor. The Master Number 22 has similar qualities to the Two, but amplified. If you have this Life/Birth Path you should also read about the Four-path, which you also take on. Twenty-twos are born negotiators, who are super-diplomats and highly psychic idealists. They are natural go-betweens and are here to bring about world peace and to teach us how to diligently and consistently go about our life’s work. Twenty-twos practice patience and will wait for what they need to show up. They have innate faith and go slow and steady, making them strong manifestors. The challenge for a Twenty-two is to not take the weight of the world upon their shoulders. There is only so much they can do to assist and if they try to be everything to everyone, their sensitive energy field weakens and they can burn out from over giving. They can also tend to have an inferiority complex and be stubborn to the core at times. The Twenty-two puts others at ease and shows us that when you apply the required action with trust, anything is possible. 33: The way shower. The Master Number 33 has similar qualities to the Three, but amplified. If you have this Life/Birth Path you should also read about the Six-path, which you also take on. Those with a Thirty-three number are souls that are here for an immense challenge. They have chosen a path that requires thorough discipline and dedication to the light and work of spirit. They have so many divinely inspired ideas running through them, that they often become overwhelmed with the sheer enormity of what they feel they are here to accomplish. A Thirty-three’s goal is to walk with a foot in both worlds, fully aware from moment to moment that they are soul creating a human experience. They can become great teachers and way showers to others. They will nearly always go through and overcome often-difficult life experiences in order that they can use their life as an example to others. In close relationships they often attract those that need boosting and confidence building. They see the innate potential in all and hence, tend to focus on the goodness in others, sometimes at their own expense. Thirty-threes are here to move us and to teach us compassion, empathy and oneness. We honour and respect their path greatly. 44: The protector. The Master Number 44 has similar qualities to the Four, but amplified. If you have this Life/Birth Path you should also read about the Eight-path, which you also take on. Forty-fours have chosen one of the most evolved paths. They are eternal workers for spirit and their life is dedicated to steady and strong leadership, equality, practical achievement and building lasting structures on Earth. They are the ones that create the procedures and practical steps that others follow. Forty-fours are very aligned with The Angelics and hence justice, harmony and balance are key energies they must practice in their life. They feel the need to protect those who are innocent and will fiercely stand their ground for the betterment of humanity. The challenge for a Forty-four is to relax and let down their guard. They need to learn how to self-nurture and give back to themselves. They will often enjoy their own company and not require doting personal relationships.


THE UNIVERSAL YEAR OF 2017 In 2017 is a One Universal Year for the planet. It is ‘The Year of New Beginnings’. In a One year we are called to set down new and solid foundations that will see us through the next nine year cycle of our life. This energy affects the entire globe and adds to the influence of our personal year (see section below). 2017 will be a faster paced year for the planet than 2016 was. We will be called upon to set new strong foundations for the next ‘collective nine years’ of our life. By ‘collective’ I mean that this One energy has a universal impact. As a globe we will be working with events and situations that signal newness, growth and change. In a One universal year look to the world stage for innovation and progressive inventions in the realm of technology, arts, science, engineering and spirituality. Leadership and independence are qualities that we will be developing as a globe in 2017. It is a year that charges up the realm of our personality, which thrives on taking charge. 2017 is therefore, a year where we can expect change, movement, opportunity and challenge. In 2017 we are beginning a new human cycle and setting ourselves up for the next nine years of our life. Life moves in nine-year cycles and hence, 2017 is the opening of the circle of which the next cycle will complete in 2025. What seeds, ideas and dreams will you plant in 2017? This is a KEY and VITAL year in which to lay your groundwork. In 2017 we are looking ahead each day and creating new and cutting-edge solutions that will help us manifest our heart-felt desires. 2017 is a year where the range of possibilities is endless. It’s up to individuals to apply themselves with forward-thinking, honest and instigative action all year. We will most likely need to keep active and fit in 2017, as it’s a year that requires copious amounts of energy from us. 2017 is also a year that will bring out our pioneering spirit. I urge you to look at establishing ingenious methods for turning your entrepreneurial ideas into a reality. As far as challenges go, we will need to keep our personality in check so as we don’t become over-heated, domineering or overly aggressive in our efforts to push our ideas ahead. I suggest that this is an excellent year in which to start something new, take a risk or implement long desired changes. You can grow in prosperity, as old habits are broken and your ability to stand up and be heard as an ‘individual’ is championed. 2017 will be an action-oriented year, so ensure you eat healthy foods, get plenty of sleep and follow though with your heart’s desires. It’s going to be your year to hit the ground running!


YOUR PERSONAL YEARS Our personal year moves in cycles of nine-years, beginning with a one-year and concluding with a nine-year. The numbers one to nine, explain the entire life cycle of the human right through from inception to completion. There are 360 degrees in a circle and 3 + 6 + 0 = 9. We divide the circle in half and we get 180 degrees and 1 + 8 + 0 = 9. We divide again and we get 90 degrees and 9 + 0 = 9. We divide again into 45 degrees and we get 4 + 5 = 9 and so on and so on. There are four quadrants in a circle and 4 x 4 = 36 and 3+6 = 9 The segments of the circle represent the cycle of life. Nine is the number of culmination and it is contained within the circle being the zero itself… all potential, all giving, all knowing…

1 : In a One Personal Year we are forging new beginnings. We are putting effort into building up and growing what will develop over the next nine years of our life. It is therefore, an all-important year and requires that you set strong foundations in place. What you begin in a One-year will culminate by your Eight-year and then complete and re-set in your Nine-year, to begin again at your next One-year. The One-year asks that you to step up to the plate of your life fully and lead with inspired action. You are required to act independently and not wait for permission from anyone else. You are the one in charge this year and what you make of it therefore, is all up to you. It is a power year and one where you will be very busy. You are not just thinking about using your potential, but you are following through with it on a daily basis. Every day is a vital opportunity not to be taken for granted in a One-year. The challenge is to stay healthy, focused and fit without getting overly stressed or off your path. In your previous Nine-year, you would have completed much. You now begin again, building upon the closing off energy of the past twelve months. It’s a fresh start and the world is your oyster. Choose wisely, expand and enjoy. One Personal Year in a One Universal Year: This will be a fast-paced action inspired year of new beginnings. You’ll need to keep your fitness levels up and meditate regularly to stay in balance. Watch out for over-zealous behaviour, even though you are full of vitality and will be making great strides in bringing innovative new foundations to your life. You’ll be the one who can lead and motivate. Just make sure that you push your own projects ahead, as well as being the one shining the light for all.


2: In a Two Personal Year we are learning how to fully share and appreciate our innate worth with others. You have just come through your One-year and have set the groundwork for the next decade of your life. Now you get to develop your one to one relationships, beginning with self and extending to those closest to you. From your Oneyear, you now know yourself all the better and are ready to open up and let down your defenses, allowing your truth, vulnerability and answers to flow. In a Two-year we are the emanators of peace and harmony. You may find yourself speaking out and being drawn to situations, which require your honesty and integrity to pierce through any veils of illusion. A Two-year is also the year of partnership. You will feel a strong pull to express in deep and meaningful relationships, whether they are romantic, friendship, work or family based. Your one-to-one communication and opening up is all important. The challenge of a Two-year is to not take anything personally. You will be reaching out to the world around you therefore, your boundaries need to be strong, so you are not out of balance in your giving or receiving. The Two-year is one of walking in beauty, strength and grace. It is a year of compassion and helping humanity. Enjoy the journey. Two Personal Year in a One Universal Year: You may feel like you are going against the grain this year. On the one hand you are striving to work in close partnerships and yet on the other the cosmic energy asks you to stand up as an individual. What if you could do both and simply be your expressive self within all close partnerships? Look at balancing both work and play this year.

3: In a Three Personal Year we are focused on personal expression and taking to the stage of our life. It is a year that is very social, lively and you will be constantly on the go. Such a different energy to the previous Two-year, whereby this year you will desire to learn, grow and expand in many new and creative areas all at once. In fact, this is the challenge of a Three-year, not to get overwhelmed darting from one project to the next. It will be so easy to accept invitations and say, “Yes” to everything and you could end up feeling that you have lost your focus and meaning. The key is to follow your heart in a Three-year. You will need to think outside the box, be eclectic, free, artistic, creative and open to expressing yourself on all levels. This is a year where you break out of your shell and extend your range as an expert actor on the stage of life. The head will be learning to follow the heart and the personality will be learning to trust in the soul. It’s important that you have fun, laugh, play, dance, sing, smile and let your hair down. This is such a joy filled year to experience. Three Personal Year in a One Universal Year: You can experience a fast paced and enjoyable creative period. New friends and social situations call. Do your best to expand your horizons and be unafraid to establish your long-held passion projects.


4: In a Four Personal Year we get down and get serious. After the light and detached, playful year of Three, you now have a better idea of your range and are ready to extend yourself and lay down your roots. This is a foundation-building year. Moving slow and steady every day, with awareness and patience is key. It is an excellent year for moving home or creating a solid base where you feel in your power and at ease. If you normally cannot concentrate on important projects, this year will teach you to put your energy and efforts into forming structure in your life. You may want to go quiet and pull away from outside distractions, whilst you focus within and learn to trust and act on what is good for you. The challenge of a Four-year is not to get stuck in the mud or bored. Instead, create your own change and follow it. It is a work focused year and one where you gain a great appreciation of the manifestation process from idea to completion. You will desire integrity, honesty, loyalty and truth from yourself and all others. Dedication and devotion to what your heart and soul commands for you is all important. Follow unreservedly. Four Personal Year in a One Universal Year: You will be moved out of your comfort zone this year and it’s so good for you. Use the prevailing energy to strike out into new areas that you have only been imagining up until now. This is your year to extend your range and drop the over-controlling ways.

5: In a Five Personal Year we are breaking free, traveling, embracing change and moving at lightening speed. After your Four-year, which was slow paced and taught you the core value of your worth, you now wish to go forth and explore. You have your secure base now created beneath you. Expansion of the mind is all-important in a Five-year. Delving deeply into the esoteric side of nature fascinates you and searching for meaning will see you seeking far and wide. Therefore, travel of the mind and also physical travel to places you have always longed to visit are both well aspected. You will find it difficult to concentrate on just one thing and will probably have many ideas and projects on the go at once, similar to a Three year. Independence is key in a Five-year, as is the thirst to experience variety in all its forms. Being flexible and letting the universe work with you is vital. The challenge of a Five-year is to not burn out with too much on the go at once. It will help you to know in your heart what you love, so that when you choose from the myriad of options open to you, you will do so with a strong core and personal focus. The Five-year provides so much opportunity for growth and expansion. Enjoy yourself as you set sail and fly free. Five Personal Year in a One Universal Year: You are ideally suited to reap your rewards this year. Travel and independence are well aspected, as you ground your ideas into a firm waking reality. Take the time and effort to consider what you wish to create for the next decade of your life. Your manifesting skills are amplified in 2017.


6: In a Six Personal Year we focus on family, relationship healing and home. It is a slower paced year than the Five-year and one where we come back to our past and feel the nostalgia arise from childhood memories. If there are any unresolved issues from your childhood, associated with family members in particular, this is the year to delve in, face your past and release. This is so that you can heal, once and for all. Therefore, you are encouraged not to shy away from your feelings and emotions as they arise in a Six-year (even if they are painful), but to face them so you can be free. You will be seeking harmony and love in all things and this is your focus for a Six-year, as are healing, compassion and gratitude for what is. The challenge for a Six-year is to not become down or depressed when it appears there is so much in the way of human relations coming up for you to deal with. You are learning that you cannot control the will of others. You are only responsible for yourself. Therefore, the Six-year is a liberating one, where you boldly work through your deepest recesses. You will feel a liberation that comes only from self-knowing. Six Personal Year in a One Universal Year: This can be a year where you are working diligently to establish a newfound resolve. Family issues can be re-set and healed, as you have the determination (you may normally lack) to put prevailing conditions into perspective. If you feel the urge to make confident strides ahead, then follow without reservation.

7: In a Seven Personal Year we are on a spiritual quest. This is the year when many people wake up and go on retreat or pull themselves away from the mainstream to reflect, ponder and know the soul that they truly are. The Seven-year is one of higher learning. You may wish to develop an area of study and education that you have desired for many years. It is a brilliant year to embark upon the research and planning for a new career or life path that can further develop in your Eight-year. Many people may pull away from others and desire to be on their own. It is a year when you will learn to love your own company for the insight and peace that it brings. The challenge of a Seven-year is to balance intellect with intuition. Your search for truth will be intense and thus, it is important you learn to trust what the invisible dimension (spirit) tells you, as well as what you experience in the outer material world. You are learning that the material world is the effect created from the spiritual world, which is the cause. If you feel it is time, you can step into your role as a teacher in the Seven-year. It encourages the sharing of knowledge and wisdom. These are all attributes that a Seven-year invokes and encourages us to delight in. Seven Personal Year in a One Universal Year: This year blends in well with your deep desire to be recognised as a teacher and bringer of truth. Use your creative drive to establish a new or improved career path. Ensure that authenticity is at the heart of it all.


8: In an Eight Personal Year we are enjoying the fruits of the seeds we planted and nurtured back in the One year. This is a year of reaping your rewards and enjoying the recognition and satisfaction that comes as a result. The Eight-year is one of material and worldly success. Money and finances will be important to you and you are urged to extend your reach where both are concerned. It is a year to focus on occupation and career and an excellent one to begin or further develop self-employment and entrepreneurialism. Balance will be all-important between spiritual and physical pursuits, so make sure you stay healthy, exercise daily, ingest good solid nutrition and get ample sleep. The challenge of an Eight-year is to not lose yourself in your projects and work, at the expense of those you love. You will be working on the balance of love and power all year. It is a year where you can make incredible strides in your life and give back all of your worth to humanity. This will make you very happy, for you will feel the love and appreciation of which you know you are worthy. Eight Personal Year in a One Universal Year: You are in the flow and perfect cosmic sync this year. It’s a positive energy that you exude, so ensure that you launch and initiate all of the life enhancing and socially beneficial projects that you desire. Look for daily rewards, as you shine in your best light. Stay fit and healthy, you’ll need to keep up your strength for the fast pace ahead of you.

9: In a Nine Personal Year we are concluding what we began back in our One year. We have come to the end of a cycle and hence, this year is one of culmination, letting go and celebrating the incredible journey we have been on over the past Nine years. In a Nineyear we are embracing change. You may feel the desire to change everything at once, however, you need to go slow and at an even pace. Why? So you can really appreciate and give thanks to what you are saying goodbye to. This is an honouring year and one that will see you step into your wisdom as a wise and mature soul. The challenge of a Nineyear is to be patient. It may take you a full six-months or so until you can start acting on the newness you wish to bring in. This year you will be generating prolific ideas about the expansive and fresh life you wish to create next year, your One-year. Do your research now and start working on the plans, as your year progresses. This way you will hit the ground running, as your One-year commences. You may feel like being in your own company in a Nine-year. It is a deeply personal year, where much will be made known to you. You will uncover intimate secrets that had eluded you previously. It is a year of revelation, release, renewal and trust in the unknown. Nine Personal Year in a One Universal Year: You could find this year a bit of a challenge, in that new projects take longer to get off the ground than anticipated. Stay with it, for you are developing great discernment. Make wise choices in all that you manifest.


11: In an Eleven Personal Year we are focused on world service and developing our highest potential. I advise that you read the meaning of a Two-year, for it will also apply to you this year. In an Eleven-year you will push yourself to achieve. You will have many ideas and creative projects you wish to launch and foster. Be aware that you may strive for perfection, so don’t wait until you think you have all the cards in place. Move with what you have and the knowledge you own today. This ensures you do break ground and achieve your goals in this all-important master year. The challenge of an Eleven-year is that you may feel overwhelmed by your own potential. You may focus so much on the end product that you fail to start. It is important that you initiate and follow through and do so even without the backing of others. You cannot wait for the world to say, “Yes”. The world will be on your side as soon as you are. Therefore, go forth and share your unique ideas with the planet. We will enjoy being inspired by your light. Eleven Personal Year in a One Universal Year: This is a powerful year of heightened ‘new beginnings’ for you. With so many ones impacting upon your path, you will be in the perfect position to develop a steadfast and independent approach to all that you touch. This year is all about you forging ahead, rather than being there for everyone else. The irony is that when you focus on your heartfelt desires, you automatically do help the collective whole.

22: In a Twenty-two Personal Year we are building up strong foundations and mastering the physical realm. Your influence when turned to maximum will help improve the quality of life for all on an expansive scale. I advise that you read the meaning of a Four-year, for it will also apply to you this year. In a Twenty-two year we are moving at a slow and steady pace and are extremely dedicated to the task at hand. It is not always an easy energy to navigate, as it asks for much dedication and commitment on your part, to the cause of your heart. Follow through is all-important, as well as giving yourself continual credit for all the hard work and energy you are putting in. The challenge of a Twenty-two year is to not give up when the going gets a little tough. It may seem that you are out on your own at times and that people do not understand that you are just trying to help and assist to make their lives easier. Stay true to your path. You are building up structures of great, power and worth. You must therefore; passionately stay fixed upon your vision, if others are to eventually see life through your eyes. This is a year that will test and grow you all at once. Embrace it and love the qualities that you discover, at the core of your soul. Twenty-two Personal Year in a One Universal Year: In many ways you will need to be steadfastly loyal to your cause in 2017. You could find that for every step forward you need to pause and assess your direction. Take a solid approach to all that you begin. Continually look to the bigger picture, as this year you create the infrastructure, which sees you, flourish over the next nine years and beyond….


33: In a Thirty-three Personal Year we are living in the light, for the light and of the light. I advise that you read the meaning of a Six-year, for it will also apply to you this year. Communication and personal expression are both key energies you are working with. It is a year where your psychic capabilities are turned onto high and it is important that you trust yourself, follow and act on your inner voice, instinct and intuition on a daily basis. Action will be necessary, lest you fall into a depression, thinking that you are not worthy of the life you know is calling to you. You are walking with a in between worlds, the spiritual and the physical and you know it. The challenge of a Thirty-three year is to begin implementing your inspired ideas. Your confidence in what you have to offer the world rises, as you act on what you love. Go one step at a time and do so everyday for fine results. Meditation and connection with spirit is vital in a Thirty-three master year. It is a year where your thirst for spiritual knowledge and education is high. You can also step into to the role of spiritual teacher, something you are brilliant at this year. You have had so many life lessons and now you get to share them with the world. Thirty-three Personal Year in a One Universal Year: You will enjoy the added emphasis that the one-year adds to your internal confidence. Where you may normally question your next move, this year you can step ahead trusting that the universe supports your ideas. Take the initiative that you may normally hold back on and express your spiritual drives with gusto. Stand your ground and act on what you believe in.

44: In a Forty-four Personal Year we are the master manifestors. I advise that you read the meaning of an Eight-year, for it will also apply to you this year. This is a strong and physical year. You will be called upon to be the rock and champion of those who will benefit from your philanthropical integrity, leadership and courage. It is a year of balancing power. You will need to be very aware and acting in the highest good with every step that you take. The challenge of a Forty-four year is to stay grounded whilst at the same time stretching your personal limits. It is a year of building up great structures of worth in your life, particularly if they benefit humanity. Forty-four years bring out our highest morals and the justice seeker within. You will be strongly guided by The Angelic realm in a Forty-four master year. It is a year of mastering your intellect with your intuition. A year you will grow into and magnificently, never forget. Forty-four Personal Year in a One Universal Year: This year helps you to lay the important groundwork on projects that can benefit many and are dear to your heart. You will experience increased energy levels in 2017 and be able to launch into creative pursuits, which require flexibility and a good amount of personal trust.