Your Guide to Personal Alchemy: [PDF]

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When stripping away old BS that is resulting in dis-ease, having a trusted guide to midwife your Spirit and some amazing worldly and ..... of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your ...
Your Guide to Personal Alchemy: How to Heal Your Body, Life, & Relationships With the Chakra System, Elixir Recipes, & Plant & Mineral Energies

Devon Ray Battaglia, MS,NC,RYT

Holistic Life & Wellness Mentor, Earth Medicine Intuitive,

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~Alchemist, Devon Battaglia, MS, NC,Catalyst, RYT ~ ~ [email protected] Shadow Dancer, Mystic

Hello Beautiful Soul,

My purpose in creating this guide is to inspire you to look beyond the surface level of your challenges, to rethink everything you know about healing, and to empower you to integrate your physical experience with your subtle, energetic, “unseen” aspects. In my work, along with a variety of other tools, I use the chakra system as a way to organize, heal, and understand the connections between your “real world” or three-dimensional existence and your more intangible facets. It is imperative to remember that the subtle creates the gross and to allow this to become a sort of guiding mantra for your life. This guide includes a very brief overview of the seven main chakras and ailments associated with each, as well as affirmations, healing practices, and an elixir recipe that uses both herbal and energetic forms of plant medicine. More on Flower Essences More on the different forms of plant medicine Cultivating Whole Being Nourishment in our lives means each level of our being is deeply satisfied and well fed. This goes way beyond food. Feeding ourselves holistically and integrating our four bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) results in sustainable, aligned, and authentic living, health, and relationships. The way to deepen into this practice is to become engaged in an ongoing process of personal alchemy, wherein we allow the “wounded” parts of ourselves to receive and make ecstatic love with our Higher Selves.

What does all of this mean exactly? We cease the internal battle, quit subconsciously choosing to struggle, embrace challenges as invitations for transformations, and find integration within. Everything becomes a gift. Take your time with this guide. Review the sections that resonate with you for your current challenges, experiment with the elixirs, and take the time to answer the Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst questions. Please share your experiences with these practices and magic potions and ask any questions you may have in the Facebook tribe and be sure to tag @InnerSparkLife on Instagram. As always, be sure to speak with your own trusted health resources before introducing new herbs into your life and don’t hesitate to reach out to me to share or ask anything!



© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

I’m Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT and I am a Nourishment Guide + Earth Medicine Intuitive + Mystic empowering people to transmute pain into purpose and find sustainable transformations in the areas of health, life, relationships, and spirituality. My clients receive a breadth of knowledge, passion, and experience through my unique approach that draws from both Western science and ancient metaphysical wisdom. Warning: Embodying your authentic essence may result in living with greater ease, vitality, self-responsibility, self-love, self-mastery, self-trust, purpose, integration, discernment, and joy. Proceed at your own risk.

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

The Chakra s Simplified

Attempting to “treat” dis-ease with surface fixes is like scooping water out of a boat with a hole in the bottom. Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to patch the hole rather than to continually scoop water? However, we’ve become so disconnected from our innate healing abilities and from our own energetic flow, we’ve turned into perpetual scoopers!

I use Chakras as a way to energetically organize and heal our lives. They represent our Soul’s journey and developmental process as our physical body has a spiritual experience. Chakras can be thought of as an embodiment of Spirit in human form as it learns to cocreate with matter and come into right relationship with living a human life. Throughout our experiences, events occur that result in “woundings.” Out of protection and selfpreservation, we develop compensatory armors and coping mechanisms that hinder the flow of energy in the physical and stifle the continued maturation process. We take on personas, habits, beliefs, etc. that stem from an original wound. Since the subtle creates the gross, these energetic imprints manifest on the physical level in our 3D experience (our bodies, lives, and relationships) and dis-ease results. Whether or not you “believe” in the chakras is totally up to you. However, their representations, their correspondences, their needs, their manifestations, and the entire system is quite brilliant and bulletproof. When we embark on a journey of awakening and decide to “patch our own hole,” so to speak, having guidelines and tools is helpful. After all, we’re learning an entirely new way of being; actually, it’s more like we’re learning how to simply “be” for the first time. The chakras simply provide a framework for our organic development, our rebirth, our natural maturation process. When stripping away old BS that is resulting in dis-ease, having a trusted guide to midwife your Spirit and some amazing worldly and energetic resources is pretty non-negotiable.

That’s why I’m here, lover, and I bring the gifts of Earth to support you! © Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Root Chakra – Energetics & 3D Stability, safety, and grounding


It all begins here. Literally every ailment imaginable begins with the Root Chakra and adrenal glands. Trying to build a nourishing life without a healthy root is like building a house on quicksand. When we first incarnate our physical form, we need assurance that it is safe to do so. Our root chakra is our place of stability, safety, and grounding. Our basic, primal human needs govern this energetic area of our bodies. When our root is deficient feelings of greed, gluttony, anxiety, insecurity, mistrust, and hypersensitivity may become apparent. A strong root chakra is key to our health overall. The adrenal glands energetically correspond with this area of the body and arguably every challenge we experience in our bodies, lives, and relationships have their roots in stress and wonky adrenal glands. Spending lots of time in a state of “fight or flight” is the quickest way to having your health and life suffer. For many of us, however, it’s all we’ve ever known – either on a subtle or overt level. In many cases, this is ancestral is the product of events that occurred way before we were even born. More on that here. Adrenal issues, as well as most cases of thyroid conditions and reproductive challenges, begin here. And as stated previously, wonky, overtaxed adrenals and deficient root chakras are the quickest way to ensure ill-health. If you take nothing else from this guide, please remember to always nourish your roots.

Affirmation for the Root Chakra:

“I am safe. It is safe to be here. I have the right to be here. I am safe in my own skin. The Earth holds and nourishes me. I love my body and trust its wisdom.” Healing Practices: Earthing, dance, exercise, embodiment practices, yoga, self-massage/ abyangha, hands-on self-healing (click for guided practice)

Elixir to Ground:

1c warm milk of choice (dairy, nut or seed) 1/4t Ashwagandha 1/4t Cordyceps 1/4t Shatavari pinch of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg ½-1t Organic Raw Honey 1T Organic Coconut Oil 2-4 drops of Red Cedar Essence – deeply grounding and restorative essence that imparts a sense of safety and rest to a weary soul Blend and enjoy! Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst: What does “safety” mean to me and feel like in my system? How safe do I feel in my body, life, relationships? What are my biggest fears? Do I listen to my body’s messages? What is my relationship with: food, my mother, my body? Am I experiencing any physical dis-ease in this area of my body? © Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Sacral Chakra – Energetics & 3D Applications Thi s area house s our creative life force.

Our ability to receive, to discern, and to engage in the rhythms of Nature are governed by this area. Our literal and metaphorical waters, lunar energies, and emotional intelligence also correspond with this area. It’s no coincidence that it also houses our reproductive organs! In the body, signs of an imbalanced sacral chakra may look like challenges with reproductive organs, menstruation, urinary system/ kidneys, and low back. Feeling creatively constipated, emotionally over or under-expressive, and feelings of guilt and shame. Our second chakras are often wounded from betrayals of some kind throughout our lifetime that result in us internalizing guilt and shame, rather than expressing our hurt.

Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra:

“I have the right to feel. Life is pleasurable. Creativity is my birthright. My feelings are sacred teachers and I extract information from them. My sexuality is sacred.”

Healing Practices: Creativity and expression of all kinds, Emotional Freedom Technique/”tapping,” expressive arts therapy, pleasure, being in water, moonbathing, honoring the moon

Elixir to Awaken Creative Life Force:

1c warm milk of choice (dairy, nut or seed) 1/4t Ho Shu Wu 1t-1T Cacao 1/2t Maca 1T Organic Coconut Oil 1-2t maple syrup 2-4 drops of Orange Hibiscus Essence – shifts blockages from second chakra, returns us to a childlike place of innocence and ample creativity with a clean slate Blend and enjoy! Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst: What is my relationship with my creative power and sexuality? How well do I know my own boundaries and do I honor them with myself and others? Do I express my feelings with fluidity? Am I holding onto any guilt or shame? If so, is it mine and how may I begin to transmute it? Am I experiencing any physical dis-ease in this area of my body? © Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Solar Plexus Chakra – Energetics & 3D Applications Our courage, will, and identity a s sovereign individual s

In the body, an imbalanced solar plexus chakra can manifest as digestive problems, absorption issues, diabetes, insulin resistance, blood sugar dysregulation, hypertension, liver/gallbladder system disorders, muscular disorders, and chronic fatigue. Being a type A personality with manipulative tendencies, angry outburst, and a competitive nature are signs of an overactive solar plexus chakra. On the other extreme one may appear as being a “pushover,” easily manipulated, poor self-discipline, and unreliable. Experiencing times of powerlessness, particularly early in life, and/or having overbearing caretakers can result in feeling weak-willed and unsure about one’s authentic identity. Additionally, any unresolved wounding to lower chakras makes it difficult to fully assert ourselves. Think about it. If you don’t feel safe on some level, it’s going to be a lot harder to feel like a courageous, sovereign individual. The subtle imprints again create the gross 3D experience of our lives.

Affirmations for the Solar Plexus Chakra:

“I have the right to autonomy and to know my personal power. I balance my will with the will of others. I can express my power. I am a sovereign being.” Healing Practices: Lots of core work, vigorous exercise, risk taking (deficient), ample reflection time and self-inquiry

Elixir to Focus, Ignite, Supercharge:

1c warm milk of choice (dairy, nut or seed) ½-1t Matcha 1/4t Lion’s Mane 1/4t Rhodiola 1T Organic Coconut Oil 1t coconut sugar 2-4 drops of Dandelion Essence – just like the energies of spring, this happy yellow flower in her essence form provides a spring in your step and deep core energy Blend and enjoy! Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst: How autonomous do I truly feel? Do I have a solid sense of my individuality outside of my roles? Do I carry old, possibly ancestral shame or anger? Do I allow my will to be determined by outside sources, such as society, my family, etc.? Do I often feel like a “victim” or that I am “powerless” in my life? Am I experiencing any physical dis-ease in this area of my body?

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

“The first three chakras deal primarily with our humanity. The heart is our integration point where everything begins and ends; where our base human parts meet spirit and vice versa to become the integrated whole that is our life experience. The upper three chakras develop in the later parts of our life (adolescence and into adulthood). In keeping with the house analogy, a beautiful maturation process is going to unfold and continue unfolding when our foundation is healthy and solid. If we have unresolved issues in our lower chakras, there will most likely be energetic and/or physical issues with the higher ones.”

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Heart Chakra – Energetics & 3D Applications Our ability to love and to give and receive it.

The heart is such a miraculous creation. It beats in a pure, sacred, primal rhythm and never gives up on us until the very end. Physically, ailments with the heart, lungs, immune system, and blood can signify an imbalanced heart chakra, as well as tension in the shoulders and upper back and chest. Have you noticed when you’re feeling depressed or perhaps have experienced heartbreak how your shoulders curl towards your heart? This is a way of protecting and also closing off this physically and energetically vulnerable space. The best way to heal? Love. Additionally, greediness, jealousy, codependency, depression, lack of empathy, being antisocial, and isolated may also suggest an imbalanced heart chakra.

Affirmations for the Heart Chakra:

“I have the right to love and be loved. I act from love. I honor and love myself. There is an infinite supply of love.” Healing Practices: Volunteering, breath work, tapping at the heart center, playing with children or animals, expressive arts and movement centered around the chest and arms

Elixir to Open The Heart:

1c warm milk of choice (dairy, nut or seed) 1c brewed Chamomile Tea 1/4t Reishi 2 dates 1/4t Bacopa 1T Organic Coconut Oil 2-4 drops Pink Rose Essence – reconnects us to our sacred, heart-centered ways of being where every action, thought, and word stems from love. Blend and enjoy! Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst: Do I allow myself to receive love? Do I view the world as a loving place in general? Do I love myself? Do I have a difficult time with intimacy and vulnerability? Am I experiencing any physical dis-ease in this area of my body?

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Throat Chakra – Energetics & 3D Truth speaking and expressing


When we feel safe in our skin, are in touch with our creativity, recognize our sovereignty, and are able to discern through the heart, we are inevitably able to fully express ourselves. Physically, imbalances in the throat chakra may manifest as thyroid challenges, voice issues, jaw and mouth challenges, teeth grinding, or tension headaches. I see this a lot in my female clients. When there’s a resistance to express, when we knowingly stifle our truths or hold back, we are literally swallowing toxicity. Expression is a way of detoxing ourselves, especially on the mental body level. Poor expression of self, withholding one’s truth, fear of speaking or talking too much without listening, gossiping, and interrupting others frequently can suggest an imbalanced throat chakra, as well.

Affirmations for the Throat Chakra:

“I speak my Truth. I am heard. My voice is necessary. I express myself with clear intentions.” Healing Practices: Singing, primal screaming, chanting, automatic writing, inversions, heavy falling-out breaths

Elixir to Nourish the Voice:

1c brewed peppermint tea 1-2t Honey Pinch of ginger 2-4 drops Snap Dragon Essence – helps us to hold our ground, stand in our power, and express ourselves from a place of grace, ease, and firmness. Blend and enjoy! Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst: How well do I communicate with others? Do I listen and speak when necessary? How do I feel about expressing my truth, needs, and boundaries? What needs to be said? Am I afraid of public speaking (either with a live, physical audience or virtually such as doing Instagram stories or Facebook lives)? If so, why? Am I experiencing any physical dis-ease in this area of my body?

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Third Eye Chakra – Energetics & 3D Applications Intuition, visions, dreaming our reality into existence.

Our third eye is our place of insight. It’s where we receive divine guidance, intuitive knowing, and visions for our lives. In the body, sleep disturbances, excessive dream activity or no dream activity, headaches, and vision problems may suggest imbalances. Being “up in the clouds,” spacey, scattered, having an inability to believe in and receive divine insight, not trusting one’s intuition, or having a lack of imagination can signify imbalances in the third eye chakra. Children are highly imaginative and tend to be much healthier than adults. This isn’t a coincidence. When we’re actively engaged with our liminal space and have a strong connection with our intuitive wisdom, everything else in life flows with more ease and synchronicity. However, finding this place requires a great deal of trust and surrender. It’s quite difficult to trust and surrender with unresolved wounds or unprocessed experiences that are stagnating energies in lower centers of our being. In more scientific terms, the HPA Axis (hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal axis) comprise the 6th, 7th, and 1st chakras respectively. When our root is unable to communicate with our crown and third eye, disturbances along the channel follow and other endocrine glands are impacted.

Affirmations for the Third Eye Chakra:

“I have the right to see. I trust my intuition. I see all things with clarity. I am open to the wisdom within. I can manifest my vision.” Healing Practices: Sun gazing, developing one’s intuition, work with divination tools, meditate, pray, art therapy, dream work, guided meditations, shamanic journeys

Elixir to Receive Divine Insight:

1c brewed gotu kola and tulsi tea 1t goji berries 1t acai powder 1t schisandra berries 1t honey 2-4 drops Sage Essence – helps us to derive wisdom from our experiences and to translate our intuitive messages into grounded information. Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst: Do I feel connected to my intuition? How can I live more intuitively? Am I open to the wisdom I hold within and the belief that I can manifest my vision? If not, why? Am I able to recall my dreams? Do I extract information from them? Am I able to visualize things with ease? Am I experiencing any physical dis-ease in this area of my body? © Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Crown Chakra – Energetics & 3D Applications Clarity, stillness, unwavering grace.

This is our place of our most pure and highest self, our infinite expansive nature, and our ability to live fully and integrated as human and Spirit. Physically, issues with the brain and cognitive disturbances may suggest imbalances. Being overly spiritual at the expense of one’s 3D experience or being cynical, rigid, dogmatic, or apathetic towards spirituality may also signify imbalances in the crown chakra. Many in the new age-y scene tend towards “spiritual bypassing” where everything is cheery, elevated, and expansive and we’re all striving towards “enlightenment.” This is absolutely part of the equation, but only half true. The other side of the coin is that we are in human bodies. These bodies are our vehicles to reach this state. Underneath it all, we already are pure, expansive, enlightened, etc., and these bodies are having the experiences. In the bodily experiences, there are lessons for us to integrate in a collaborative game called life as a human. We simply cannot bypass to the “good stuff” because it’s all neither good nor bad. It all just simply is. Begin at the root, work your way up, repeat.

Affirmations for the Crown Chakra:

“I am still and I know. The world is my teacher. I am guided by Spirit. Information I need comes to me. I trust the flow of the Infinite.”

Healing Practices: Developing one’s spirituality, studying sacred texts, spiritual practice (deficient), physical body work (excess), meditation

Elixir to Know & Be:

1c Milk of choice (dairy, nut or seed) ½-1t Raw Organic Honey 1/2t Passionflower 1/2t Valerian Root 1/2t Lavender 2-4 drops of Passionflower Essence – helps us to attune to higher frequencies of being so that our Spirit Self is more clearly living through our physical bodies. Embodied Inquiry as a Transmutation Catalyst: What beliefs do I carry that prevent me from fully embodying my Higher Self? Where in my life am I overly attached to something that’s no longer serving me – a belief, habit, relationship, food, etc. Am I open to a power greater than myself? If not, why? Am I experiencing any physical dis-ease in this area of my body? © Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

It i s important to use high quality herb s and I have included some suggestion s for purchase: Sun Potion Four Sigmatic Mountain Rose Herbs Desire more focused, specific guidance? It would be an honor to walk with you. Let’s schedule a complimentary Discovering Your Embodied Essence Session and learn more about each other.

Stay tuned for upcoming group offerings to support your journey

InnerSpark, LLC offers the content, products, and services herein to educate potential and actual clients on nutrition, holistic wellness, and healthcare issues that may affect their daily lives. You acknowledge and agree that you should not consider or use the content, products or services as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This site and its services do not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. Moreover, you should not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because you have read content provided on this website. Specifically, you are advised and urged to always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding your personal health or medical conditions. InnerSpark, LLC does not represent or warrant that any particular service or product offered on this website is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. THE CONTENT, PRODUCTS, AND SERVICES ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. INNERSPARK, LLC DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR ENDORSEMENTS WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR NONINFRINGEMENT, OR THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) WITH REGARD TO THE SERVICE OR ANY MERCHANDISE, INFORMATION OR SERVICE PROVIDED THROUGH THE SERVICE. INNERSPARK, LLC MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO THE RELIABILITY, ACCURACY, USEFULNESS, OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT, PRODUCTS, AND SERVICES. INNERSPARK, LLC WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ACTION TAKEN BY YOU OR ANYONE ELSE IN RELIANCE UPON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED THROUGH THE SERVICE.

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]

Devon Ray Battaglia, MS,NC,RYT

Holistic Life & Wellness Mentor, Earth Medicine Intuitive, Alchemist, Shadow Dancer, Catalyst, Mystic

© Copyright 2018 InnerSpark, LLC ~ Devon Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT ~ ~ [email protected]